DEAR GOD: You Are My Strength & Power & Comfort~

2 Samuel 22:33 (NKJV) -a verse that resonates with strength, guidance, and divine protection.  “God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.”

Let’s explore together as we go further into the meaning and the perfection of the LORD’s love and promises over us. His voice resonates within each believer as we look to His Word, truth and direction in all we do, all the days of our lives and beyond.

Reflective Thoughts:

Strength: God equips us with inner strength. It’s not merely physical might but resilience, courage, and unwavering faith.

Refuge: Imagine a fortress—a place of safety and shelter. God is our refuge, our stronghold.

Blameless Way: Our path, guided by God, becomes blameless. Not flawless but aligned with His purpose.

Meditative Takeaway:

Pause and recognize the strength within you. Seek it not in worldly power, but in your connection with the Divine. Trust that your journey is guided, even when the road seems uncertain.

Moral Views:

Strength isn’t about dominance; it’s about integrity, compassion, and standing for what’s right. Security lies not in control, but in surrendering to God’s plan.

World Aspects Today:

In a chaotic world, we crave strength—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Yet, true security isn’t found in walls or weapons but in our relationship with the Eternal.

Reflective Questions:

  1. What sources of strength sustain you? Family, faith, resilience?
  2. How can you make your path more secure—by trusting or striving?

“Dear God, be my strength. Guard my steps. May my way align with Your purpose and will in my life, all the days of my life and beyond, I thank You always and lift You up and exalt You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

May this verse bring comfort and inspire us to recognize the prolific power and beauty of Christ, and may we embrace His WORD and through His Word and Love, may we all find strength and security in our journey, all the days of our lives…

DEAR GOD: “You Protect! -No Weapon Shall Prosper~”

This Thing Called You

No weapon that is formed against you will succeed;
And you will condemn every tongue that accuses you in judgment.
This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord,
And their vindication is from Me,” declares the Lord-

Isaiah 54:17 (NASB)



Isaiah 54:17 is a beacon of assurance for those facing adversity, and tough times in life overall. It declares, “No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn.” Let’s take time to meditate and explore the meaning in these prolific Words of the LORD – and delve into some moral takeaways, meditative thoughts, reflective questions, and a closing prayer.


Moral Takeaway

The verse emphasizes the Highest Divine protection from our LORD! Despite life’s challenges, God promises to thwart every weapon—whether physical, emotional, or spiritual—that threatens His servants – that is YOU – ME-Yes! Our heritage lies in this unwavering defense, especially in a world hurting and in such dire straits and constant peril!


Divine Armor: Imagine wearing an impenetrable armor forged by God Himself. Reflect on the strength it provides against adversity.

Words as Weapons: Consider how words can harm or uplift our spirit and our demeanor. How can we use our tongues to encourage and build others up?

Spiritual Battle: Life is a battlefield. Contemplate the spiritual warfare we face daily and the need for God’s protection.


What Weapons Do We Face? Identify the “weapons” in your life—fear, doubt, illness, financial problems, relationship issues, external challenges abuse, addiction or anything else you are facing.

How can you trust God fully to attend to these circumstances in your life?

Condemning Tongues: Have you ever faced judgment or criticism? How did you respond? How can you rise above negativity?

Our Righteousness: Recognize that our righteousness comes from God. How does this truth impact your self-worth?


Thoughts to Meditate Upon

  1. God’s Faithfulness: Ponder instances when God protected you from harm.
  2. Choosing Words Wisely: Consider how your words affect others.
  3. Claiming God’s Promises: Memorize Isaiah 54:17 as a personal declaration.


Application Today

In our modern world, where weapons take various forms—cyberattacks, misinformation, stress, and relational strife—Isaiah 54:17 remains relevant. Trust in God’s unyielding defense. Speak life, not condemnation over your life and your family and friends. And remember, our righteousness is a gift from Him!


Closing Prayer In Unity

 “Dear LORD -We thank You for the assurance of Isaiah 54:17. As we journey through life, shield us from harm. May no weapon prosper against us. Grant us wisdom to discern harmful words and the grace to respond with love. Remind us that our righteousness is rooted in You, and in YOU alone. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


May God’s voice and verse inspire you to face life’s challenges with unwavering faith no matter what you are going through.

