DEAR GOD: Stagnant Points in Our Seasons of Life~




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All of us go through seasons and times of growth, times of conflict, times of sorrow, and times of joy.  And many of us go through a “season of stagnation,” which is to say, a time when one wonders, “what’s next?”

There are milestones for each of us, if we’re fortunate enough to experience, or undergo as life progresses.  For examples; “our initial first year of life, our 13th  and 16th birthday, and the big one, 21st!  And the rest of the milestones, which can include, college graduation, marriage, children, etc., etc.

But what happens when we aren’t certain of our “next season” or milestone? What happens to us when we are “baffled and thwarted” by what come next? Or if we are invariably “stagnating in a pool of now what?“‘

Well, there are many ways to handle “doubts and questions in our mind.” One of which might be to sit around and wonder, “can I possibly do anything further at this stage in my life?”

Or we can open up to God, even more than we previously had, and ask His help, guidance, and reassurance, for “what do I do next Father?”

When we attempt to handle uncertainty on our own, it can only exacerbate an already confusing moment as we face the crossroads in our lives, which may invariably lead to an inherent lapse of growth spiritually, emotionally and physically, thereby allowing us to sink in our “stagnant pool” of “what now?”

Becoming ensnared in a non-growth path doesn’t just pertain to any particular age group or gender.  Although it is a frequent pattern with retirees, and empty nesters, I assure you that it happens across the boards no matter your age.

Being patient, and waiting on God, is essential to being Christian, and inherently a crucial component of our “growth in spiritual practice” and life overall.

As long as we have breath, we are vitally important and a part of the body of Christ, we still have jobs to do, until we draw our last breath, and He calls us home.

Until then, “ask, wait, and obey” and He will guide, lead, direct and provide…and continue to show us what, where and how to respond at each stage, or journey in our lives. And that my sisters and brothers is what it is all about.

Wherever you go today, or whatever it is you do, and whomever you encounter, be an encouraging witness for the LORD. And whatever it is you accomplish, no matter how big or small, give Him the credit for allowing you to achieve those goals, both big and small. In everything you do give glory to GOD.

And finally, where you are right now, is where you are supposed to be, until He says otherwise!

“Father God, may I continue to follow Your Word, and listen and adhere to Your will for my life, now and always, I understand that I am viable no matter my physical condition, or age, and I am an important vessel in producing fruit, according to Your will, and purpose in my life, today, tomorrow and always, until You call me home, I am Yours almighty Father, now and forever, in Jesus name, Amen.”