Dear God: Breathe Life Into Our Words~





Proverbs 18:21Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.


“You’re stupid!–Hey where were you when they handed out brains?” —-“You didn’t go into see your mother when she was sick, oh boy…you should be ashamed of yourself.”—“Where were you when I was in the hospital with daddy, I was the one that was there, you weren’t.” 

The comments above are merely there for purposes of this article. And perhaps the above words were said to someone somewhere reading this right now. Perhaps someone is feeling hurt and/or guilt over another person’s assasination of their very soul.

Clearly words can either minister “life” or  death and condemnation” —and to be a person of faith–we know that ministering “life” is from God.  God does not humiliate degrade or catapult us into a guilt trip making us feel unworthy. God lifts us and edifies and brings peace and jubiliation to our souls.

The book of Proverbs is a healing and cleansing book that helps us to discover our way in life, and gives examples of wisdom versus folly. It has many valuable lessons in which to ponder and meditate, but one in which I’d like to concentrate on right now is “the tongue” and the “intent” of words.

A foolish and callous person can hurt with their words.  As Proverbs 18: 7 states: “A fool’s mouth is his destruction, and his lips are the snare of his soul.”  What we say can be powerful and the repercussions can be plentiful in terms of our “soul.” It can hurt the person that is the recipient of such scorn, but ultimately it will cause irreparable damage to our very souls.  It can be fulfilling or inhibiting our spiriitual growth and cause a “sour belly.”   Proverbs 18:20 “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall he be filled.”

Jesus said, “you’ll know them by their fruits” and there are many parts of that fruit. There is the overall behavior which incorporates “words, kindess, compassion, and Jesus’ doctrine into our daily lives. There is light from kind words that filters out and chases the darkness away, there is the healing and peace from words that will bring about a transformation.  There is the proclamation of Jesus being our Savior and being aligned with His truth.

Words from the grace of God who gives us the wisdom are “a breath of life” in which we breathe.  Words are balm to our souls, words are the essence of our faith and the consequences of belieiving in Jesus and His ways.

The next time you see someone bereft and hurting…bring out the balm and “minister life” from the Lord Jesus Christ, by speaking His truth, His love and His ways.  We can’t do anything without Christ.  But, through Christ who strengthens us we can. Nothing is impossible for God. It is not us that accomplishes things of worth or goodness, but it is God who allows us to do so.  It is the power of His name and His sovereign being that permits us to do do.

Sweet words are as honey to our minds and soul. Let them flow smoothly over someone today and everyday.  Minister life through Jesus’ name, Amen.





  1. Harriet T says:

    Reality is that Jesus loves us one and all.
    He is the epitome of love and He is our finest redeemer and our kinsman.
    God blessings to all and merry Christmas too!

  2. Tricia D S says:

    Powerful words to uplift and edify is what Christ is all about.Love and more love with guidelines of His ways. Great scriptures to live by.

    Bless all of you

  3. Phil G says:

    So many people have words that breathe death. It’s so true that the love of Jesus brings life not death. Great reminder and awesome post.

    Merry Christmas

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