DEAR GOD: Just Simple Happy Memories Of Sunday~

25 Easter Dinner Prayers and Blessings for Family and Friends


Acts 16:34 And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house.”

Sunday is a beautiful day, always has been for me. Growing up and while I was attending school, from first grade and on up – I’ve always loved Sundays.  It was a time of worship services, and then afterwards just a general day of rest with my family.

After Church services – I remember going home changing out of my Sunday dress and going into the yard to read or play with my dog.  My mom would have this great pot of marinara sauce with meatballs, spareribs and pieces of beef, and it would permeate throughout the neighborhood; causing people to salivate as they walked by our house. To accompany that incredibly delicious sauce was usually ravioli, or lasagna (our favorites) or baked ziti – depending on what my mom wanted to make.  Salad, antipasto – and afterwards desserts my mom made the night before-so delicious.

Acts 16:31 “And they said, ‘Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.”

Company (family) would be over every single Sunday. My great grandmother and her son/my uncle; my mom’s mother and dad/my grandmother and grandfather; my dad’s mom and father/grandmother and grandfather; and usually most times my two Aunts, along with my sister’s friends, my brother’s friends, and at times, one of my friends.

Of course, myself and my two siblings, and my mom and dad completed the picture.  It was fun and so many laughs took place in that time of which they would visit.  I thought it would never end.

Sadly, we all got older, and my grandparents passed away, as did my dad; and my mom- but those memories live on in my heart, they are treasures of the heart.  And the Lord provided them by blessing me and my family with the opportunities to gather, and to “rest” in the love of God on Sundays.

Those are the days I recall with vivid detail – I can almost smell my mom’s sauce as of this writing, she made the best sauce in all the land!  The crowd on Sunday solidified that entirely.

God is a provider of all that we need, and He is a God of pure and true love.  It is because of the grace of God that I am able to look back and smile, and realize what an incredible family I have had, and so many friends that came and walked through our household and our lives.

Some have been called home, but their memories linger on.  They are all living with our Savior, and all of which we will see again one day.  The way that we act with family and friends, and people in general is something that will “carry over into eternity when we join them in heaven.”

The bonds we form with our family and friends, and how we treat them, will carry over into our Father’s house in heaven.  That is the only thing that we will carry over from this earth, from this world, are our righteous acts, our way of interacting with family, friends, people, strangers- that will determine our wardrobe in heaven.

Please, if any of you have a “quarrel” with someone, or if you have “heard something” that was allegedly said- don’t hold on to this, forgive and move on – it is what Christ wants us to do.  The enemy is the one that wants us to “fester” and make a boil bigger and bigger until it is about to burst causing considerable pain.  God wants you to be happy, pray together have fun together, and help each other while doing so.

I will always remember those days of my childhood, family friends, and my mom’s incredible food after the early morning Church services.  It was such a beautiful day of peace, rest, and love – just a few ways we can describe GOD!

Have a blessed day filled with peace, love and rest in God!  I pray you all have memories and treasures in your heart of which God blessed you with, and I pray you will forgive and forget if you are not speaking to someone you love.

I will see you next time,

Peace Blessings and God’s love.

“Dear LORD, thank You for all things past, present and to come, may I continue to honor and serve You with love, obedience and joy all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


 Dinner Church – First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

DEAR GOD: Your Light Is Everywhere – Shine LORD-Shine!~

Gods-Light | awakeisme

The Light in the Village

In a small, remote village nestled between rolling hills and lush forests, lived a humble farmer named Samuel. Samuel was known for his kindness and generosity, always willing to lend a helping hand to his neighbors. Despite his modest means, he shared whatever he had with those in need, believing that God’s love was meant to be spread far and wide.

One day, a severe drought struck the village, leaving the fields barren and the villagers desperate. Samuel, though affected by the drought, continued to share his meager resources, trusting in God’s provision. He would often gather the children of the village under the shade of an old oak tree and tell them stories from the Bible, teaching them about God’s love and faithfulness.

His favorite verse to share was John 13:34-35: “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

Samuel’s unwavering faith and love inspired the villagers. They began to help each other more, sharing what little they had. Miraculously, the village started to thrive again, not because the drought ended, but because the spirit of love and community grew stronger. Samuel’s actions had sown seeds of God’s love, which blossomed into a bountiful harvest of unity and compassion.

Essay: Sharing God’s Love and Word

Sharing God’s love and word is a fundamental aspect of the Christian faith. It is through our actions and words that we can reflect the love of Christ to others. The Bible teaches us that love is the greatest commandment. In Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus says, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

By loving others, we fulfill God’s command and demonstrate His love to the world. Sharing God’s word is equally important. Romans 10:14-15 reminds us, “How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent?”

