Dear God: We Love Your Voice~










I will meditate on the glorious splendor of Your majesty, and on Your wondrous works. Psalm 145:5 NKJV

The “voice” of the Lord is clear and apparent to those who “hear” it. It’s a sheer delight to serve the Lord in all facets of our lives. When we commit ourselves to Him, our paths become a vestige of honor to Him and all that it implies. His voice reverberates to those with ears to hear, consider these very words: “Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established…” Proverbs, 16:3 NKJV

How do we commit our works to the Lord? There are many ways to do so. Do not merely ask Him to bless what we’ve already done…Instead, commit ourselves and our plans to Him before, during, and after we have done our work. The trust, the commitment and the acknowledgement are all forefronts to our vital plan. His ways, His thoughts, His actions…translate to “ask Him, trust Him, embrace Him, and acknowledge Him.” When you do so…consequences of all good things will transpire.

Consider a “budding rose.” The bud is tiny at first. Eventually, through care, love, and commitment it grows into a beautiful thing… much like our love and relationship with the Lord. The more effort and time we put into the Lord, the more significant it becomes. The deeper and more profound it gets.

But, now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand. Isaiah 64:8 NKJVAs our Father, God always will act on our behalf. He acts for our benefit in ways that childlike minds cannot always understand. As our potter, He ultimately molds us, and shapes us in ways that sometimes will hurt. But, always He deals with us in love.

Take a moment to think about past decisions you’ve made, on your own without the Father’s help or guidance. How did it work out? Usually without His voice, or counsel if you will, things usually don’t go the way we’d like. When we take the time to talk with Him, listen to His voice, and bring Him into the equation of our life…the outcome will benefit us. We may not see it at first, because He sees way down the road. He sees ALL things before its fruition, and so He knows what is best for us way before we even realize it. We may take years to realize it was good. Therefore, don’t despair if things don’t happen according to your will. Remember, His will…not ours. His plans are perfect, our plans are anything but. We may be puffed up and think we know what’s best for ourselves. We need to be humble, and bow to His excellent works…and listen and adhere accordingly.

Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it…

1 Corinthians 9:24 NKJV  We can accomplish much in life we don’t have a clear purpose and mission in mind. The only way to consistency is through the Lord. We need to take practice in all things, through Him. Each time we accomplish something we draw higher and nearer to God and our purpose that He has for us. Our works, our plans, through His alone. We need to establish our mission in life, through Him. His voice, His ways, and production will be overflowing in all good things.

Now these things became our examples…Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition…1 Corinthians 106:11 NKJV  Everything in the Scripture exists for our example, warning and admonition. We should note what God’s people did in the past and how God reacted to them in order to move ahead in our own walk of faith.

The love for God should be apparent in all that we set out to do, each and every day. A love for writing is a gift from God, and therfore we should submit to Him as we write in His name for His glory. All good things come from God, and when we do good, we bless His name and please Him abundantly.

When we live for God…all things connect in and outside of our very existence. All things lead to peace and a transitional platitude of higher aspirations in and of Christ.

To hear His voice is to know peace. To abide by Him is to know love. To work for Him is to obtain a chiseled image in Christ, that reflects Christ as we uphold His light and shine our own light in His name. Bear witness in all things for Him, and accept His will and plans.

Listen closely…Do you hear His voice?



When His candle shined upon my head, and when by his light I walked through darkness…Job 29:3 KJV

Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 22:29 KJV

The same came for a witness, to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might believe John 1:7 KJV



  1. George T Booth says:

    The devotionals are powerfully good and not preachy, but filled with love and praise for the almighty King of the Universe. Great site too!

  2. Joyce D Willis says:

    The BIble has such good teachings and words to live by, I often pray for those that don’t know come and find out what He is all about, and I pray this site will reach those who live in the shadows and come into the light to feel His love and experience His power and glory. Amen

  3. Thomasina Crispino says:

    Brava bellisimo! The word of God is good for all and He is good all the time.

    Praying for everyone and will be back to read more. Going to buy your books, they look good!

    Blesssings and l0ve

  4. Jenna Jones says:

    Love the site filled with His love and with praise in the highest form. Keep sharing His word and bringing it home for us to read and share.

    God bless you

    • C D says:

      The mission and message! And, thank you for your contribution in the guest devotional sections. Unfortunately there is no longer an option to reply under the guest devotionals, but you can be sure they’re appreciated greatly.

      Keep shining His light my friend~

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