DEAR GOD: Your Son Wept In Compassion For Us~

Jesus Wept Digital Art by Jesus Daily

Jesus Wept” – An Exploration of Compassion and Humanity

The shortest verse in the Bible, “Jesus wept” (John 11:35), carries profound significance. Despite its brevity, it encapsulates the depth of Jesus’ compassion and humanity. This essay delves into the moral views, reflective questions, meditative takeaways, and supporting scripture surrounding this poignant moment.

Moral Views

The verse “Jesus wept” occurs in the context of the death of Lazarus, a close friend of Jesus. When Jesus arrives at Lazarus’ tomb and sees the mourning of Mary, Martha, and the other Jews, He is deeply moved and weeps. This moment reveals several moral insights:

  1. Empathy and Compassion: Jesus’ tears demonstrate His deep empathy for human suffering. Despite knowing He would raise Lazarus from the dead, He shares in the sorrow of those around Him. This teaches us the importance of being present and compassionate towards others in their times of grief.
  2. Humanity of Jesus: This verse underscores the humanity of Jesus. He experienced and expressed emotions just as we do. This connection makes His teachings and sacrifices more relatable and accessible to us.
  3. Value of Mourning: Mourning is a natural and necessary response to loss. Jesus’ weeping validates our own grief and shows that it is not a sign of weakness but a part of the healing process.

Reflective Questions

To deepen our understanding and personal connection to this verse, consider the following questions:

  1. How do I respond to the suffering of others? Reflect on your ability to empathize and offer support to those in pain. Are there ways you can be more present and compassionate?
  2. What does Jesus’ humanity mean to me? Contemplate how Jesus’ display of emotion impacts your relationship with Him. Does it make His teachings more relatable?
  3. How do I process my own grief? Think about your own experiences with loss and mourning. How can you find comfort in knowing that even Jesus wept?

Meditative Takeaway

In moments of meditation, focus on the image of Jesus weeping. Allow this image to remind you of His deep compassion and empathy for ALL of us!

Let it inspire you to be more compassionate towards others and to embrace your own humanity and emotions as Jesus would want us to. Consider thinking and meditating on the verse-“Jesus wept, and so can I,” to reinforce the acceptance of your own grief and the importance of empathy. Incorporate it into your course of action as you journey here in the flesh, maintaining His empathy and reflecting His light, as core foundations in every aspect of your life.

Supporting Scripture

To further explore the themes of compassion, humanity, and mourning, consider these additional scriptures:

  • Psalm 34:18: “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” This verse reassures us of God’s presence in our times of sorrow.
  • Romans 12:15: “Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.” This encourages us to share in the emotions of others, both joy and sorrow.
  • Hebrews 4:15: “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” This highlights Jesus’ ability to empathize with our struggles.


“Jesus wept” is a powerful reminder of the depth of Jesus’ compassion and His shared humanity with us. It calls us to be empathetic, to embrace our own emotions, and to find comfort in the knowledge that our grief is understood and shared by Jesus Himself. Through reflection, meditation, and supporting scripture, we can draw closer to the heart of this profound verse and its implications for our lives.

Jesus Wept - Christian Genesis - Daily Devotional

DEAR GOD: We Cry Even Today-As You Cried~

Jesus Wept Digital Art by Jesus Daily

Jesus Wept

In John 11:35, the shortest verse in the entire Bible -we encounter these two poignant words: “Jesus wept.” But why did He cry? Here are some significant aspects:

Compassion and Empathy:
Jesus wept because He understood the pain and suffering that death brings. Despite His power to overcome death, He felt the heaviness of sin and the human experience. His tears serve as a reminder of His deep love and empathy for humanity, even in the face of miraculous solutions.

Reflective Question:
How can we cultivate empathy and compassion for others, especially during times of grief and loss?

Shared Humanity:
The Lord Jesus, though Divine, lived a perfect life in human form. He experienced the same feelings as those around Him. His tears reveal His solidarity with our struggles, sorrows, and limitations. This was clearly a human characteristic that we “all share” – TEARS!

Reflective Question:
How can we connect with others on a deeper level, recognizing our shared humanity?

Application Today -Jesus’ tears continue to resonate in our modern world:

Authentic Emotions:
We don’t need to suppress our emotions. Jesus, fully God and fully human, expressed His feelings openly. Let’s embrace authenticity and vulnerability, knowing that God understands our hearts. Knowing He is there for us through each emotion we express, and all of which we are going through. He is with us through it all! Holding us up with His strength, Spirit and guidance – and LOVE.

Comforting Others:
Just as Jesus comforted Lazarus’s sisters, we can be present for those who grieve. Our tears can be a source of comfort and healing for others. “Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted.” (Matthew 6)

Reflective Question:
How can you offer comfort to someone who is hurting?

Modeling Compassion:
Jesus healed the sick, comforted the brokenhearted, and showed kindness to sinners. His compassion extended to all, regardless of their background or mistakes. We are inherently called to do the same – as Christians and believers, we are to emulate and reflect Christ in all things, at all times.

Reflective Question:
How can we model Jesus’ compassion by reaching out to those who are hurting, marginalized, or struggling?

The love Jesus demonstrated remains relevant in our contemporary world.

Just as Jesus selflessly gave Himself for us, we can prioritize others’ needs above our own. Whether through acts of service, forgiveness, or empathy, we can embody His love.

Jesus emphasized community and fellowship. In a fragmented world, we can build bridges, listen to diverse perspectives, and foster unity.

Grace and Forgiveness:
Jesus forgave even those who betrayed Him. We can extend grace and forgiveness to others, recognizing our shared humanity.

Unity Prayer
“Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the example of Jesus, who wept with compassion. Help us to love and empathize with others as Your Son Jesus did, help us in sharing their burdens and offering comfort. May our tears be a reflection of Your love in a broken world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”


Remember, Jesus’ love isn’t just a historical event—it’s a living reality that continues to transform hearts today. It’s a reality and a constant reminder that we are saved because of Him and His precious blood. Let’s meditate on His spectacular love and How His compassion molds our paths in life…