UPDATE: 2024
Hello all,
A good portion of my books are no longer available at this time, as they are undergoing necessary revisions, and additions to enhance your reading pleasure.
Please be reassured that all of my books, hopefully within a reasonable amount of time -will be available sometime in the near future, and I am looking into possibly making them available in audio form as well.
However, please take note, that most of my Christian books are available “FREE” on download format in Barnes and Noble.
You can download from your computer or your phone.
God Bless~
UPDATE: – I am currently working on three new novels which should be available sometime in 2025 early summer/early fall.
Hearts of Love – Lost & Found~
Nora heads her own successful non-profit company. She’s looking to fulfill a “pinky promise,” by opening a shelter for those in need. Matt is the man representing William, a billionaire, who’s selling one of his buildings. It so happens the property, is ideal for Nora’s dream, to become a vast reality. William’s heart has been in hiding, for years, and not easily swayed by sentiment of any kind. When Nora and Matt meet, they’re immediately at odds, yet drawn to each other. Their hearts collide with complications. William’s past may represent his future unknowingly, as Nora and Matt, make a life changing discovery, that will affect many hearts in the interim.
“Witness of Our Father’s Love,” is in three parts. In fact, it’s three books in one. The first part are true events, that transpired to individual’s, who wished to share God’s glory. It’s a powerful insight into His heart, and love for His Children. The second book, “His Loving Words” are scripture/verses that offer peace, hope and love. Concluding with the third book, “Daily Love & Bread.” An offering of select scriptures, will infuse a moment of calm in this hectic world. A faith-driven read.
Lies, secrets, betrayals, and heartache “live” at the House on East 4th Street, as three families strive to cope with dire, and prolific circumstances, that threaten to destroy them all.
The three families that live in the house on “East 4th Street” are as different as night and day. Each of these families has a host of hidden secrets. Each with their own set of troubles, had hearts that were broken at one time or another—albeit, different in their ethnicity, and religious views, they share a common thread in their dedication to their loved ones. As you read and learn about these three families, you’ll find yourself rooting for them, and crying with them, from the very first page, right through to the massive conclusion.
Eve’s destiny, dangled in the balance, while she searched for employment. After yet another day of endless rejection, she was about to call it a day, and start anew in the morning. However, she felt compelled to knock on the door of a little church house. As the door opened, Eve had no idea how her life was about to transform in a powerful way. This story will touch your heart. As you read about the exciting characters, who unfold before your very eyes, it’ll seem as if you were right there witnessing the action. CD’s story is replete with romance, excitement, and intrigue, with an ending you didn’t see coming. The Path of Destiny is a story you’ll remember long after you’re done reading it.
It’s an honor to be included in this book with such an array of gifted writers/authors in this faith filled book published by Breath of Fresh Air Press.
There is something for every reader in a Mixed Blessings book, and this volume is no exception. Mixed Blessings—Classically Inspired is filled to the brim with fun, encouragement, food for thought, and inspiration. You may find yourself chuckling one moment and shedding a tear the next. In fact, it is the perfect mix of blessings for your daily reading enjoyment.
Sometimes people of faith can become discouraged when their prayers seem to be “unanswered.” It happens to the best of us when we begin to wonder “when will my prayers be answered?” Well, there can be reasons why they’re not “answered.” God wants what’s best for His children and sometimes an “unanswered prayer” is in fact “an answer” to our prayers. Come along and read about people who’ve experienced the blessings of unanswered prayers. This inspiring and uplifting book will bring about an entirely different perspective concerning “unanswered prayers.”
Two stories in one. A feisty current day woman–Mia– in the role of intern meets a feisty woman of yesteryear, Gracie. This woman of yesteryear proves to be an interesting subject for Mia when she asks for her life review. Mia, begins a journey through Gracie’s eyes. As the dramatic story begins it elicits Mia acutely transforming her self-awareness. Her shell breaks down as she delves into Gracie’s story with a new found respect for the elderly and life overall. To order see below:

This book is 50 life changing testimonies written by individuals at Faithwriters. I’ve been blessed to be one of the authors/writers who shared their stories. You can find it online. Inspirational and will be a witness to many. Enjoy!

I will see you next time,
Until then,
God bless.
C D Swanson~