Dear God: You’ve Risen – Hallelujah~

He is Risen—Hallelujah!




“In the end of the sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre. And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it. His countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow: And for fear of him the keepers did shake, and became as dead men. And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen,… ” (Matthew 28:1-6 KJV)


Can there be more of a day of rejoicing than the day of our Lord’s resurrection?  The eyewitness testimony about the ministry of Jesus, our King of God’s people. Jesus, Immanuel, the virgin-born Son of God who fulfilled the promises of the OT.

He is risen!  Hallelujah!

Our souls dance and rejoice with glee, He saved us from eternal damnation. He took the sin away from the world, so that we should live forever. How glorious!

A celebration to be enjoyed with family (including our brother and sisters in Christ) and friends, while meditating the deep meaning of this day. The day in which Christ defeated death. The Savior who is the Author of Salvation, this loving God who took away our sin, and gives to us daily bread, and living waters. That all who drink from Him, shall never thirst again. Amen.

To my family, friends, and readers…Happy Resurrection day!  Happy Paschal!

Enjoy your the day and live in His word and His love.
Eat, drink and Praise the Lord!  Amen.




  1. Lisa Carrington-Benz says:

    Amen! Hallelujah the King is risen.

    Oh how glorious and how mighty is our Lord.

    Happy Paschal everyone.

    God bless you all

  2. Phyllis says:

    How beautiful. All Glory and honor to His name. He was crucified, died and rose for our sin, and saved the world! Amen.

  3. Liana says:

    Amen. Jesus is alive. All glory to God. He has promised to never leave or forsake us.
    He loves us with an everlasting love. He gives us peace that the world cannot comprehend. He stills the storms. He floods our lives with His mighty presence. All glory to God. He is our Great Physician. He cares for the little sparrows. He will care for all who find shelter under His wings. He is the great I AM. He is risen. All glory to God.

    • C D says:

      Oh yes! Glory to God! Thanks for bringing your beautiful words of praise for our King of kings straight from you heart to His! Amen.

      God bless~

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