DEAR GOD: WE Are Future Citizens of Heaven!~

Philippians 3 20 savior from there the lord jesus power point church

“Our Conversation in Heaven: A Journey of Faith”

In the letter to the Philippians, the apostle Paul writes, “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ” (Philippians 3:20).

These words resonate across time and space, inviting us to explore the profound implications of our Heavenly citizenship. Let’s embark on this spiritual journey, guided by moral reflections, reflective questions, and a powerful prayer. And loving heartfelt obedience to the LORD in all we do.

As we journey here on earth, keep in mind that we should all do according to His will and purpose for our lives. Not our will – but HIS will be done. When we ascribe to His Gospel and adhere to His Word and align with His truth, and love – we can do things in a capacity that we could never do if He weren’t in our lives.


With God ALL things are possible.

There is nothing too small, or too big that our God can’t do.

Living a life that we are called to do is what LIFE is all about.


Without Jesus CHRIST there is NO life!

We are called to a higher order of obedience and love when we walk as Christians. We are to reflect that purpose and light all the days of our lives!


Heavenly Citizenship:

Our true home lies beyond earthly borders. As citizens of heaven, we are part of a divine commonwealth, bound by faith rather than geography.

How does knowing our heavenly citizenship impact our daily choices and priorities?


Strangers and Pilgrims:

Like travelers passing through a foreign land, we journey toward eternity. Our conversations, actions, and attitudes should reflect our heavenly identity.

Let us live as ambassadors, representing the love and grace of our Heavenly King of kings and LORD of lords!


The Search for the Savior:

We eagerly await the return of Jesus Christ. Our hearts yearn for His Presence, and our conversations echo this longing.

How can we keep our focus on Christ amid life’s chaotic and noisy distractions?


Christianity in Today’s World:

In a fractured world, our Heavenly conversation unites us. We transcend cultural, racial, and political boundaries that go across the universe. We are one body in Christ and in as much – we are tied into a bond and existence for love of CHRIST.  Let our words build bridges, not walls.

Our conversation in Heaven is not mere speculation; it’s a reality we embrace by faith. It’s the day in which we all anticipate with joy. It’s a day of proclamation and affirmation in which we await Jesus’ return!

Come quickly LORD JESUS – Come!


Unity Prayer:

“Heavenly Father, grant us wisdom as we converse with one another. May our words be seasoned with grace, drawing others toward You. Help us recognize fellow citizens, even when they differ in language, appearance, or opinion. May our conversations reflect the hope we have in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”


May this post draw inspiration from Philippians 3:20 and encourage reflection and spiritual growth. It is a humble offering, inviting readers to explore their Heavenly citizenship and engage in conversations that honor God, today and all the days of living…


Citizenship in Heaven - Citizenship on Earth