DEAR GOD: I Am Yours – I Surrender~

Surrendering To God - YouTube

So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
James 4:7 NLT


Surrendering to God fully is a challenging but rewarding decision that every Christian should make. It means giving up our own will, plans, and preferences, and letting God have His way in every aspect of our lives.

It means trusting that God knows what is best for us, and that He will work all things together for our good. It means obeying His commands, following His guidance, and seeking His glory.

It means relying on His grace, power, and love, and not on our own strength, wisdom, or resources. It means living for Him, and not for ourselves.

One of the reasons we should surrender to God fully is that He is our Creator and He knows us better than we know ourselves. He has a perfect plan for our lives, and He wants to bless us and give us hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 55:8-9)

Another reason we should surrender to God fully is that He loves us unconditionally and He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. He offers us forgiveness, grace, and salvation through faith in Christ. He also gives us the Holy Spirit to guide us, comfort us, and empower us. (John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 8:1-2, John 14:26)

A third reason we should surrender to God fully is that He is faithful and trustworthy. He never changes, He never lies, and He never fails. He keeps His promises and He works all things together for our good. He is our refuge, our strength, and our help in times of trouble. (Hebrews 13:8, Numbers 23:19, Romans 8:28, Psalm 46:1-3)

A fourth reason we should surrender to God fully is that He is worthy of our worship and obedience. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is holy, righteous, and majestic. He deserves our praise, our gratitude, and our service. He commands us to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love our neighbor as ourselves. (Revelation 19:16, Isaiah 6:3, Psalm 145:3, Mark 12:30-31)

These are just some very strong examples of the verses that support the idea of surrendering to God fully. There are so many more in the Bible – if you take the time to read it, and get to know the Father and His love.

I hope they help you understand and appreciate the benefits and blessings of living a surrendered life. 😊

When we surrender to the One and only Master and King of kings and LORD of lords – our lives can be rewarding and fulfilling on every level, inside and out.

God is our weapon of defense in this ugly world of darkness. His light will extinguish the fiery darts the enemy throws our way. His ways and His love are a constant guiding force and sanctuary for us and all we do.

Have you picked up your Bible today? Have you spoken with the LORD today? Remember this, “He is always there and always waiting for YOU!”

“Father, thank You for this day in time, for Your love and guidance, for Your unwavering love and faith in me, I am Yours fully, forever and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Serving You & Your Spirit Only~

Bible Verses About God's Love | GospelChops

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, you have no obligation to do what your sinful nature urges you to do.
Romans 8:12 (NLT)

Romans 8:12 is a verse from the N T from the Holy Bible, written by the apostle Paul to the believers in Rome. In this verse, Paul reminds the Christians that they have a new identity and a new obligation in Christ, not in their sinful nature.

To try to really understand what this verse means, we need to look at the context of the whole chapter of Romans 8. In this chapter, Paul contrasts two ways of living: according to the flesh and according to the Spirit. The flesh refers to the human nature that is corrupted by sin and opposed to God.

Ostensibly -the Spirit refers to the Holy Spirit, who is God’s Presence and power in the lives of those who believe in Jesus.

Paul explains that living according to the flesh ultimately leads to death. However- living according to the Spirit leads to life and peace, into the Eternity.

Paul also says that those who belong to Christ have the Spirit of God living in them, and they are no longer controlled by the flesh. They are adopted as God’s children and heirs of his glory.

They have a hope that surpasses the sufferings of this present world, and they have the assurance that God works all things for their good. They are also more than conquerors through Christ, who loves them and gives them His eternal security.

Therefore, based on these truths, Paul says in Romans 8:12 that the Christians have an obligation–but it is not to the flesh, and not to live according to the flesh. This means that they are not bound by their old nature, which is weak and sinful. They do not have to follow its desires and impulses, which lead to death. They are not indebted to the flesh, as if they owe it anything. Rather, they are free from its power and influence.

