DEAR GOD: Heeding and Adhering to Your Will~




1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Tells Christians to give thanks in all circumstances because this is the will of God. God’s plan for our live includes us exercising gratitude, no matter what situation we have found ourselves in.


God’s will and plan are essentially synonymous. He has a will and plan for our lives. When Christians say something similar to, “I’ll be at the event tomorrow, the Lord willing,” they mean, I will be there if it’s part of God’s plan.

Think about Blessed Mother Mary, when she answered the Angel that visited her, to tell her she was “picked” to be the mother of Jesus.  Imagine if she said, “No way! That’s not part of my plans!”  Instead, she said, “Do to me as you have said.”  (Luke 1:26-38) 

This became the theme for her life going forward. She acquiesced to the LORD, and did all according to His plan, and purpose for her life.

And so should we!

When we give in to His plans, and walk according to His will, things will have specific value in all we do.

Things have a way of becoming intrinsically significant Spiritually and provides a meaningful path that is crucial to being a follower and Christian overall.

We are so grateful Mary went forward with God’s plan, Hallelujah!

And we are most important rejoicing in the fact that Jesus came forward!

For us!

To save us!

Now talk about the greatest plan of all time!  Amen!


“Father God, may I do all according to Your will, and walk the path of purpose for my life, and may I be dedicated in my Christian faith, and bring forth the good message, today, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen!”