(I Corinthians 10:13) – Remember and take away this thought from God’s Word: “What you are going through is not uncommon, it’s happened to many others before you and will happen to many after you. God will never tempt you or bring you to a situation that you cannot handle, and He will never give you more than you can take. Finally- He will always offer a hand and show you a way out!

DEAR GOD: Your Word Is With Me Always~

In the beginning was the Word, And the Word was with God, And the Word was God-  John1:1 (NKJV)

There are many people in the world with so many different views of life overall-and with different views come different lifestyles and, different beliefs.  Sometimes different views can be frustrating.

I love God and recognize Him as the one true God.

He is the one true Sovereign being, the one true Living God.  The Creator of all things.  It seems so simple to those whose belief is so strong. Trust in Him, run to Him for counsel, guidance, and communication.   We love His Word, because it comes from His heart and is meant for our hearts.  For those with faith there is no other way -He is our comfort and our world is secure knowing Him and loving Him.

He is my everything.

On the other side of the coin is the “non-believers” who simply believe the world started with a “Big Bang” and their theory is based on “Scientific” research.  Well, again, for those with faith-God is the Master Scientist-He created all things.  The non-believers on the other hand, see God as a “Myth” and His very Word-as nothing more than a fable put together purely for entertainment value.

This is what I referred to in the first paragraph – “it can be frustrating” when people’s views are the antithesis of your own beliefs.  Especially when it comes to GOD.

Do you want to scream sometimes, when hearing individuals say, “boy I was so lucky.”  Luck?  Are you kidding— luck?   There is no Luck in life. Instead, there is GOD who is behind all things at all times.  The Lord is our safe haven, our shelter, our best friend, our “go to person” for all of your activities of everyday life.

When a baby came back from being pronounced dead for nine full minutes – was that luck?

When a young man who was diagnosed “brain dead” and in an irreversible coma woke up and had full brain capacity- was that luck?

When a woman looking for her son, she gave up for adoption 25 years earlier showed up at her place of employment working alongside of her- was that luck?

When we were born and were given life – was that luck?

The reason is simple, and only ONE possible explanation to all these things and more- to the point it’s our might Father.

The LORD is the One who is our force, and our protector, and our Creator and our Master hand of guidance. He is the reason for all things and He works His will for our purposes. This is not called luck!  It is called GOD and His mighty hands of grace.

Let’s give thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and thank Him for all that He is, all that He has done, and all He continues to do in our lives. We recognize we must respect one another and keep peace.

Let’s give Him thanks for providing wisdom during the course of the day to overcome situations that are challenging! Let’s give Him thanks for providing His mighty voice as the barometer of morality.  Let’s give Him thanks for everything. He is worthy! He is good! He is Holy! He is LORD!

TO Sum Up

Although there are different views and lifestyles, and we are all different in appearance and backgrounds-one thing is abundantly clear – we all have ONE FATHER and LORD and SAVIOR!

One day, the world will recognize You are LORD and every knee will bow and every lip shall proclaim You as Our Lord and Savior!

But, how fortunate for those of us who recognize this truth right now, how blessed we are. How blessed indeed!


“Dear Heavenly Father God -Thanks for providing Your children with necessary tools to promote Your Word, by example-and shining the Light of Jesus Christ’s love to others, thanks for providing the platform through writing to exalt Your Powerful Name and to give You all the glory and honor, we love YOU LORD, and honor You fully and with all our heart and soul, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Let’s meditate on this mighty verse above in 2 Chronicles, and the verses below and realize the enormous entity that the LORD our God is, and let’s see how we might serve in all we do, today and always as we go forward…

John 1-5 (KJV) 

All things were made by him; And without him was not any thing made That was made. In him was life; And the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.


John 9-12 (KJV)

That was the true Light,  Which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, And the world was made by him, And the world knew him not. He came unto his own, And his own received him not. But as many as received him, To them gave he power To become the sons of God, Even to them that believe on his name.


John 14 (KJV)

And the Word was made flesh, And dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, The glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) Full of grace and truth.