Instead, they have an inherent obligation to the Spirit, to live according to Him. This means that they are empowered by the new nature, which is holy and righteous. They have to follow His guidance and commands, which of course- lead to life everlasting.

They are indebted to the Spirit-and they owe Him everything. He is the one who gave them life, and He is the one who enables them to live for God.

In closing- Romans 8:12 teaches us that as Christians, we have a new identity and a new obligation in Christ. We are no longer slaves to sin, but children of God. We are no longer living according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. We are no longer headed for death, but for everlasting life. This is the good news of the gospel, and it’s a great open motivation that warrants our full obedience to Him and His commandments!

“…and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.” Romans 5:5

What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who is against us?Romans 8:31

“Father, thank You for Your love, commandments, and promises, may I always seek You in all I do, may I live according to the Spirit and deny the flesh, may I be humble and gracious and walk in the light and be obedient to You as I serve You all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





DEAR GOD: Your Word Is Hidden In My Heart~

Message: “Hidden In My Heart” from Pastor Steve Wells – North Pointe ...

Psalm 119:11 -I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.

Psalm 119:11, is one of the many verses in the Bible that emphasize the importance of hiding God’s word in the heart. It means that by memorizing and meditating on God’s word, we can resist the temptation to sin and obey God’s will. When we do so we are reassured and confident in His love and promises that we are able to sustain and stand in conflict, dark days and all the rest in between moments of our lives. He is the source of all in which our life sustainability flows. His love is the tower in which we are able to stand over all adversities that befall us in any given day, at any given moment in time.

Deuteronomy 6:6: “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts.”

When we live with His commandments in our hearts, we are able to seemingly flow through life with the ability and agility of a mountain goat that’s able to climb without incident.  We are able to stand firm in His love and His promises to each of us.

Colossians 3:16: “Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

When Christ message fills within our heart and soul, we can attain all which He gives us to do. We can handle adversity with aplomb, and we can almost leap over tall buildings as Superman could! We can accomplish things that seem to be a Herculean task at any other time, but with His power and commandments and love – we are able to do things with ease.

Joshua 1:8: “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

Keeping His Word firmly within our heart and soul, and meditating on it – and keeping it on our lips – we are able to sow roots of peace, and interact with those who do NOT know Christ or His love. We are able to encourage others with His Word, as it readily springs to our lips, due to our diligence and meditation on His Word.

My own original thoughts on these verses are that they show how God’s word is not only a source of information, but also a source of transformation.

By hiding God’s word in our hearts, we can change our thoughts, attitudes, and actions to align with God’s purposes.

God’s word can also give and provide us comfort, guidance, and hope in times of trouble. I think these verses are very relevant and practical for us today, as we face many challenges and temptations in our lives.

“Father, thank You for Your Word, Your love, and direction in all I do and say, with You I can attain anything You set out before me to accomplish, with You the darkness will be overcome with Your light, and the hatred in this world will be snuffed out by Your love, in Jesus name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Sunrise & You-Doesn’t Get Any Better Than That~

Sunrise Beach Wallpaper (54+ images)

Good Morning- Here comes another new day with God! I love the morning! Time to spend time alone with my LORD and Savior before the “world comes awake.”  Time to reflect on the goodness of the LORD and all He has done. Time to thank Him for His love, His truth, His light and giving LIFE to those who believe in Him. Time alone with the One and only forever and always – Jesus Christ! I never cease to be amazed and in awe of His magnificence or beauty.

Lamentations 3:22-23 “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

God’s love and mercy are constant and fresh every day. No matter what we have done or faced yesterday, we can always start anew with God today. He is faithful to us and will never leave us or forsake us.

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

May I encourage you to be grateful and joyful for the gift of life that God has given. Every day is a blessing from God, and we should celebrate it with praise and thanksgiving. We should also live each day with purpose and passion, knowing that God has a plan for us. And do all according to His will, not ours. And when we do so, things will invariably make sense and become clearer as to the path we should walk upon.

