The Gospel according to John was all about Jesus, love, and evagelizing seeking to reach unbelievers. He emphasized the deity of Jesus from the beginning of the Gospel. John was referred to as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” –but in fact, Jesus loved all His disciples, and all of His followers, and He loved/loves us…In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (John 1:1 KJV)
Jesus has a heart for all of us, and that was established a very long time ago through His ministry while on this earth, and solidified through His miraculous deeds, His cricifixion, and ultimately, His resurrection. He defeated death so that we should live forever. “O Death where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” (1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV)
His ministry goes on today, the many membered body of Christ is actively continuing to this very day with Christians walking in truth keeping to the narrow path, their hearts on the prize…His kingdom, His eternal love.
The prologue in the Gospel of John affirms that Christ was the eternal word (Greek– logos) who was with God and was God. And, then the word became flesh and walked among us….
Eternal life comes from accepting and knowing Jesus Christ the Son of God, and believing in Him. “No one can get to the Father but through Christ.” Our hearts have to be open to Him and His ways. The Holy Spirit gives us conviction in all of our paths of life. We need to adopt His ways and have the heart to do all things in His name and exemplify Him by our actions towards others.
Which brings me to my story below, about giving to others, and sharing a piece of your heart with them. An eighty-six year old being treated for a medley of ills was in desperate need of an attentive “ear” and unconditional “love and understanding.” Although running late for many errands, I couldn’t—nor wouldn’t—turn my attention away. Obviously lonely and doing an active “life review,” she cried in the process.
Listening intently while validating her concerns, I began to pray silently to God to offer me the wisdom in which to reach her to alleviate her overt anxiety. I remembered Jesus’ words that He didn’t come to be served, but to serve. His words magnified my heart and gave me the ability to be all that I could to her and more.
After ninety minutes she seemed considerably calmer, I gently said, “I need to get going, but I’ll be back again…in the meantime, God loves you more than anyone in this whole world, don’t ever forget it.” She smiled, and replied, “Oh, thanks to your words about God, and giving me a Bible, I do know that now! I finally know that God really loves me, little old me no matter what.”
It was then that the passage from Philippians leaped out to me with clarity, that even though we may have issues going on, we must “serve” those as Christ our Savior came to serve and to consider others in all aspects of our daily lives.
Who will you help and serve today?
And, ask yourself this…Did you make Jesus smile today?
Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4 KJV)
Such a good devotion with good mention of what we should do as christians. It was wunderbar!
God blessings to all of you
Amen and Amen Sister Camille! way to go and way to say, Hallelujah all the way. We need more love and devotion in this sad world.
Bless you
Touching devotional about love and the true body of how Christ wants us to operate.
God bless
Way to go! Very well said, and so true.
Thanks and Praise the Lord our God Almighty!
A contrite heart filled with love and devotion to God will naturally open to others. It’s so important for us as Christians to recognize this and be on the path of Christ like behavior, especially in the depraved world we live today. All of the perverse and evil things that swirl around, we are equpped with the best weapons of defence, our Gospel Armours and our Helmets of salvation, and our God who is our mighty wall of refuge.