Dear God: You and You Alone~






(Exodus 20:3-4  KJV)  Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

“I have to get home and see the game on television today.  I wish this service would end already, I have to see this game. Geez.”   I’ve heard this in church, and more times than I can say.  My thoughts run to God and I think, “How does He feel hearing this?”   There are some who can’t wait to leave to go and clean their cars, their “baby.”  Some can’t wait to get on that social media and see what messages they missed in the last two hours!  Perish the thought that they should close their phones for the day, and stay away from the media, they might miss an important message!

This is not to “condemn” nor is the intent to sound like “judgment” calls.  We’re not to judge….that’s for the Lord and Him alone. He does a pretty fantastic job, He doesn’t need our help.  What this message is to suggest and bring forward is…take and make ample time for the Lord. Don’t rush His presence, or run on our own time.  Run on HIS time. There is nothing wrong with enjoying a game, or washing and taking care of a car…or socializing with friend on the media or otherwise.  It’s when we do it in excess is when we’re in danger of it becoming more than a simple diversionary tactic in our lives.  Because, when it takes us away for God and takes up our time is when it becomes an “idol.”

An idol is anything that take our attention away from God.  It’s when that obsessive behavior stops us from putting God first is when it becomes an idol.   The computer and the activities involved, when it becomes a personal quest, or fulfillment in our lives, is when it’s become an idol.  An Idol isn’t just a ‘graven image’ of Gold fashioned after a god, such as the golden calf in Exodus…which Moses’ own brother, Aaron the priest helped participate in.  An idol is more than that.  An idol is a  “car, cell phone, computer, video games, television, baseball, football, soccer” becomes something we put before God…then that is an idol.  God is a jealous God, and He doesn’t like for us to be putting anything before Him.

Satan is cunning and knows our weaknesses, he knows what he can do to get his foot in the door. When he sees an opening he jumps in…Don’t let that happen.  As Jesus said, “Be as wise as the serpent, but as gentle as the dove.”  Be viligent and watchful at all times. But be kind and compassionate to those around us all the while keeping our Gospel armor on as our weapons of defense in this world of duplicity and danger.

The things that people deem innocent or cute, are the wiles of the evil one.  That is what gets him a ticket into the lives of the ones who aren’t careful. Soon that obession becomes full blown, and God is pushed into the background, while the activity becomes first and foremost in the life of the one who isn’t careful.  That is what the evil one banks on.  That is his ploy, flattery, lies, feel good sensory things, and provocation against the Lord.

Heed the words of God. He’ll never steer you in the wrong direction. God is life. The enemy is death. God is merciful. The enemy is wretched and hateful, waiting us to “die” and to take our souls. God breathes life into us and provides food, and living water so we will never thirst again.

The great news is…God is a loving and forgiving God.  He knows His children, and wants them to prosper in all they do. He wants them to accomplish great things in this lifetime.  He wants them to procure the misinformed to come to Jesus and accept Him as Lord and Savior.  He wants our attention, and He will give back more than we can ever begin to fathom. We can never OUTGIVE GOD.

He will take us through whatever valley we are in, and He will never give us more than we can handle.  And, He is waiting for your invitation to take Him into your heart.  He is waiting for our love…always.

He came looking for us. He loved us first, and He died for our sin. He defeated “death” and offers us eternal salvation. His blood covered us and He redeemed us willingly.  He loves us.

All He wants is for us to accept Him so that we may have eternal salvation.  He wants us to acknowledge Him now, so He will acknowledge us in heaven before His Father.  He is knocking on our door, waiting for us to answer it so He can come in to sup with us and we with Him.  And, to put Him first…in all areas of our life.

The next time you’re in church…or not and you want to get to the “game” —or you feel an overwhelming compulsion to check the “social media” or “text messages” think if Jesus had put “your salvation on hold” to check His “text messages” or “watch a game”  or “wash His car” —where would we be today?

Put away your idols, and come to Jesus.  Make His day, and boy will He make yours.  Amen.


Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. (Revelation 3:20 KJV)


Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. (1 John 5:21 KJV)


Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee from idolatry. (1 Corinthians 10:14 KJV)


 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 10:32-33 KJV)



  1. Dominique Flaxine says:

    Well worthy praise and lessons about God. We should always make Him our first priority at all times. So, hope this message gets across to others. Amen.


  2. John Heckman says:

    The Lord is nearby at all times waiting for the children to call Him and love HIm.

    Well worthy praise to an amazing God.

    In Christ,

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