Isaiah 43:19 “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

This particular s verse above from Isaiah- assures us that God is always working in our lives, even when we don’t see it or feel it. He is able to do amazing things that we can’t imagine or comprehend. He can transform our situations and circumstances and make a way where there seems to be no way. He can bring life and hope to the dry and barren places of our hearts and souls.

Psalm 30:5 “For his anger is but for a moment, and his favor is for a lifetime. Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.”

This should automatically bring a huge amount of comfort. Because we know that God’s anger is not permanent, and His grace is everlasting. He does not hold our sins against us but forgives us and restores us. He also promises that our sorrows will not last forever but will be turned into joy. He will wipe away our tears and fill us with his peace and joy.

Ephesians 4:22-24 “to put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”

God challenges us to change our lives and become more like Him. We are called to leave behind our old sinful ways and habits, and to renew our minds with God’s truth and wisdom. We are also called to put on the new self, which reflects God’s character and values. We are made new in Christ, and we should live accordingly.

Have you thanked God today? Have you sat in awe of His Magnificence and His Presence in Your life? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? If not – all I can say is – don’t wait to get to know Him. Open His Book and read – and get to know the Best of all and the One and only Lord of lords and King of kings.

It will be the best thing you will ever do, and it will be the relationship of a lifetime!

“Father, God, thank You for another day, for Your love, Your Word, and Your promises, may I always be thankful for every second You grant me, and may I do all that You propose according to Your will only, in Jesus name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: I’m Listening-I’m Yours~

Psalm 46:10 - Wellspring Christian Ministries

Psalm 46:10 -“Be still and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.”

When reading that verse what do you feel? I can say that I feel peace. Do you feel peace? You should realize that verse says it all.

Be Still and know that I am God.  Wow! Knowing that God is in control at all times, that no matter what, He has our back, and this is a “gift” from high above. In this present time of turmoil throughout the world, have courage and don’t fear, God is in control.   NO matter what’s brewing or has transpired near or far- for God is in control!

Sometimes, we can get ahead of ourselves without consulting the “One” that knows all, is in control, and wants the absolute best for His children.

When we go forth without placing Him first in all we do life can get complicated and can get out of control really quickly.

For some, it might take a little longer, but there is one thing that is for certain, when we leave God out of the equation, things are vapid and subject to evaporation.  That is to say, the things of earth aren’t lasting, they’re fleeting and will rust and decay.  This includes our flesh bodies.

Our beautiful spiritual bodies are the ones that last for eternity/ IF we adhere to His Word and lead a life that aligns with His will.  Our spiritual bodies are forever, and through Christ we are granted this mind boggling and beyond explanation gift of love.

It’s hard at times to stay focused on the Word when undergoing stressful situations.  We’re human and inasmuch, liable to find it difficult to concentrate if we’re in pain physically or emotionally.

But that’s when we need to celebrate His love for us and praise Him no matter the circumstances.  We need to absorb the verse “Be still and know that I am God” and realize He is in control.

He sees what we’re going through.  In fact, He knows what we’ll be going through before we are going through it.

He feels our pain.  He sees our tears and knows how many teardrops fall from our eyes.
He hears our prayers and knows our hearts.
He wants what’s best for all of us.
And, when our hearts break.
His breaks also.

When we open our hearts to our loving Father God, we’re under the umbrella of protection, no matter what. We might not feel it sometimes, but we’re under His protection, and living in His love of generosity constantly...IF we let Him in…and surrender to His almighty Sovereign ways.

Today, listen for His voice. Stop and realize that He is with you always, no matter what. He’s waiting for you to call out to Him and trust Him no matter what.

Speak to Him from your heart.  He knows each beat it takes and knows how many beats it has left. He knows how many hairs are on your head. He knows your thoughts and desires. He knows what’s best for you. He knows what tomorrow and the next day will bring your way.  And, through it all, He loves you unconditionally.

That’s quite impressive wouldn’t you say?

