DEAR GOD: We Declare Your Glory- Always~

Demonstrating the Glory | Revelation bible, Scripture for today ...

“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” –Psalm 19:1-2


The Heavens Declare the Glory of God: A Reflection


The opening lines of Psalm 19:1-2 resonate with timeless wonder: “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.” These verses invite us to contemplate the celestial canvas—the vast expanse of the sky—as a testament to divine craftsmanship. In this essay, we will explore the profound implications of this declaration, weaving together themes of faith, morality, and introspection.


The Heavens as Divine Revelation

The psalmist’s words evoke a cosmic symphony—a silent proclamation that transcends language barriers. The heavens, with their celestial bodies, intricate patterns, and cosmic rhythms, reveal God’s glory. As we gaze upward, we encounter both the grandeur of creation and the intimacy of our amazing Creator. The heavens become a sacred text, written across the sky, inviting us to seek deeper understanding. The LORD wishes us to have an intimate relationship with Him and to place out utmost trust and reliance on Him alone. When we glance around and see evidence in everything we do, see and feel – we know that the LORD is alive and well – and a constant source of our energy and strength which we received from Christ!


Christianity Today: A Lens on Contemporary Faith

In our present age, Christianity faces diverse and exceedingly difficult and changing challenges, along with opportunities. It grapples with questions of ethics, mortality and faith in a rapidly deteriorating world that is seemingly crumbling in a constant state of iniquity and debauchery. Yes, there is light and goodness, and it will prevail. But the “darkness” and the chaos is what most people “thrive in” -that is to say, media, news, etc.  You see being faithful, living a clean and healthy life, representing the light of Christ, and reflecting His love is not of “popular opinion” or mind. But it is our inherent duty as Christians, to stand up and maintain that structure on the Rock, in all we say and do on a daily basis, irrespective of what “the media or news” circa wants to promote.  Keep promoting instead – the LORD Jesus Christ!


 Morality and Reflection

Morality—the prevailing standards of behavior— especially as individuals of deep faith -shapes our lives. The heavens’ declaration invites us to reflect on our actions, choices, and values. And to always consider and put Christ first in all we do. Contemplate, and prayer and coummune with the LORD on everything, and you will no doubt be able to navigate the toughest time with relative ease and peace when you do so!

  1. What moral principles guide my decisions?
  2. How do I align my life with God’s design?
  3. Am I pursuing righteousness in my daily interactions?


In moments of silence, consider the following:

  • Embrace awe: Like stargazers, let wonder draw you closer to God.
  • Seek wisdom: The heavens speak; are we listening?
  • Live purposefully: May our lives echo the divine craftsmanship we behold.
  • As we journey onward: May the heavens continue to declare God’s glory, and may our hearts respond with reverence and gratitude.

 For Our Journey In Life: “May the Lord bless you and keep you; may His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; may He turn His face toward you and grant you peace Numbers 6:24-26.


“Dear LORD, may we live each day according to Your will and purpose for our lives, may we embrace Your Word in all we represent each moment of our lives, may we continue to reflect Your light in the surrounding darkness, may we inspire others while encouraging them in Your love and commandments, and may we continue to serve You humbly and in heart and spirit, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


As we go forward today, let’s meditate on the LORD’s powerful promises, and His unsurpassed love, and infuse it into our encounters and our soul, today and all the days of our lives…


Psalm 8: The Glory of His Majesty! – God Centered Life