DEAR GOD: A King Beyond Earthly Royalty~

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My heart overflows with a pleasing theme; I address my verses to the king; my tongue is like the pen of a ready scribe.
Psalm 45:1 (ESV)



Let’s delve into Psalm 45:1, a beautiful passage that stirs the heart and invites reflection. This verse is attributed to the Sons of Korah and is often considered a love song or a psalm celebrating a royal wedding. However, its spiritual significance extends beyond earthly kings and queens. It’s for the King of kings, and LORD of lords!  The One and only always and forever. He is amazing and we should be poised to love and honor and serve Him all the days of our lives, now and this moment – always!

The Noble Theme: A King Beyond Earthly Royalty

The Heart Stirred: The psalmist’s heart overflows with a noble theme. Imagine the emotions welling up within—a sense of awe, reverence, and inspiration. This theme transcends mere human affairs; it points to something greater.

The Skillful Writer: The psalmist likens their tongue to the pen of a skillful writer. This isn’t just about eloquence; it’s about Divine inspiration. The Holy Spirit moves them to express profound truths.

Historical Context: In its original context, this Psalm likely celebrated a royal wedding, perhaps that of Solomon. But let’s look beyond the earthly king. Christians see a deeper layer—the eternal King, Jesus Christ.

Christian Reflections:

Jesus, the Ultimate King: Our hearts should overflow with praise for Jesus, the King of kings. His life, death, and resurrection reveal a noble theme—the redemption of humanity. As we recite verses about Him, our tongues become pens, writing His story on our hearts.

Skillful Writers: We, too, are called to be skillful writers. Not with ink and parchment, but with our lives. Our words, actions, and deeds should reflect the beauty of Christ. We’re part of His ongoing narrative.

Unity and Love: Just as a wedding unites two souls, Christ unites us with Himself. We’re His bride. Our love for Him should overflow, inspiring unity among believers. Let our tongues speak love, grace, and encouragement.

Meditative Takeaways:

Contemplation: Take a moment to meditate on Jesus—the noble theme. Let your heart overflow with gratitude for His sacrifice.

Reflective Questions: How can you be a skillful writer in your daily life? What words and actions will honor the King?

Unity Prayer:

“Dear Lord Jesus, our eternal King, stir our hearts with Your noble theme. May our lives be skillful pens, writing love, truth, and grace. Unite us as Your body, reflecting Your glory. Amen.”



  Remember, Psalm 45:1 invites us to participate in the love and adulation of Christ in all we say and do. It is an exercise for us to participate in as Christians and as servants of a King that is worthy!


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