“Shh- Be still and know He is God…”

“Father thank You for taking care of me behind the scenes, while I’m sleeping, when I’m awake, all the time, every time, I thank You for Your love, Your Presence and Your giving me all provisions required and necessary in my life, may I always listen to Your voice, be still and Know You are in control, and may I be a humble servant all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Your Will Be Done

Seek God's will in all that you do and He will show you the path to ...


Galatians 6:2- Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

While in attendance at a gathering a person was complaining non-stop about all the things wrong in her life. Going on and on, that we thought she’d never stop! We couldn’t understand the negativity with this individual- her life looked as if it were a “bed of roses” along with feel-good scenarios laced in at once.

Eventually she did stop, and we went on to speak about other issues. But I couldn’t help but notice the sadness in the person who was lamenting for ten minutes straight. But she came to an abrupt halt, as if embarrassed and then nothing but silence from her during the entire gathering.

I leaned towards her and asked “is there anything I could help you with? Seems like there is something weighing heavily on your mind and heart.”  It was as if a light went off as she nodded and smiled.

We went off to a little corner outdoors, and she began to tell me that her husband was very controlling, and emotionally abusive, and at times – he pulled her hair. But she was quick to say, “only a couple of times he pulled my hair.” He also cheated on her. And on top of all of this – she was upset to find out her youngest son smacked his girlfriend around a couple of times.

I was overwhelmed and saddened by what this poor lady was going through and felt awful that the others were rolling their eyes at her complaints. I must confess – I too was wondering why she was murmuring so much, but I felt the spirit within me saying, something is wrong here. More than meets the eye.

After a very long detailed talk I gave her a number to call. There was a person who was experienced with “trauma at homes” and she was an expert at helping woman with the exact kind of situation “Sherry” was going through. I also said, “Do you know Christ?” And although she did, she said sadly that she didn’t know Him well, or the Bible.  I had an extra Bible in my car, for such times. And I gave it to her. “Read it! Start with John 3:16 – of how much God loves us. Jesus is the only One who can help you- He will give you the strength and direct your paths.” She took the Bible and hugged me, “thank you” were the last words she said before she walked away.

Weeks after that encounter – “Sherry” reached out to thank me. Her life was getting on track. She excitedly explained that she opened her Bible as I’d suggested and read John 3:16 – Then read the entire Gospel of John and was reading the epistles of John at the moment. She gave testimony of how different she felt almost immediately when she cried out to God that night, after our initial meeting. She said – the counselor helped her- but God was the One that really was helping. She started to cry, “Thank you for helping me…thank you!”

This story is inspiring and had a good outcome. Sadly, not all stories end happy or hopeful. We as Christians need to “tune in” to others and see past the fluff and stuff that sometimes go hand-in-hand pertaining to people and what they’re actually saying.

There is a difference from “the verbal voice” versus the “inner true voice.” The outer appearance sometimes will mask the inner appearance, and I am talking about one’s soul!

I have no doubt that “Sherry” will gain even more introspection and courage as she gets into the Word and continues seeing the woman expert in domestic abuse and emotional abuse. But – God will do the majority of “healing” for her heart and soul. “Sherry” was willing to do the work-God will do the rest.

Have you ever been around someone who is complaining and think -gee I wish they’d just be quiet?

On the other side of the spectrum, have you ever heard someone going on and on about what a great life they have-and you want them to be quiet?

Truth is – both scenarios can be masked by the true voice of their soul. Overcompensating can be a sign of inner sadness too. This is where we come in as Christians and look to God for strength, wisdom and answers.

Speak to them – ask with sincerity “what’s really happening here?” Then seek the person and talk with them. God wants us to help others. Sometimes it’s not just “physical sickness” that hurts. Emotional pain is awful too!  It can tear up a person and chew them up in the process. There is never any excuse for anyone to be abused in any way – emotionally or physically. And there is never a good reason for a husband to pull hair.

Sadly, abused individuals always think it’s their fault and make excuses. This happens all the time. But help is available. Especially when we reach out to them. Give them the tools and provide loving Christian counsel.

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10: “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”

Reach out to them. Help them seek God. Offer a friendly tone or ear and see where God leads you. He will always guide your paths when you ask for His help.

