Dear God: We’re Still & Know that You are God~


Be Still and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

Be Still and know that I am God… Psalm 46:10






Psalm 46:10 is a familiar verse that most Christians know and probably one of the top twenty scriptures quoted so regularly. We say it, but do we fully know what it means to be “still?”

Our Sovereign God, Master of the Universe can manage all things without growing weary. His existence comes from no other source. He is in perfect understanding of all things at all times…all at once. He is great beyond comprehension, and we can’t find fault in anything He does. He has immense unsurpassable knowledge, and He is Holy and wise.  So, wouldn’t that suggest…and behoove us… that we should “be still” and know that He is God?  Shouldn’t we proclaim His sovereignty and extol His holiness and His widsom?

When God was speaking with Moses, He told him of His ways…and His higher realm of existence, one in which we could never match. But, we could and should recognize how amazing He is, just by His word.  Therefore, “be still” and embrace His insurpassable and incomprehensible knowledge, wisdom, love, power, dominion, royalty, magnifcence…the words in which to describe Him never cease.  Much like His existence.  He is the great I AM.  The Alpha and the Omega…. He always was and always will be.

When we sit and be quiet, and bow to Him in our humility….we are acknowledging He is Lord.

When our attitudes change for the better—such as our way of thinking, and the ways of our heart—we are in acceptance of God and His perfect will, knowing He is wise and good.

When we “drop things” and stop what we’re doing, and take the time to “visit” with Him and sit in His presence and say, “Here I am God…I’m listening, and I’m still.” We’re in obedience and therefore in alignment of His will.

How can we “hear” Him, if we are sucked up by the world?  How can we hear Him, if we are preoccupied with things of insignificence?

Some will say, “Hold on…insignificant?  I’m caring for my elderly parents while running a household.”  Or, “I’m working and supporting my children and mother.” Yes, these are all good things, and of course extremely important.  But, compared to GOD all things pale in comparison. He is the most significant part of our lives. And, when we sit, and listen, and obey…all the things we are responsible for, and all of the things that we’re going through…will fall into the area of “acceptance” and peace. Thereby, goodness and strength, by His grace and His power, will flow in between every single aspect of your lives. 

Still—be still Listen…be quiet. Bow to Him in humility  Your life will change dramatically for the better, as will your relationship with Him. Our relationship will intensify, and flourish, through this daily and meaningful quiet time. He loves when we love Him back, and worship Him. It makes His day.

When you find the time for HIM, and HIM ALONE  it pleases our Father…make an appointment during your day to sit with Him and listen.  Commune with Him.  As Jesus did.  He would walk off alone during His ministry on earth to commune with His Father. He needed the time, quiet and solitude…and if Jesus did it, that is reason enough for us to assimilate and practice  this beautiful peaceful time with God each and every day of our life.

Sssh! Listen, be still and know that HE IS GOD.

Our perfect loving and wise Sovereign Father…


*****      *****     *****

Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.  (Psalm 100:3 )

Be Silent, O all flesh before the LORD for He is raised up out of His holy habitation.  (Zachariah 2:13)
The LORD is in His holy temple; let all the earth be silent before Him. (Habakkuk 2:20)


Beautiful water, trees and sky by the Master of the Universe, our Loving Father, God. The picture was captured by the grace of God through Scott Sbirge–Photographer and good friend~

Be Still and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

Be Still and know that I am God… Psalm 46:10


  1. C D says:

    Thank you to all who have read this post and may the Lord bless all of my readers abundantly, now and always. Amen.

    God bless~

  2. Deborah M says:

    Beautifully spoken about the King and how to be quiet before our Lord. To sit and commune with Him is the most awesome thing we can do in our life. Amazing God.

  3. Jonah Philips says:

    To be still while exalting and humbling ouselves before our aweseom God is peaceful. Amen.

    With God’s blessings to all

  4. Rosie D says:

    Want to be close to Him as I love Him so much. Going to sit and be still in His presence His magnificence and His glory tonight. Great to make a date with God, He is the only one we can count on for life.


    God blessings to everyone

  5. Lisa G says:

    Sitting tonight with the Lord and going to listen and be still. Humbling myself and exalting Him while prasing and lifting His name on high! Amen.

  6. Gretchen says:

    So important to find time to sit and be still with HIm. So crucial to our being peace filled and loved. Plus He loves when we find time for HIm and HIm alone.


    Blessings to all

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