DEAR GOD: You Are My Light-Truth- & Tabernacle~

Gods Light Quotes. QuotesGram

Oh, send out Your light and Your truth! Let them lead me; Let them bring me to Your holy hill And to Your tabernacle-Psalm 43:3


 “Send Out Your Light”

 Psalm 43:3 is a heartfelt plea to God, expressing the psalmist’s longing for Divine guidance and illumination. The verse beautifully captures the essence of our own personal spiritual journey—a desire to be led by God’s glorious and magnificent light and truth. Let’s unpack this verse together and see if we can truly comprehend and understand what it means, especially to us in todays’ world and times.

Context and Interpretation

The psalmist implores God to “send out Your light and Your truth.” This request reflects a deep yearning for spiritual enlightenment. The imagery of light symbolizes God’s presence, wisdom, and revelation. Truth represents God’s unwavering faithfulness and His Word—the ultimate source of guidance. When we seek Him in all we do and obey His Word – we receive blessings and wisdom as we start to immerse ourselves in Him and His “voice.”  It’s a commitment and a loving type of existence when we follow Him and try to walk and stay on the righteous path – leading to eternal rewards. But we are weak, and mortals. We cannot do it alone!  Only through His strength, and His sustenance can we subsist in a world that is inherently “dark and unyielding” as evidenced by all that is happening around us in our own country and throughout the world. God is the light and the power and the One who is in control at all times, and His hands are the guiding force and gentle direction in which we all emerge victorious – which can only be done through CHRIST!

Supporting Scriptures

  1. John 8:12 (NIV): Jesus declares, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of life.” Jesus embodies the divine light that leads us.
  2. Psalm 119:105 (NIV): “Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” God’s Word illuminates our way, dispelling darkness and confusion.

Reflective Questions

  1. How often do we seek God’s light and truth in our decisions and daily life?
  2. Are there areas where we rely on our own understanding rather than seeking divine guidance?

Moral Takeaway

We learn that relying on God’s light and truth is essential for our well-being. Which is to say – our health, heart, body, mind and soul – and Christ is the One that keep us living and breathes LIFE in to all of us.  The WORD does that it brings life.  Just as it did in Ezekiel (37:4-8) when he spoke the Word to the dry bones, and they became flesh and came alive! It keeps us on the right path, prevents stumbling, and ensures alignment with His will.

Then he said to me, “Prophesy over these bones, and say to them, O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Behold, I will cause breath[a] to enter you, and you shall live. And I will lay sinews upon you, and will cause flesh to come upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live, and you shall know that I am the Lord –
Ezekiel 37:4-8.

Meditative Thoughts

Imagine standing on a mist-covered mountain, waiting for the sunrise. As the sun breaks through, it dispels darkness, revealing breathtaking vistas. Similarly, God’s light reveals hidden truths and transforms our perspective.
Consider moments when God’s truth illuminated your path, leading you away from harm or toward blessings.

Principles for Today’s Times

Digital Age: Amid information overload, discern God’s truth from worldly noise. Seek His light through prayer, Scripture, and wise counsel. All found in His Word and His ways!

Cultural Relativism: God’s truth transcends cultural norms. Stand firm in Biblical principles even when society shifts and seemingly drags you into it! Learn perspective and keep eyes of JESUS and the Rock will keep you firmly on His foundation of truth and righteousness!

Unity: As believers, we share a common journey. Let God’s light unite us, bridging denominational divides. WE are ONE BODY in CHRIST!

Takeaway Exercise in the LORD

Take a moment to meditate on Psalm 43:3. Close your eyes, visualize God’s light enveloping you, and pray for His guidance. Consider one practical step you can take today to align with His truth as you go about your daily living. embrace His Word and His ways and listen to His voice. And may God’s light lead you to His holy mountain, where His presence dwells!

 Closing Powerful Unity Prayer

“Dear LORD, send forth Your light upon us. Illuminate our hearts, minds, and paths. May we walk in Your truth, guided by Your Word and voice. Remove any veils of confusion or doubt. Unite us as one body, bound by love and faith in all we do all the days of our lives, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Remember – He is our ROCK – Refuge – Strength- and LIFE!



DEAR GOD: Your Boundless Mercy Is Unfailing~

God's Mercy Displayed - Faithlife Sermons

For thy mercy is great unto the heavens, and thy truth unto the clouds. -Psalm 57:10


 “The Boundless Mercy and Unfailing Truth of the Divine”

In the sacred verses of Psalm 108:4, we find a profound declaration that resonates across time and space: “For thy mercy is great above the heavens: and thy truth reacheth unto the clouds.” These words invite us to explore the boundless nature of divine compassion and the unwavering fidelity of truth. Let us embark on a spiritual journey, guided by scripture, reflection, and prayer.

 Mercy Above the Heavens

The psalmist’s proclamation echoes through the celestial realms. Imagine the vast expanse of the heavens—the cosmic tapestry of stars, galaxies, and nebulae. Yet, even beyond this cosmic grandeur, God’s mercy extends further! It transcends the physical and touches the depths of our very souls.

How does the concept of divine mercy inspire hope in your life?

Truth Reaching to the Clouds

Truth, like the clouds that adorn the sky, envelops us in its embrace. It is not confined to earthly boundaries but stretches beyond our comprehension. The truth of God’s promises, His eternal Word, permeates creation.

How do you seek truth in your daily existence?
What role does faith play in your pursuit of truth?

Moral Thoughts

Mercy and truth are inseparable companions, although relatively alike in their overall impaction on life. Truth is vitally important, as is Mercy/Love.

Mercy tempers justice, and truth illuminates mercy. As mortal beings, we often stumble, yet God’s mercy lifts us. His truth guides our steps. Let us extend mercy to others, recognizing that we are recipients of Divine compassion and boundless love that is stable and unchanging for all eternity. Truth should be our compass, leading us toward righteousness, and unto the paths that leads to His Kingdom!

Unity Prayer

Let us join our hearts in prayer:

“O Gracious and Merciful God, Above the heavens, Your mercy reigns. Reach down to us, unworthy as we are, and grant us the grace to extend mercy to our fellow humans and all of your creation. May Your truth be our guiding star, illuminating our path toward unity and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Let this prayer bind us together, transcending divisions and lifting us toward the clouds of Divine understanding.

Meditative Thought

As we conclude think about that verse, and really appreciate its meaning and content. Let’s imagine the vastness of the great Heaven that He created—the mercy that envelops you, the truth that sustains you. In this moment, let gratitude fill your hearts. For in God’s mercy and truth, we find solace, purpose, and eternal connection, and most importantly -we find HIS LOVE that envelops us daily, today and all the days of our lives!

May the boundless mercy of our LORD and the unyielding truth of His Kingdom be our constant companions on this pilgrimage of life…

The Beauty of Divine Mercy: Using Clipart Images to Express Faith