Dear God: You will Always Win-You are my Peace~


In a Christian sense when I hear the words “war and peace” what immediately comes to mind, is “God versus the enemy.”  Or when I hear “war and peace” I think of the old proverbial adage, “goodness will prevail over evil” and again, both having to do with my Christianity and my strong link to God.

In the bible a good portion of what can be termed war and peace, occurs throughout the Old Testament, with David going against a giant, and later leading his army against the Philistines.  One knows that for a good portion of the time David was running away from King Saul, who wanted to kill him.  This was a classic scenario of war and peace, and the constant battle with goodness versus evil.  God will always prevail in all circumstances, and He will be there for His children who walk in obedience and conform to His ways.  Our link to God is strong and His words reverberate against the enemy and will always bring “peace” to our circumstances, irrespective of our Goliath, or our King Saul that may be in our lives.

Having God in our lives will ultimately secure a life filled with peace, and we stand ready to take on the world with a vitality of which a non-believer cannot.  We have the distinct advantage, and honor of being part of God’s army and able bodied to handle the odds, it makes our chances exceedingly easy with God in our lives, and heart.  A person who has no belief system may think they are happy, and perhaps they might convince others, but I personally feel there is a major void in their lives; which can be termed an “inner war” therefore providing “no peace.” 

My husband and I recently went to a gathering/affair, and I am always amazed at the different personalities in the room.   Within a relatively short period of time you can sense who is filled with God and who is not.  The people who are filled with the Spirit are smiling, relaxing and truly enjoying the gathering, and they appear to interact with little effort as they mingle; Whereas, the ones who do not have strong ties to God seem compelled to speak about their social status and continue a monotonous litany of “me, me, and more me.” They usually have a spouse who seems interested in anything other than their own partner, and they appear restless, like they are having an “inner war” within their lives.

With Christ in my life, I can honestly say that I feel a constant peace and no matter what kind of war is staring at me during my activities of daily life; I never lose that inner peace. Christ lives in me; and the Spirit guides me throughout the day.  So peace lives within and I am able to be victorious and go throughout my day without trepidation pertaining to all that I do.

An acquaintance who is constantly complaining and very unhappy with her life doesn’t want to hear about God, she gave up on Him a long time ago.  I keep praying for her that God be part of her life again, for until she goes back to God and accepts Christ as her Savior she will always be void of an accomplished and peaceful life.  She has a raging war going on within her soul 24/7, and she doesn’t even realize it, therefore the “enemy” is having a field day with her as she goes around in circles, and cannot secure any kind of happiness for the past five years.  And, five years ago is the last time I saw her happy and peaceful…that was the last time she believed in God.

The enemy is tricky, deceitful, mean, and wants to keep a person in bondage while holding them back from living, wants to keep them in darkness, and wants to ordain a destiny filled with no hope and a bleak outcome.  The soul will never be at peace.

God is warmth and love; He is a comforter and is overjoyed to watch His children fulfill a life that was preordained for them.  He wants us to be within the confines of peace at all times. His word gives us peace and the compunction to act as Christians every day.  He sent His son to be crucified so we could be redeemed and extracted our sins for His stripes. The Prince of Peace defeated the enemy.

Praise you Lord – Thank you  God – I LOVE YOU~

Matthew 11:28-29

New King James Version (NKJV)

28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

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