DEAR GOD: Rooted By The Waters Of Trust~

Be Like the Psalm 1 Man - Soul Shepherding

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
    whose trust is the Lord.
He is like a tree planted by water,
    that sends out its roots by the stream,
and does not fear when heat comes,
    for its leaves remain green,
and is not anxious in the year of drought,
    for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
Jeremian 17:7-8 (ESV)


“Rooted by the Waters: Trusting in the Lord”

In the bustling city of Jerusalem, where life’s trials and temptations abound, Jeremiah’s words echo through time. He paints a vivid picture of a blessed man—one who trusts in the Lord and finds hope in His unwavering love. Let us explore and look beneath the layers of meaning within this verse.

The Blessed Man

Trusting in the Lord is the cornerstone of true blessing. Our dependence on God surpasses reliance on human strength or worldly solutions. Suffice it to say, we cannot accomplish things alone without His hand of guidance and His Presence in our lives. It is one thing to do things, but quite another to be successful and at ease in what we do. When we are at ease, it is usually a sign that is from above – from the LORD. When filled with vapid uneasiness or doubt, it can usually be a sign that it is not the will of God, and He wants to get your attention.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How often do we place our trust in human efforts or our own abilities?
  2. What areas of our lives need a shift toward trusting God more fully?


The Tree by the Waters

Christianity Today: Jeremiah likens the blessed man to a tree planted by the waters. This tree thrives, even in adversity. Its roots reach deep, drawing sustenance from the life-giving stream. Because the roots are entrenched fully, completely in the LORD!  When we are securely rooted in Him – we will blossom and create fruits of the Spirit which will take us through life in a way God planned.


Meditative Takeaway

We, too, can be like this tree—rooted in God’s promises. Our spiritual nourishment comes from prayer, Scripture, and fellowship. And faith in the LORD in all things. Not relying on humans, because they will undoubtedly fail to meet our expectations. Conversely, the LORD will meet and exceed all of our expectations, His mercy is never ending, and faithful to us always.


Facing Heat and Drought

The blessed man remains green even in scorching heat. His trust shields him from anxiety during spiritual droughts. Trusting in the LORD is akin to having a “shield” around us at all times. It is our protection from all kinds of elements and destruction and evil things happening in the world. When we trust in Him, we are able to see in the “spiritual realm” seeking things from above at all times, and the Kingdom of God of which is what we are striving for.

Reflective Questions:

  1. How do we respond when life’s heat intensifies?
  2. What practices keep our faith vibrant during dry seasons?


The Deceitful Heart

Jeremiah acknowledges the heart’s deceitfulness. Only God truly knows its depths. Regular self-examination is essential. We seek God’s guidance to discern our motives and align our hearts with His.



“Dear LORD, we thank You for being our hope and refuge. May our trust in You deepen, and may our lives bear fruit even in challenging times. Root us by Your living waters, that we may flourish and glorify Your name to all we encounter and see, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”


Remember, dear reader, as you face life’s seasons, trust in the Lord—the One who sustains, renews, and blesses beyond measure…