We are called to be messengers of God’s word, spreading the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. This can be done through various means, such as personal conversations, community service, and even social media. The key is to be genuine and compassionate, allowing God’s love to shine through us.

Moral Thoughts

  1. Love in Action: True love is demonstrated through actions. As James 2:17 says, “Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
  2. Faith and Trust: Trusting in God’s provision, even in difficult times, can inspire others and strengthen their faith.
  3. Community and Unity: A community united in love and support can overcome any challenge.

Reflective Questions

  1. How can I show God’s love to those around me in my daily life?
  2. What are some practical ways I can share God’s word with others?
  3. How can I trust God more in times of difficulty and uncertainty?

Meditative Takeaways

  • Reflect on the ways you can be a reflective light of God’s love in your community.
  • Meditate on the scriptures that emphasize love and sharing God’s word.
  • Consider the impact of your actions and words on others and how they can reflect God’s love.

Closing Prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your boundless love and grace. Help us to be vessels of Your love, sharing it with everyone we encounter. Give us the courage and wisdom to share Your word, so that others may come to know You and experience Your love. Strengthen our faith and trust in You, especially in challenging times. Unite us as a community, that we may support and uplift one another. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”


May this post inspire you to share God’s love and word with a heart full of devotion and compassion. How do you feel about the message of sharing God’s love?

The Healing Session


DEAR GOD: I Have Freedom In Christ – Beautiful Name~

Freedom in Christ | A ray of Hope | Sermons - YouTube

Embracing the Freedom in Christ

Romans 8:2 states, “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death.”

This verse encapsulates the essence of Christian freedom and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. It speaks to the liberation from the bondage of sin and the promise of new life through Jesus Christ.

Christianity Then and Now

In the early days of Christianity, believers faced immense persecution and challenges. The Roman Empire, with its pantheon of gods and rigid societal structures, was often hostile to the message of Christ. Yet, the early Christians found solace and strength in the teachings of Jesus and the writings of the apostles.

Romans 8:2 was -and has been a pillar and platitude of hope, a reminder that despite the external pressures, there is freedom that abounds in Christ. And freedom that was not just a future promise- but a present reality, empowering us to live boldly and righteously.

Today, Christianity continues to offer this profound sense of freedom. While the nature of challenges has evolved, the core message remains the same.

Modern believers navigate a world filled with distractions, moral relativism, and various forms of bondage—be it addiction, fear, or societal pressures. Romans 8:2 reassures us that the Spirit of life in Christ still liberates us from these chains, offering a path to true freedom and peace.

Moral Thoughts

The freedom mentioned in Romans 8:2 is not a license to live recklessly but a call to live righteously. It is a freedom that comes with responsibility. As Christians, we are called to reflect Christ in our actions, to love our neighbors, and to uphold justice and mercy. This freedom empowers us to break free from selfish desires and to live in a way that honors God and serves others.

Reflective Questions

  1. How do I experience the freedom in Christ in my daily life?
  2. What are the areas in my life where I still feel bound by sin or fear?
  3. How can I use my freedom in Christ to serve others and glorify God?
  4. In what ways can I deepen my relationship with the Holy Spirit to experience more of this liberating power?

Takeaway Thoughts

Romans 8:2 invites us to embrace a life of freedom and purpose. It challenges us to move beyond the constraints of sin and death and to live in the fullness of the Spirit. This freedom is not just for our benefit but for the benefit of those around us. As we live out this freedom, we become beacons of hope and love in a world that desperately needs it.

Meditative Thoughts

Take a moment to meditate on the following:

  • Freedom in Christ: Visualize the chains of sin and fear falling away as you embrace the Spirit of life in Christ.
  • Empowerment by the Holy Spirit: Feel the strength and guidance of the Holy Spirit in your daily decisions and actions.
  • Living Righteously: Reflect on how you can align your life more closely with the teachings of Jesus, using your freedom to make a positive impact.

Unity Prayer

“Dear LORD -we come before You with grateful hearts, thanking You for the freedom we have in Christ Jesus. We acknowledge that it is by Your Spirit that we are set free from the law of sin and death. Lord, help us to live in this freedom daily, to walk in righteousness, and to reflect Your love to those around us. Unite us as one body in Christ, empowering us to support and uplift each other. May Your Spirit guide us, strengthen us, and fill us with Your peace. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

Thought of the Day

  • “True freedom is found in Christ alone.
  • Embrace it, live it, and share it with the world.”

May this reflection on Romans 8:2 inspire you to live a life of freedom and purpose, grounded in the love and power of Jesus Christ according to His will and doctrine, all the days of your life…