DEAR GOD: A Savior & King of kings~


A Savior Is Born 

Luke 2:1-20

When the angel announced to the shepherds the birth of Jesus he said: “Be not afraid; for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all the people: for there is born to you this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.”





Christ, our Savior’s Light has come into the world.

Praise You LORD!

So, our Almighty Omnipotent Father, provided and appointed, as promised, from the beginning of the world, a “Savior will be born.”  The Great One, able to work out salvation, for sinners, which He has done; and was willing to save us all!


The everlasting One, Jesus Christ, who saved us from sin, from the clutches of Satan, from hell, and from every enemy known to man, and the wrath to come. Amen!

The Holy One.

The Lamb of God.

The unblemished One, who willingly came into the world—for us!

Sing and shout praises to the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!

Hail the King of kings!

Exalt the Great one!

And be exceedingly glad, for it is only through Christ, and His sacrifice, and our belief in Him, that brings us to the Father!


“Thank You LORD, for Your glorious lamb, our Savior the King, and for Your promises, Your word, and the blood of Christ, who covers us with His mercy and peace, and love, Praise You Lord, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen”