Blessings From God~

God Blessed me with the Greatest Dad~

Hello Everyone,

This past father’s day I said two things immediately when I woke up.  The first thing was I looked up to heaven and said , “Thank you for another day Lord, and Happy Father’s day, I love you.”  And, the second thing I said was, “Father if you can, would you please tell my earth dad Happy father’s day and that I love him too.” 
It will be 12 years on July 1 since I lost the most incredible man/father a child could possibly want or ask for, he was amazing.  God Blessed us abundantly, my whole family that is- to have given us such a gift as my dad and his love that touched each and every one of us.  He was spectacular in all ways, funny, witty, compassionate and so protective of his family.
He has the greatest sense of humor, and a prankster to boot. 
I realized how special he was from the day I was able to discern as a child that I was so lucky to have him.  As many of you reading this may realize, you love your parents as we all should, no matter what – we honor them. But, how lucky are those who have a parent they can admire, and be so proud of.
My dad always knew the right thing to say, he was stern when he needed to be- but that was so rare, he was an even tempered kind and loving man.  However, like our Father in heaven, he knew when he had to be stern for our own good.  Our Father can be that way with us sometimes, although he loves us so unconditionally, he needs to straighten us out every now and then if we stray or do something of an abomination in His eyes.   But, after being chastised, His arms open wide and take you back again, over and over…He never forsakes us, nor will He ever leave us.
I love my dad and I still ache for his voice and his laugh, and I hold near and dear  in my heart all the treasured memories that we shared throughout the years; years I was fortunate enough to have had.  We were blessed to have him in our lives for so long, 76 years…And, each year better than the last, he contributed to so many things within our family, he was the glue that held us all together, the light of the family- the protector, “our lion” and “our lamb” – 
The true Lion and Lamb in Heaven, our Savior is protective of His children, and wants us to follow a path to His door, and know Him.  We need to learn about Him and His ways in order to get to the Father in heaven.  Jesus said in Luke 13:24 NKJV Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I say to you, will seek to enter and will not be able.”
I choose to follow His ways, and I choose to love and honor the Lord, I pray that when it is my time that I will enter through the narrow gate to my Father’s house.  And, in so doing-serve you for all eternity. I thank you for all of the lessons you have taught me, and how much you have given me, and most especially for your unrelenting and unconditional and pure love. 
For none says it so clearly as John  3:16 NKJV  “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Amen.
Thank you Lord – and thank you for the best parents a girl could have, and the best father a child could ever want.  “Daddy, see that picture of us dancing at my wedding, well we never did finish it- save the first dance for me when I get there.”  I love you daddy – and Father in heaven, I love you, and I lift your name on high.
All of you who are fortunate to have both parents, or even one, love them with all of your heart and appreciate them for all that they are.  Also, when you love and respect your parents, you are loving and respecting your Father in heaven…Please try to remember that.
I will see you next time,
CD Swanson~
John 14:23 NKJV “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make Our home with him.”


  1. Andrea Evans says:

    Yes, Dom was a wonderful father, husband, brother & friend. I feel so priviledged & blessed to have been included in his realm of friends. His smile & sense of humor are imprinted in my memory forever. I feel that he & my dad are in heaven hanging out together & watching over us [as they did on earth] as our guardian angels. Your tribute to God our heavenly Father & your earthly father was so touching. xoxo

    • admin says:

      Awww…Thank you so very much Andrea – that is so beautiful knowing how much you and others cared for him. He was special, and I know that your dad and my dad are in heaven laughing and making everyone smile. Blessings & Love~

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