DEAR GOD: Gifts & Callings From Above~

Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 

1 Corinthians 12:4 (KJV)


People of faith know essentially that each child of God has acquired and received different “gifts” from above.  We each have significance in the overall production of presenting them through Christ, all the days of our lives here on earth.

We mustn’t feel inadequate when we lack that which another may have. For example, a beautiful “singing” voice comes to mind immediately.  I actually get chills from hearing operatic voices singing hymns.  Sadly, when opening my mouth in song, I’m met with “sympathetic eyes” or people fleeing to get out of range of my pathetic attempt at what might pass as singing!  Well, okay, a little exaggeration for comedic effect. However, you get the idea.

Each with different gifts, callings, and abilities to serve the LORD, and be an example while helping to continue His work. Each one significant and purposeful to being “one body in Christ.”

My calling was “helping the elderly population” my entire career, in Nursing Homes.  Also, being an avid “listener” to those in distress, or in need of a comfort.”  Sometimes it can be “draining” but overall, it is so rewarding knowing God put this in my heart and adorned me with these particular gifts.

Others are called to teach, preach, speak to audiences, encourage, be first responders, serve in the military, so on and so forth.  The point is we are “all His” and we are to represent that which He gives us based on the platform He gives us.  If we turn from those gifts, I don’t believe He will be pleased…but He will still love us, unconditionally.

So, for those without “singing voices” or artistic talents, we are still God’s children, and we have purpose as long as we are here on earth.

The thing is recognizing our gifts and utilizing them full force.

And when we do, we are exalting Him in the highest purest form, because it is He who is control of handing out “the gifts”—Amen!

“God my Father, thank You for the gifts that You have given me, and for the opportunity to fulfill them, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, today, tomorrow and all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”