DEAR GOD: You Protect Us Always~

Jesus helping us. Little boy with blue umbrella walking with Jesus ...

Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing;
    speak a word, but it will not stand,
    for God is with us.
Isaiah 8:10 (ESV)


 God Is With Us: Strength in Immanuel”

 Isaiah 8:10 –presents a powerful declaration: “Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing; speak a word, but it will not stand, for God is with us.” This verse encapsulates both a warning and a promise. Let us delve into its depths, drawing insights from other Scriptures, reflecting on its relevance today, and finding strength in the presence of Immanuel!

The Context and Meaning

In Isaiah’s time, Judah faced external threats from Israel and Syria. The prophet challenged these enemies, asserting that their plans would fail because God was with His people.  The name Immanuel – God with us – symbolizes Divine protection and assurance.

The verse emphasizes that human schemes, no matter how cunning, cannot prevail against God’s providence. Nothing can stand against God’s power or magnificence or authority!

Moral Takeaways

  1. Trust in God’s Sovereignty: Isaiah’s confidence rested in Immanuel. Likewise, we must recognize that God’s presence transcends our circumstances. When we fear man more than God, we lose sight of His Power and Sovereignty. Trusting in Him dispels anxiety
  2. Fear of God vs. Fear of Man: The believing fear of God preserves us from the disquieting fear of man. when we prioritize God’s opinion over human approval, we find courage to stand firm.

Christian Views Today

  1. Spiritual Warfare: Our battles are not merely physical; they involve spiritual forces. In a world filled with ideologies, temptations, evil and a collective mass of uniquities and distractions, we need the assurance that God fights for us.
  2. Unity Amid Diversity: As Christians, we face diverse opinions and conflicts. Yet, the promise of Immanuel unites us. We can counsel together, but our unity lies in God’s presence, and HIM ALONE!

Reflective Questions

  1. What Plans Am I Making? Reflect on your current plans. Are they aligned with God’s will? Seek His guidance.
  2. Whose Approval Matters Most? Whose opinion shapes your decisions? Remember that God’s approval surpasses all.

Meditative Thoughts

  1. Immanuel’s Nearness: Picture God’s Presence beside you. Feel His strength and peace.
  2. Broken Schemes: Imagine human plans crumbling before God’s Sovereignty.

Powerful Unity Prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, we gather as Your people, knowing that You are with us. Our plans may falter, but Your purpose stands. Bind us together in unity, transcending our differences. May our hearts echo Isaiah’s trust in Immanuel. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

Message for the Day Ahead

As you step into this day, remember: God is with you. No scheme can thwart His purpose. Trust Him, fear Him, and find strength in Immanuel.

May this reflection on Isaiah 8:10 remind us that God’s presence transforms our battles. Immanuel is our anchor, and His promises endure.


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