DEAR GOD: Unity in Christ Alone~


The Blessings of Unity – In God's Image

Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, –
Romans 15:5

The verse from Romans 15:5 encapsulates a powerful message of unity, patience, and encouragement within the Christian community. Let explore and get more into its meaning, implications, and the daily aspirations we can derive from being in the Word, aligning with the Word. And following the LORD in all we do, act and say.

 The God of Patience and Consolation

The verse begins by invoking the “God of patience and consolation.” This Godly and most divine attribute emphasizes endurance and comfort. God’s patience sustains us during all of our trials, while His consolation provides comfort and solace. As believers, we are called to emulate these qualities, and incorporate them continuously during our interactions with others, and represent Christ in all we do.

Being Like-Minded

The prayer continues, urging believers to be “likeminded.” This doesn’t imply uniformity of thought but rather unity of purpose. We should share common goals, values, and aspirations, centered around Christ Jesus. Everything we are involved in should have Christ smack in the center of it. No matter what it is we are doing, Christ should be with us doing it too!

A good rule is to remember this – Would Christ approve of what you’re doing? And would Christ be happy with what you’re doing?

If the answer is NO – then don’t do it!  Simple equation really.

Unity According to Christ

Our unity should align with Christ’s example. He selflessly endured suffering, exemplifying patience and consolation. When we adopt His mindset, we foster harmony within the body of believers. When we harness His love and power and ascribe to His doctrine or Gospel – we are given the opportunity by His grace to live life according to His will and purpose for each of us.

Reflective Questions

  • How can we cultivate patience and comfort in our interactions with fellow Christians?
  • What practical steps can we take to promote unity within our local church or community?

Final Thoughts

Unity isn’t mere agreement; it’s a shared commitment to God’s purposes. As we glorify God with one mind and one mouth, and one body we honor the Father and reflect Christ’s love.

Moral Takeaway

Unity requires humility, forgiveness, and intentional efforts. Let us prioritize Christ’ love over personal preferences, seeking to build up others rather than pleasing ourselves. And doing what will bring a smile to our LORD’s face each and every time!

Meditative Verses

Philippians 2:2: “Complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.”

1 Corinthians 1:10: “I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment.”

Closing Unity Prayer

“Dear Heavenly Father, grant us the patience to endure trials and the comfort to console others. May our hearts be united in purpose, glorifying You as one body. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”



Romans 15:5 -invites us as well as reminds us that our unity, rooted in Christ, brings glory to God. Let us strive for like-mindedness, embracing patience, consolation, and love as we journey together in faith. 🙏🏼