DEAR GOD: Wisdom’s Light & Gentle Might

In the quiet dawn of morning light,
Where shadows fade and hearts take flight,
A call to live with honor bright,
To walk in wisdom’s gentle might.

If you are wise and understand,
God’s ways, His loving, guiding hand,
Prove it by the life you lead,
In every thought, in every deed.

With humility, let actions speak,
In service to the lost and weak,
For in the humble heart resides,
A strength that never falters, hides.

Do good works with a joyful heart,
In every role, in every part,
For wisdom’s path is paved with grace,
A journey to a holy place.

Let kindness be your guiding star,
In every moment, near and far,
For in the acts of love we find,
A mirror of the divine mind.

So live an honorable life each day,
In every word, in every way,
For in the humble, wise, and true,
God’s light will always shine through you.


‘LORD -we come before You with grateful hearts, seeking Your wisdom and guidance. Help us to live lives that honor You, filled with humility and good works. May our actions reflect Your love and grace, and may we always walk in the light of Your truth. Strengthen us to serve others with joy and compassion and grant us the wisdom to understand Your ways. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.”

Scripture for the Day:

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.” – James 3:17 (NIV)

 If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:17 (NLT)