DEAR GOD: Anna-A Truly Devoted Servant To You LORD~

Devotion | Southside Pentecostal Assembly

One of the most devoted yet seemingly inconsequential characters in the Bible is Anna the Prophetess. Her story is brief but powerful, found in the Gospel of Luke.

Anna the Prophetess: A Devoted Servant

Scripture Reference:

  • Luke 2:36-38: “There was also a prophet, Anna, the daughter of Penuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was very old; she had lived with her husband seven years after her marriage, and then was a widow until she was eighty-four. She never left the temple but worshiped night and day, fasting and praying. Coming up to them at that very moment, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem.”

The Quiet Devotion of Anna

Anna the Prophetess is a remarkable example of unwavering faith and dedication. Despite her brief mention in the Bible, her life speaks volumes about the power of steadfast devotion. Anna was a widow who spent her days and nights in the temple, worshiping God through fasting and prayer. Her life was marked by a deep commitment to God, even in the face of personal loss and societal insignificance.

Anna’s encounter with Jesus occurred when Mary and Joseph brought Him to the temple. Recognizing Jesus as the promised Messiah, she gave thanks to God and spoke about Him to all who were awaiting redemption. Her role may seem minor, but her faithfulness and recognition of Jesus’ significance highlight her profound spiritual insight.

Reflective Questions

  1. What can we learn from Anna’s dedication to worship and prayer?
  2. How does Anna’s recognition of Jesus inspire us to seek Him in our daily lives?
  3. In what ways can we remain faithful to God, even when we feel insignificant or overlooked?

Story: Anna’s Encounter with the Messiah

Anna had spent decades in the temple, her heart and mind focused on God. Each day, she prayed and fasted, her spirit attuned to the divine. One day, as she was praying, she felt a stirring in her heart. She looked up and saw a young couple entering the temple with their infant son. Instantly, she knew this child was special.

Approaching them, Anna’s eyes filled with tears of joy. She lifted her hands in praise, her voice trembling with gratitude. “This child,” she proclaimed, “is the redemption we have been waiting for.” Her words resonated with those around her, and many came to see the child, their hearts filled with hope.

Anna’s encounter with Jesus was brief, but it was the culmination of a lifetime of devotion. Her story reminds us that no act of faithfulness is too small, and that God sees and honors our dedication.


“Dear LORD- we thank You for the example of Anna, whose life of devotion and faithfulness inspires us to seek You with all our hearts. Help us to remain steadfast in our worship and prayer, even when we feel insignificant. May we recognize Your presence in our lives and proclaim Your goodness to those around us. Strengthen our faith and guide us in our journey, that we may live lives that honor You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

I hope this reflection on Anna the Prophetess inspires you to read the Word and delve into the context, meaning and heartfelt compassion of the LORD and His love for us…

20th Anniversary Women of Grace Luncheon - Palm Beach Illustrated

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