DEAR GOD: Thank You For The Vineyard~


Turn us again to Yourself, O God of Heaven’s Armies, make Your face shine down upon us, Only then will we be saved.

Psalm 80:1 (NLT)

The Parable of the wicked vine presses shows God’s response to these who reject His grace.  The relationship between God and His people is a gracious one, and He chose them by grace alone.  He chose them purely out of love, a special covenant relationship, as He promised to be there for them. They were supposed to bring forth His covenant and doctrine.

The Parable of the wicked people in the vineyard shows the stubborn and wicked people who repeatedly reject Christ. The vine press is a symbolism of Christ, our Vine, and His blood which was pressed out for us.

The vineyard only yielded “bad fruit” even though good servants were sent to them to remind them, they are to be gracious and yield “good fruit.”  But they rejected His reminders, and His teachings.  So, the owner of the vineyard sent his own Son, and they rejected Him. This parable was of course describing Christ Himself, who the people rejected, and eventually crucified Him on Calvary!

Isaiah 51:7 is about God’s vineyard, which represents Israel, and was disappointed because they didn’t care for it, and it only produced “bad fruit.” Again, a metaphor for God’s love and judgement for His people. (Psalm 80)

We are to be faithful stewards to His vineyard, of which He is the Head Vine, and the Faither who placed the Head Vine in the garden.

How are you at being a “steward?”  Are you tending to the vineyard? Are you producing good fruits and yielding rewards of which burst forth when following the LORD.

When we are planted in the Vineyard of Christ, our roots get deeply entrenched in His Word thereby allowing spiritual growth, which enables us to become entwined in His grace, power, love and support.

How does your garden fare in the trenches of the Word of the LORD?

“Father my LORD, my Vine and my everything, thank You for presenting me with the opportunity to thrive and live in Your love and grace, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”