DEAR GOD: Seeking You In Prayer Daily~

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Finding Refuge in God

 Psalm 4 is a heartfelt cry from King David, expressing both his distress and unwavering trust in God. In these verses, we witness David’s dialogue with both God and his adversaries. Let’s dive into the richness of this psalm, as we see the meaning and intent of this Psalm to us as children of Christ!

1. David Talks to God (Psalm 4:1)

“Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You have relieved me in my distress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer.”

  • Passionate Prayer: David’s plea isn’t mere words; it’s a passionate cry for God’s attention. He acknowledges that his righteousness comes from God alone.
  • Past Mercy as Ground for Future Help: David reminds God of His past deliverance, trusting that God won’t abandon him now. Our prayers gain power when we remember God’s faithfulness.

2. David Talks to Men (Psalm 4:2-3)

“How long, O you sons of men, will you turn my glory to shame? How long will you love worthlessness and seek falsehood? Selah. But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly; the LORD will hear when I call to Him.”

  • Questioning the Ungodly: David challenges his adversaries. How long will they persist in their destructive ways? He invites them to abandon falsehood and find blessing.
  • God’s Divine Selection: David affirms that God sets apart the godly. Our identity as God’s chosen ones matters. When we align with His will, He hears our cries.

Moral Takeaway

God’s favor rests upon those who fear, love, and serve Him. We, too, can find solace in being set apart for His divine purposes. Let us embrace our identity as the godly. When we walk according to His will and purpose or our lives, all things work out eventually, because God’s plans are best for us. Even when we don’t feel that they are, we might not see the reason immediately – or ever in this lifetime. But suffice to say – God only wants what’s best for His children. All of them, irrespective of their race, sex, social status etc., – He loves us all!

As we go forward, we need to align with His Word, and be obedient and acquiesce to His will, as we humbly serve Him with all of our heart, mind, body and soul. We need to put Him first in ALL we do and all else is second. His ways. His will. His Word – always.

Reflective Question

How can you live out your faith today, knowing that you are set apart by God for His purposes?

Meditative Thoughts

  • God’s mercy sustains us.
  • Our righteousness is a gift from Him.
  • In distress, we find refuge in His presence.

Closing Unity Prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for choosing us, setting us apart as Your beloved. May we walk in godliness, guided by Your grace. Grant us strength to withstand opposition, knowing that You hear our cries, and that You are continuously watching over us, in all we do, all the days of our lives, and may we humbly serve You fully today and into eternity. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

May this psalm resonate in your heart, reminding you of God’s unwavering love and protection as you go through each day of your lives!


Swachch Bharat

DEAR GOD: I Need Your Wisdom & Love~

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“But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace.”
                                                                                              -James 3:17-18


Wisdom from Above 

In the book of James, we find a beautiful passage that speaks to the essence of true wisdom. Let’s delve into this scripture and explore its profound meaning. It is the inherent characteristic of the LORD and through His grace He offers it to His children. Each time we read His Word, and take time to reflect, meditate we are filled with more wisdom from above. When we fixate on goodness we take in the essence of the LORD and we are filled with peace and wisdom to go the course all the days of our lives.

As we confront the evil in our world and the chaotic happenings around us we are able to readily attain victory, through the LORD JESUS CHRIST!

We are able to jump over hurdles with Him and able to navigate the rough seas. We can take direction from the LORD which will open paths of peace and clarity in what His will is for our lives. We are able to “hear” His voice as being His heir apparent-as he redeemed us and washed us clean with and by His blood.

When we stay within the parameters of what the LORD approves of – we are able to face life with confidence and an assuredly that we will eventually finish this race when we are welcomed into eternal rewards one day.

Until such time, we have a job to do and the LORD is there to guide, direct, lead and touch us as we take on LIFE and all it entails.

The Essence of Wisdom

James begins by describing the characteristics of wisdom that come from above. These qualities serve as a guide for Christians righteous living:

  1. Purity: True wisdom is untainted, free from impurity or hidden agendas. It seeks the highest good for all.
  2. Peaceability: Wisdom promotes harmony and reconciliation. It doesn’t fuel strife but seeks to mend broken relationships.
  3. Gentleness: A wise person approaches others with kindness and compassion. Gentleness is the mark of a humble heart.
  4. Readiness to Listen: Wisdom is open to reason, willing to be entreated. It doesn’t stubbornly cling to its own opinions.
  5. Mercy and Good Fruits: Wisdom bears fruit in acts of kindness, compassion, and generosity. It extends mercy to others.
  6. Impartiality: True wisdom treats everyone fairly, without favoritism or bias.
  7. Sincerity: Wisdom is genuine, without hypocrisy. It aligns words and actions.
Reflective Questions
  1. How can we cultivate these qualities in our lives?
    • Reflect on moments when you’ve exhibited these traits. How did it impact your relationships?
    • Consider areas where you can grow in wisdom. What steps can you take?
  2. What obstacles hinder us from embodying these virtues?
    • Explore personal biases, pride, or fear that may hinder wisdom.
    • How can we overcome these obstacles?
  3. How does wisdom impact our communities and the world?
    • Think about historical figures known for their wisdom. How did they influence society?
    • Consider the ripple effect of wise choices in your own life.
Moral Takeaway

Wisdom isn’t just theoretical knowledge; it’s practical and transformative. As we seek wisdom from above, let’s strive to live out these virtues daily. Our actions can sow seeds of peace and righteousness. We can make a difference when we adhere to His Word and His plan for our lives. We can truly operate on a different level as we go about our daily routine, when we bring the Word into everything we do. We can reach others through Christ, by example, by deed, by spirit and by conscious efforts to enforce His gospel of love into our heart as we extend it towards others. Especially those in the dark.

Thoughts to Meditate

Take a moment to meditate on these thoughts:

  • Wisdom is not about knowing everything; it’s about applying what we know.
  • True wisdom seeks the well-being of others, even when it requires sacrifice.
  • May our lives bear the fruit of heavenly wisdom.


Unity Prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, grant us wisdom that flows from Your heart. May we be vessels of peace, mercy, and gentleness. Help us sow seeds of righteousness in our interactions with others. In Christian unity, we find strength in You LORD, and it is Your peace and love that will sustain us all, in Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.”


May we carry these reflections and the LORD’s grace and love while embracing wisdom as a guiding light on our journey. 🙏