DEAR GOD: You Are The Great Light Of The World~

Attributes Of God: Divine Light | Teresa Blythe

The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. – Isaiah 9:2 (ESV)


“The People Who Walked in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light”
Historical Context:

The book of Isaiah, written by the prophet Isaiah during the 8th century BCE, contains a rich tapestry of prophecies, warnings, and promises. This verse emerges from a time of political turmoil, moral decay, and spiritual darkness in ancient Israel. The people faced Assyrian oppression, idolatry, and internal strife. Amidst this darkness, Isaiah’s words offered hope—a beacon of light piercing through the shadows.


  1. Physical Darkness: The imagery of walking in darkness symbolizes the human condition—our spiritual blindness, ignorance, and separation from God. The Israelites, both individually and collectively, wandered in moral obscurity, totally out of touch with the reality of what was occurring around them, or the miracles they were witness to,
  2. The Promised Light: Isaiah prophesied the coming of a Messiah—a great Light—who would illuminate their lives. This anticipation pointed to Jesus Christ, whose birth fulfilled this promise centuries later.


  1. Spiritual Darkness: Our world remains ensnared and suffocating in darkness. We grapple with moral relativism, materialism, and existential questions. The light of truth often flickers amidst chaos, it is always there. Sadly, for a great majority of people- they are still unaware of the magnitude of who Christ is!
  2. The Light of Christ: Jesus, the Light of the World, continues to shine. His teachings guide us toward love, compassion, and redemption. In our personal struggles, we can find solace in His presence. We find peace in His promises. We find love in His embrace during the entire span of our lifetime.

Commentary and Moral Views:

  • Hope Amid Despair: Isaiah’s words remind us that even in our darkest moments, hope truly exists. The Light of Christ dispels fear, offering a path to salvation. He offers a way for LIFE. Not just an existence, as those who don’t have Him in their lives. But CHRIST offers LIFE, LIGHT & TRUTH. The only way to get to the Father, is through the Son.
  • Responsibility: As recipients of this Light, we bear the responsibility to share it. Our actions should reflect Christ’s love, illuminating the lives of others, and all those we encounter on a daily basis. Our behavior should endeavor to enhance the light from within, while giving Him glory and being a witness for Him all the days of our lives.
  • Repentance: Walking in darkness necessitates turning toward the light. Repentance—a change of heart—is essential for transformation. And it cannot be done alone – it can only be accomplished through Christ Himself. It is up to us to seek Him, accept Him and apply our lives, the best we can, and do all according to His will and purpose in our lives.

Meditative Thoughts and Reflective Questions:

  1. What Darkness Do We Face? Consider personal struggles, societal issues, and global challenges. How can Christ’s beautiful Light address them?
  2. Are We Reflectors of Light? Do our lives radiate hope, kindness, and truth? Or do we contribute to the darkness?
  3. Seeking the Light: How can we draw closer to Christ?  We can do this through prayer, Scripture, and acts of love – are we doing this daily?

Unity Prayer:

“Dear LORD- in this world of shadows, we seek Your Light. Illuminate our hearts, dispel our doubts, and guide us toward You. May we be reflective of Your love, and pillars of hope, reflecting Christ’s You and Your ways to those around us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Reflective Takeaway:

Embrace the Light: Just as the Israelites witnessed the dawn breaking through their darkness, we too can experience transformation. Seek the Light, walk in it, and share it generously with others.

Give witness to the Great I AM, and the Greatest of all Lights in this world, Jesus Christ!

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