DEAR GOD: Majesty Of Your Love & Greatness~


The Majesty of God on His Heavenly Throne

“The Majesty of God: Reflections on 1 Chronicles 29:11”


In the book of 1 Chronicles, King David offers a heartfelt prayer and praise to God during the preparations for building the temple. His words in 1 Chronicles 29:11 resonate with awe and reverence, acknowledging God’s greatness, power, and sovereignty. Let us delve into this verse, exploring its significance for our Christian faith.

1. Thine, O LORD, is the GREATNESS!

David begins by recognizing that all greatness originates from God. Our human achievements, no matter how impressive, pale in comparison to the majesty of the Creator. The universe itself testifies to His greatness—galaxies, mountains, oceans—all under His sovereign rule. That without the LORD he is nothing, nor are we!

Scriptural Support:

  • Psalm 145:3: “Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.”

Moral Consequences:

  • Humility: Acknowledging God’s greatness humbles us, reminding us that we are mere stewards of His gifts.
  • Gratitude: We appreciate our abilities and blessings as reflections of His greatness.

Moral Takeaway: Let us approach life with humility, recognizing that our talents and achievements are not in fact ours- but truly and ultimately belong to God alone!

2. The power, and the glory, and the victory.

God’s power surpasses human comprehension. His glory radiates through creation, and His victories are unmatched. In Christ, we find ultimate victory over sin and death.

Scriptural Support:

  • Exodus 15:3: “The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.”
  • 1 Samuel 15:29: “And also the Strength of Israel will not lie nor repent: for he is not a man, that he should repent.”

Moral Consequences:

  • Trust: We rely on God’s power rather than our own.
  • Worship: We glorify Him for His mighty deeds.

Moral Takeaway: Our victories are intertwined with God’s power. Let us trust Him fully and give Him the glory. Let us honor Him in all we do and say, and purport to do in all of our endeavors, all the days of our lives!

3. All that is in the heavens and in the earth is thine.

David acknowledges God’s ownership of everything. From the vast cosmos to the tiniest atom, all belongs to Him. Our possessions, talents, and relationships—all entrusted to us by the Owner of all. He is the One in full control, He is the One and only Being that has full possession of all things at all times!

Scriptural Support:

  • Psalm 24:1: “The earth is the LORD’s, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”

Meditative Thoughts:

  • As I gaze at the stars, I remember they are in His hands.
  • My life is a stewardship; how can I use it for His glory?

Reflective Meditative Questions:

  1. How does recognizing God’s greatness impact your daily life?
    • Consider moments when you’ve felt awe at His creation or experienced His provision. How can you cultivate a heart of gratitude?
  2. In what areas of your life do you need to surrender to God’s sovereignty?
    • Reflect on areas where you’ve tried to take control. How can you yield to His plans and purposes?
  3. What victories has God granted you, and how can you give Him the glory?
    • Think about personal triumphs, answered prayers, or spiritual growth. How can you testify to His faithfulness?
  4. How can you be a faithful steward of what God has entrusted to you?
    • Consider your talents, resources, and relationships. How can you use them for His kingdom?

Unit Prayer

“Dear Lord, Your greatness astounds us. May we live as faithful stewards, honoring You in all we do, and say and reflect Your light in every one we encounter, and love You with all of our heart, mind, might and soul, in Jesus name, Amen.”

May this reflection on 1 Chronicles 29:11 inspire us to worship the One whose greatness knows no bounds. Remember, our journey of faith involves both acknowledging God’s greatness and living it out in practical ways. May your reflections lead you closer to Him!


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