DEAR GOD: Your Hands and Love Comfort Us~

O Comfort Me, O Lord; The Journey Is Too Hard! There’s a Reason for Hope! Our Unchanging God ...

God’s Comfort in both good Times: And times of Helplessness and Anxiety.


Life often presents us with moments of helplessness and anxiety. Whether due to external circumstances, personal struggles, or overwhelming challenges, we all experience these emotions. Being mortals we can’t help but feel emotions surging. Whether it’s good happy moments. Or sad ones, such as the death of a loved one. Although we find comfort in our faith…there will be moments when we face adversity and feel anxious. It’s not something to be ashamed of!  A lot of times- I will hear good intention Christians saying, “that anxiety isn’t from God – you are in a stronghold of the enemy.” That introduces guilt or has a tendency to bring riddling doubts of insecurity to the person experiencing the emotion. It’s not a “sin” to feel anxious – it is a natural emotion. God made us to “feel” all kinds of emotions. The problem is if “we choose to stay that way” and not run to the LORD for assurance.

As Christians we will find strength in God alone. It is He that will wipe away all of our “worries and troubles” and give us hope in times of sadness or dark moments in our lives.

And in such times, turning to God provides solace, guidance, and hope. Let’s together delve into this topic, examining moral views, meditative takeaways, reflective questions, and supportive scriptures. Let’s see how we might react the next time we may feel “helpless” or “anxious” – or someone we know, or someone we love feels that way. It is something we ALL experience at one time or another in our lifetime.

Moral Views:

Compassion: God’s heart overflows with compassion for His children. When we feel helpless or anxious, we can trust that He cares deeply for us. This is when we should immerse ourselves in His Word and all of His promises. He tells us continually “do not fear – for I am with You.”  He promises to “never leave us” and these are all promises that we should meditate daily, and especially in times of turmoil.

Empathy: Jesus, during His earthly ministry, empathized with human suffering. He understands our struggles and invites us to cast our burdens upon Him (Matthew 11:28-30). 

Meditative Thoughts:

Surrender: Acknowledge your limitations and surrender control to God. Surrender is not weakness; it’s an act of faith. Being helpless in terms of emotions or a situation is another human trait. It is the LORD we need at all times, but especially in anxious or sad moments.

Presence: God is with you even in the darkest moments. His presence brings comfort and strength. His Word and His “voice” is a powerfully soothing balm that eases our hurt and anxious soul. His commandments and His ways are the key to Life. His love brings Life. His love is unequalled. And there none like Him.

Reflective Questions:

What or whom do you fear?

Reflect on the specific fears or anxieties you face. Are they rooted in past experiences or future uncertainties?

Where do you find security?

Consider whether you seek security in God or rely solely on human solutions. Your answer to this question can be the “answer” for what is going on.

Relying on humans is usually futile and most times will not offer a solution. But relying upon the LORD – is a sure thing. His Word is unbreakable and so is His love for us!

Supportive Scriptures

Philippians 4:6-7:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Psalm 46:1:
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Isaiah 41:10:
“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

 “Dear Heavenly Father, in moments of helplessness and anxiety, we turn to You and You alone, Grant us the peace that surpasses all of our understanding. Please -Strengthen our faith and remind us of Your unwavering love. May we find refuge in Your presence, all the days of our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Remember, you are not alone. God walks beside you, offering His hand to guide and uplift you. 

O Comfort Me, O Lord; The Journey Is Too Hard! There’s a Reason for Hope! Our Unchanging God ...