“Sherry” is happier these days, and it shows. Her husband is also attending classes about anger issues, along with her son. So, there is so much hope for this family going forward. Amen.

What about the others out there? Do you know any “Sherry’s?” If so, have you helped? If not – why not?

“Dear God, thank You for Your input and wisdom, for imparting the words and actions in order to help Your children, may I be Your vessel and servant all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




Emotional abuse can include verbal assault, dominance, control, isolation, ridicule, or the use of intimate knowledge for degradation (). It targets the emotional and psychological well-being of the victim, and it is often a precursor to physical abuse. There is a high correlation between physical abuse and emotional abuse in batterer populations (), and verbal abuse early in a relationship predicts subsequent physical spousal abuse ().

If you suspect or know anyone who is going through an abusive relationship – please reach out to them. Let them know there is always help available for them.

National Domestic Violence Hotline | The Administration for Children and Families (

DEAR GOD: My Milestones Have All Been With You~

Milestones in Life - The Fit Club Network

 From the first breath of life God was there.
He is our Creator…and the Creator of all things.
But, getting back to our first breath of life…God was there.  With each breath thereafter, He was and is there.
As we went through all of the major milestones in life…He was and is there.
Our first step.
Our first word.
Our first day of school.
Our graduation.
Our engagement.
Our marriage.
Our First-born child.
Our first job.
Our first encounter with “death” of a loved one.
And so it goes – so on and so forth…

If we’re fortunate we will be blessed from above to be afforded the opportunities to go through all of the major milestones in our life. In so doing, we should embrace the chance to do so, and fully appreciate and comprehend that we’re loved by the LORD above.

He guides us and leads us on paths of righteousness if we seek Him with all of our heart, and acknowledge Him in all things, and lean not on our own understanding.   When we do these things, not through our own accord, but Him and love Him and keep from evil it will be health to our navel and marrow for our bones (Proverbs 3:5-8). 

In other words, we’ll be prosperous, and well-being in soul, and spirit, through Him and Him alone.

As we age-we sometimes will find ourselves in a hamster wheel or “rut” wondering, “what else is there for me to do?”  We might think, well, we’ve hit all the milestones, and we’ve done -A—thru—Z” now what?  Then we perhaps begin to ponder and ruminate in a redundant manner asking “Are we done here?  What else is there to look forward to?”

Well, as long as we’re here on earth, it means our time is not “done” and that we still have work to do for Him. We are to continue on the path of righteousness, even though it might not be abundantly clear, we still need to persevere and continue on.  The race isn’t over until God says it is. His timing. His way. His plans.

As we age, (if we are blessed to do so) we will see a lot of heartaches, people coming into our lives-and ostensibly, people going OUT of our lives. Including-but not limited to- the significant loss of special family members, friends- and YES, I will even include heartache from the loss of fur-babies along the way.  But, through this all- what is the common denominator for us? – That’s easy- God is there through it all!

We might hold on tighter in times of trouble and reach out to Him more so when the clouds loom large overhead. We may be in many situations where we feel as if we’re sitting under the sword of Damocles, as it hangs precariously overhead, just waiting to drop!

But He is there protecting us through it all. His hands of grace shielding and blocking us from being penetrated by harm. The storms of life will abate-and His rainbow will break through every single time.  You’ve got to know that and believe it.

Somehow, the Lord led me to write this.  He obviously feels someone out there needs to hear this.  So, whomever this is for, please know that God loves you, and you WILL get through this phase in your life. He is with you and will never forsake you. Ever! That His promise. And His truth and Word will endure forever.

The valley you’re currently in may be deep and dark – but with His hands of love, He will pull you out, and bring you to the mountain tops, and protect you under His precious wings of joy.

Know that God doesn’t tempt us above that which we can’t handle, and He never gives us more than we can handle, and He will always– ALWAYS–show you a way out of whatever it is you’re going through (1 Corinthians 10:13).

