DEAR GOD: I See and Hear You Everywhere~


Lord, I feel You in all I do and see,

I know that You are always with me.


Where can I see You all day long?

You surround me and make me strong.


Some of the ways I encounter You,

I’ll try to describe all the ones I view.


As sun rays dance coyishly across my face,

I notice a huge spider web pattern of lace.


Gentle cooing sounds of the morning dove,

while she sits resplendent in its nest high above.


The sight of bright burnt orange leaves on a tree,

I hear them as they rustle on the ground falling free.


Rain drops splashing across the murky pond,

I witness a rainbow emerge of which I’m fond.


Snowcapped mountains emblazoned across the sky,

Created by You my LORD where You reside so high.


You are in the air I breathe and surround me,

Thanks for Your Crimson blood that set me free.


I love You LORD for all You are and do,

With You I am strong and never blue.


Amen and Amen Now and Forever More,

I love you more than ever, even more than before…





I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only.

 No one can hide where I cannot see them.

Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?

Jeremiah 23-24