DEAR GOD: All Things According to Your Will~

If we let the truth of our Father’s goodness soak in, and we love Him with all of our heart, mind and strength, we are quite essentially unstoppable, and formidable in the face of evil and hurdles of despair. In fact, evil will run from us, and the problems and adversity we invariably will go through, will be easier with Christ.

Let His promises become imprinted on your life and embrace His love, which will be truly indelible within our hearts, but only if we have unwavering faith.

Nothing is ever in vain when you trust our Almighty Father. Every second in life will bring us closer into His perfect will. Be an example of unshakable faith by being a testimony for Him and His grace and understanding.

When we do all according to His Word and purpose, and we accept His plan and blueprints for our very lives, we will honestly experience “Life” in the way it was meant to be lived!

“Father God, may I always embrace Your Word, Your Promises and Your love, may I always walk the path in which You guide me, and may I always be obedient in listening to Your voice, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”