There is evil all around us in the world today, as there was yesterday, and will be tomorrow, and problems can arise if we allow it. How can that happen? Very easily, and one of which would be to allow your hearts to “harden” and not let the peace of the Lord reign in your hearts.
How can we perpetuate the peace of God in our hearts you ask? It is complex, yet simple at once…Stay in His word, live by His word, and live as a constant example of Jesus Christ, which stands for love.
It is so easy to get caught up in the world, we cannot help but be exposed to the “elements” in terms of behavior and lifestyle. It is a constant source of “battle” in the mine fields of life, but when we are equipped, and have the wisdom of the Lord and Peace in our hearts; we can face any adversity and be victorious each and every time. The weapons that the Lord gives us, are our infinite tools of destruction for the “enemy.” The battlefield of our mind is treacherous most times; but a true Christian with unwavering faith, will attest that “God’s word and His presence” are the only things we need in order to survive in this world today.
I am very fortunate to be a part of a “Christian Volunteer” organization that represents a myriad of non-profit charities, and research centers. As a volunteer, I have been blessed to offer my services for various divisions of this worthy, and God controlled organization. One is Hope Match, which is amazing in itself, God Bless Erin Blackmore who is doing God’s work and shining her light.
The newest is a research center of Childhood cancers. I was honored, and so blessed to be a part of a calendar which is a tribute to a girl named Melanie. She drew pictures and called them “Flower People” with her idea being, “People are like flowers.” Well, she always wanted to be famous, and so this organization decided to do this calendar in her memory. Unfortunately she is no longer with us. However,she is rejoicing with the Father now as one of His beautiful angels.
I was humbled when asked if I would write the accompanying words to each picture representing a month. I was overwhelmed, but being led by God, I found the words for each picture. And, the family approved it…I pray that Melanie is pleased, and that the calendar raises funds for the cause of finding cures in childhood cancer. And may the people involved with this venture be eternally blessed.
The message is this – with all of the evil in the world; how refreshing is it to know that organizations existthat are solely following God? Organizations led by God for the purpose of promoting the well-being and betterment of individuals overall? Isn’t it a beautiful thing to see and hear about? That goodness is, and always will prevail over the evil in this world? That we, as Christians can offset the darkness and shine the light in full force?
So, when you are down in the dumps, or have reached the end of your rope and feel like things cannot get any worse…Search for the Lord’s peace within your hearts, and download His word. He is the antithesis of evil, and my brothers and sisters, evil has no where to hide when God is around.
Our abilities have no boundaries with God as our force, as our guide, as our light, and our Gerneral. Although times may be difficult, and we fall short of perfection as we walk within our flesh bodies; God is there at all times to bring you to a peaceful solution for all of life’s concerns. The inertia of our common ties of society can be emphasized in proportion to the task at hand. However, only with God’s help.
Forgive readily, help others with fierce sincerity, and open your hearts freely and unconditionally…And, finally, stay in His word, these are the crucial tools of living in our world today, until Christ returns and wipes out evil forever. Amen~
Phillippians 4:7 NKJV “and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.”
My Dear Friend
“Thank you for your message today”
We need to learn and know about Gods Weapons
That is available for us! “By His Holy Spirit”
I was reading where you’ve shared below
And How True it is:
The weapons that the Lord gives us, are our infinite tools of destruction for the “enemy.” The battlefield of our mind is treacherous most times; but a true Christian with unwavering faith, will attest that “God’s word and His presence” are the only things we need in order to survive in this world today.
Pray that your message will help many!!
God is Our Peace….
If the enemy can rob us from God’s Peace from our lives,
Then he truly has our mind!!!
Ps 29:11
11 The LORD will give strength unto his people;
The LORD will bless his people with peace.
John 14:27
“Peace I leave with you, My Peace I give unto you:
Not as the world gives, give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid”
Eph 5:20
20 Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father
In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;
Love In Christ
Dee Mills
Hello Dee,
I love the scriptures you have added in reference to my latest post. Thank you! I am so pleased that you are contributing with your comments and thoughts…It is beautiful sharing the word with others, especially good friends. God’s Blessings and Peace to you always~