Dear God: Christians Love You and Your Word~


Psalm 119:105 NKJV " Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

I was in church this past Sunday, and while sitting with my husband and friends- I looked around and realized how many people are hungry for our Father’s words.  It was never so apparently clear as it was this past Sunday.  I have always known that people were hungry but this week was different.  There were “new people” who came in, friends of friends, visitors and some “walk-ins” half-way through the service.

Sherri-Ann Brown was the preacher, a gifted and talented young woman – filled with God’s anointing.  She is a Doctor, and an evangelistic Angel.  She has gone through the inner cities of tough neighborhoods, and most recently in Philadelphia.  She accomplished so much within her time there, going door to door, knocking on over a thousand doors- and was able to get into about 500. 

She helped diagnose patients, contributed to their overall physical flesh bodies, but tapped into their spirits as well.  The hungry wanted to be “fed” the word.  The ones with eyes to see and eyes to hear, looked and listened, while being tended to in the physical sense.  Their spiritual sense was being ministered to as well. In turn, she was doing the Lord’s work, by providing love and help to those in need…And, also bringing forth the word of God, the very word of our Lord. And, most were hungry for the word.

The Pastor’s wife, Linda Whitton – was hysterical as always.  She is filled with love and the light of our Lord as evidenced by her smile, and just her presence, it is clearly a God appointed presence.  Anyhow, she was shopping and in the produce department of the supermarket, she approached ladies to ask if they knew about “the word of God” from the  woman’s perspective…And, some were not receptive of her presence,  still others were very receptive.  She even went into Dunkin’ Donuts  and approached people there, and she said, “one girls eyes became wide with interest and exctiement” – again, hungry for the word.

I went into Petco, and the cashier’s name was Luke.  I smiled at him and he smiled back, “Did you now Luke is one of my favorite names?”  He said, “Oh really?”  I continued, “Yes, and it is one of my favorite Gospel books in the Bible.”  He looked at me with a serious look and replied, “Sadly, I have never read it.”  I continued with, “Well, it is never too late – pick it up tonight and read it, you will love it.  Anything to do with Jesus is phenomenal.”  He smiled and said, “You know what, I am curious – I will.”

Now, I don’t know if the young man will go into his bible or not, but he appeared “hungry for the word” and hopefully a seed was planted and he will check it out. The point of this entry is , there are so many lost souls out there, or misguided individuals who need help-some are in grocery stores, Dunkin’ Donuts stores, Petco stores…Just look around, “hungry eyes” are all about us.  Hungry souls.

Work from people like Sherri-Ann Brown, MD – Pastor Linda Whitton, RN- and people such as yourselves reading this article.  When you go out today, look around and take note, reach into people’s hearts and be led by the spirit.  There isn’t anything we cannot accomplish through God. As long as God is in our lives, and in our hearts – we can do anything with Him in our corner.  You will be blessed when you follow His word and His doctrine.

Thanks Sherri-Ann, thanks Linda and to countless others who strive to do the Lord’s work each and everyday of their lives. All brothers and sisters and all one body in Christ.  

Now go and shine your light before all.~


Jonah 2:2 “I cried out to the Lord because of my affliction, and He answered me.”

Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”



  1. Amy says:

    Great blog!

    This is a lovely entry. Thank you so much for sharing your experience in church. And how wonderful the way you were able to connect with your cashier! I pray that Luke will go and pick up the Bible.

    You’ve inspired me to look for little moments, little interactions to use to spread the joy of God. Thank you!


    • admin says:

      Thanks Amy! Thank you for stopping by…I am sure you will find plenty of interactions during the day to spread the joy and love of our Lord our God. God Bless you as you go forward and shine your light in His glory. Come back and visit soon. Blessings and Peace~

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