DEAR GOD: Follow Your Plans & Path Even When Outside of Comfort Zone~


Jeremiah 29:11-13 

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.



The Lord is faithful and good and He wants what’s best for all of us., and the question then becomes;   “How does He show us that He wants the best?”  The answer— by and through His Word.  He has given us His love and instructions in the Holy Bible…an informative and comprehensive guide for each of us, His children.

Book after book, verse after verse, describes in detail through individuals chosen by God to do His will, and be vessels for His purpose, establishing His commandments and the outcome for doing His will, as well as the outcome for “not” following His will.  The Old testament is obviously before Christ, but is important to this day, establishing a continuity that ties all the way up to Christ’s death and resurrection, and finishing with Revelation, of times that had happened, and will happen at the end times, and also for eternity.

When we get to know our Father through His powerful Word, and meditate on Him, and spend time with Him daily, we are able to ascertain His plans for us.  Sometimes those plans are clear and undeniably precise, at times they can be cloudy and seem hard to understand, and still other times, we can feel “outside of our comfort zone” with where God is placing us.  This is when we need to trust Him fully, and know that where He leads us, and the path in which He puts us on is the absolute best possible scenario for us, His children.  He wants us to be with Him for eternity, and sent His Son to establish that covenant with us, that “those who choose to believe and accept Christ as their Lord and Savior shall spend eternity” with our Father in Heaven.

Reach out to the Father, ask Him to do His will and He will oblige and be only too glad to show you.

Read His Word, and learn of the sacrifices and trials that chosen individuals went through.

Meditate on His love and experience the assurance and peace that stems from this knowledge.

And go forward in applying His will and purpose for Your life, and if it is outside your comfort zone, so be it, it is for your benefit and for His glory.

“Father God, thank You for Your love and guidance in our life, and for Your faithfulness in all of Your children since the beginning of time, You alone are in control, and You alone are the sole purpose of our existence, shine Your light into the darkness Lord, and wash us clean with Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.” 



  1. Glynis Alfredo-Johnson says:

    He is who we always should check in with for everything we do and are about to do.
    Jesus tells us not to worry in Matthew, “dont’ worry about tomorrow” well we should be concerned with here and now and that is to ask the LORD for all we do every single day and clear it with Him. When we do that we ar able to go and be what we should be and all that we can be is because He wants us to do well. Amen.

  2. Robin Gavelen says:

    He is in love with us and we are in love with Him and when we follow Him we will be blessed forever here and hereafter.
    Amen in Jesus beautiful name.

    • C D SWANSON says:

      So in love with HIM! And, yes…we are blessed to have Him love us and blessed to be able to love Him back. But, God loves us so much more than we can ever imagine.

  3. Phyllis Y says:

    Praise the LORD and His word and His love for each and everyone of us. I know that when I follow Him and the way He wants me to go and walk, I’m in a much better place and I do have peace. When I ignore an do what I want to do it’s usually not the right thing and I don’t have no peace but I have upset things instead.

    The Father above is great and the best for all of us.

    God bless all of you who are one in Christ

    • C D SWANSON says:

      So true! Always in a better place when we walk with HIM an HIS WORD and HIS WILL. Peace of mind verses chaos. Peace = Christ Chaos = Enemy
      Love = Our Father in Heaven.


    • C D SWANSON says:

      Best Sellers list since forever and still growing! My favorite book of all time, it doesn’t get any better than HIS WORD! AMEN.

  4. Winston Cavelier says:

    We should always follow His will in everything no matter how scared we are about changing our routines or how uncomfortable we feel if its something new. We just have to know when its God speaking and not the enemy which will try to tempt and lure us with seductive and nice feelings which our flesh responds to!

    Bless you

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Yes, following HIs will undeniable and without fail will and can only lead to our happiness entrenched in His love.

  5. Lynne says:

    Such a beautiful teaching. Some of my favorite devotionals from you are the ones in which it feels like your teaching directly to your readers even though, you may be comforted by your musings as well. Thank you for imparting peace. Thank you Father for this glorious piece.

    • C D SWANSON says:

      Good to see and “hear” your words, thank you so much, I feel blessed to see the devotionals give witness to others.
      I appreciate you stopping by. You have a beautiful heart and love for the LORD…and your gift and talents are many through the LORD.

      May He continue to guide you and touch you through His words and His love.

      Continue to shine your light Lynne,

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