DEAR GOD: Many Honked For You~


1 Peter 1:3

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

As my husband and I approached an intersection while traveling last week, we heard horns “honking” and applause.  Obviously, something was going on, and we were trying to figure out a way to avoid the crowd.  But upon a closer look, we realized the applause and honking was for Jesus Christ!

We’ve heard about things like this before. I’m sure many of you reading this have. However, to be a part of the “overt love” for Christ was overwhelmingly powerful.  To witness the gathering and love of Christ was indescribable.

There was a man in the middle of the road with a Cross, and those surrounding the cross were dressed in clothing of that time.  The sign read “He died for You. Honk and clap if you love Him.”  (John 316)

The honking and clapping sounded like a “symphony” to us. It was a cord of sweet music, and an honorary choir of standing in a makeshift orchestra that represented “love for Christ” in a major overture culminating to “we believe, we love, we stand for Christ.”

When there is unison within a crowd of people of fellow believers it brings tears to my eyes. And a sense of hope that there are still so many who do turn to God and follow His Word. His word endures forever. All things perish and come to an end. But His Word lives forever.    (Isaiah 40:8)

His Word is a tool of strength and guidance in all we do. His love is an umbrella that covers a multitude of sins. And His grace is a balm for our souls. Of course we HONK and CLAP for CHRIST!

If you have any doubt as to whether you would honk all you have to do is “look at the cross.”

“Honk and applause anyone?”

“Father God, thank You for giving Your Son up to sacrifice to save us, thank You for You love, and I honor You, and adore You, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”