DEAR GOD: Love You With All My Heart & Lean Not On My Own Understanding~

Proverbs 3:5-6 #17 'Trust in the Lord with all your Heart' Bible Verse


Proverbs 3:5-8- Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the LORD and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.

The fundamentals of loving God is an inward and outward process, but the feeling of love, is a gift from above.  He loves us with the gusto of a welcome breeze on a balmy night, He loves us with the strength of a powerful eagle soaring high above the earth, He loves us with the softness of a single snowflake swirling about, He loves us with the depth of an ocean, endless, ever moving, and mysterious, and He loves us, most importantly -as a “Father loves His child.”

Trusting God and loving Him through every situation we face is one of the most intimate relationships we could and ever will have.  When we trust Him, fully and completely, even when all things suggest otherwise, we are held up by His right hand of righteousness.  When we love Him above all else, we are inherently part of His Kingdom and assured a place and a crown for our actions here, which will follow us as we enter Heaven.

Trusting Him and leaning not on “your own understanding” is being keenly aware of our frailties, and knowing we are merely “human” and not Sovereign as is our Master and Lord-our Father.

He has given us His promises in writing-and His voice is clearly heard to those who follow Him.  We know His voice, and we follow.  He will never leave us, nor forsake us, no matter the circumstances, or how difficult or challenging.

  • When someone says “NO”— GOD says “YES!”
  • When someone says, “That’s not possible” — “With God- ALL things are possible!”
  • When someone says, “That will never happen” God says, “Keep your faith, and it WILL happen!”
  • When a situation looks dim-GOD will shine HIS LIGHT!
  • When an outcome seems dire-GOD will provide and lift you up!
  • When circumstances suffocate You-God will give you Breath!
  • In other words, the message here is-TRUST… TRUST… TRUST…” in the LORD, and He will provide.
  • He will sustain.
  • He will show you the way.
  • And He will guide your paths.

Someone might be reading this message right now, who is in a deep valley, just remember this, “He is walking with you in that valley, and He will bring you out of it. Put all of your trust in Him, and He will do the rest.”

Keep looking up for all of your answers, and know that God is there for you, no matter what. And LOVES you more than we could possibly understand.

All the Glory and Honor and Praise are Yours and Yours alone, and you get the victory always, no matter what.

“Father, thank You for loving me and holding me as only a Father can, I trust in You and You alone, and I realize that no matter what individuals might say, that You have the final word in all accounts, I pray for those in the dark, and those in deep valleys, that they will turn their hearts to You, and accept You fully, completely and recognize You as their LORD AND SAVIOR, so that they will feel the endless love and tranquility that only You can provide, I pray for my brothers and sisters all across the world, and I pray for your light to shine away the darkness in the world, I pray these things in Jesus name, Amen.”

Psalms 118:8 –It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.

Psalms 112:7 –He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the LORD.

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