Dear God – Pour your Spirit out on us~

Hello Everyone,

It is the start of a new week – and a beautiful sunny day, which is a welcome thing after so many weeks of rain!  It seems like it never stops raining.  It was pouring for about five days straight!  I know we need the rain for every essential aspect of life, because without it, we cannot survive.

Which brings me to the reason for everything – GOD.  His very Spirit that lives within us.  We love to sing praise and worship songs with words such as, “pour your Spirit out on me, wash me from above.”  And, that is essential to our being, just as water is to life.  And, Jesus is the “living water” as we who drink of it shall have eternal life.

Let us all drink of that water so we will “never thirst again” which will spring into eternal and everlasting life.  I shall drink from His living waters and live forever in the glory of His love. 

How are you fixed for water?  Are you thirsty?  Well beloved, drink, and never be thirsty again.

I will see you next time, Blessings, Peace and God’s love to all~

John 4:14 NKJV  “but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.  But the water that I shall give him will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”

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