So, remember that we have a very significant role in life. We are all different in our own way-but we are all God’s children, and we each have a purpose in this lifetime. And, although we might be stumped- or in a “holding pattern” as we wait to see what He has in store for us-remember this: “God will always have another milestone for us, no matter our age, no matter our circumstance, and He will never leave nor forsake us. His word and His promises are everlasting, so too is His love.

And, when we take our “final breath” in our flesh bodies on this earth- then immediately take our “first breath” in our spiritual bodies as we enter Heaven– God will there- and at that time- for eternity! Hallelujah! Praise His Holy name! Amen!

“Father thank You for being there to hold me up through all of the moments and milestones in my life, for offering me Your love, Your hands of grace, and for Your promises that endure forever, you are my Lord, and I am Yours, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 

So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it- Isaiah 55:11

For ye shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands –Isaiah 55:12

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us-Hebrews 12:1

There has no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted above that you are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that you may be able to bear it –1 Corinthians 10:13

Trust in the LORD with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes: fear the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to your navel, and marrow to your bones. –Proverbs 3:5-8

DEAR GOD: You Heal Our Broken Hearts~

Healing for a broken heart – Rejoice in Him

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” –Matthew 5:41

 Grief is a journey that winds through the valley of despair, climbs the mountains of sorrow, and sometimes finds rest in the meadows of memory. It is a deeply personal and profound experience, unique to each individual, yet universally understood. The act of grieving, of allowing tears to flow for a loved one lost, is not a sign of weakness but a testament to the depth of our love.

In the sacred texts, we find solace and understanding. The scriptures speak to the heart of our pain, offering both comfort and permission to grieve. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,” Jesus tells us in the Beatitudes. This assurance is a gentle reminder that our sorrow is seen, our tears are known, and our pain is acknowledged by a compassionate God.

The Psalms, too, are rich with the language of lament. “The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit,” the Psalmist writes, giving voice to our inner turmoil. In these ancient songs, we find a God who is not distant or disinterested but intimately acquainted with our grief.

As we navigate the tumultuous seas of loss, we may find ourselves questioning the purpose of our pain. Yet, even here, the scriptures offer wisdom. “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away,” we read in Revelation. This vision of a future without suffering gives us hope that our grief is not in vain, that it leads us somewhere—a place of healing and wholeness.

In the midst of our grief, we are not alone. We are surrounded by a cloud of witnesses, both seen and unseen, who have walked this path before us. They remind us that to grieve is human, to cry is to honor the love we carry, and to mourn is to move towards healing.

Let us not rush through our grief, nor demand of ourselves a premature composure. Instead, let us grieve fully and deeply, as deeply as we loved. For in our tears, we find a sacred space where the heart can begin to heal, and the soul can start to mend.

 “Heavenly Father, In the quiet sanctuaries of our hearts, we come before You with tears that speak more eloquently than words. You, who collect all our tears in Your bottle, understand the language of our weeping. In our grief, grant us the grace to mourn, the strength to endure, and the hope of Your eternal comfort. May we feel Your presence in our sorrow and find peace in Your promises. Amen.”

DEAR GOD: I Readily Submit To Your Will~

Are You Submitting to God? |

God’s will and timing are two important aspects of the Christian faith. God has a perfect plan for each of His children, and He knows the best time to execute it. Sometimes, we may feel impatient or frustrated when we don’t see God’s will or timing in our lives. We may wonder why He is delaying or what He is waiting for. But the Bible assures us that God is always working for our good and His glory, and that He has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives.

The following verses are some of the many verses that can let us trust God’s will and His perfect timing:

Ecclesiastes 3:1: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” -This reminds us that God has a perfect timing for everything that happens in our lives. He knows when to give and when to take away, when to bless and when to test, when to open and when to close doors. We can trust that He always has a reason for every season in our lives, and that He will make everything beautiful in His own time.

Psalm 27:14:Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD.” – This encourages us to wait patiently for God’s will and timing, and not to lose hope or courage. Waiting on God is not a passive or idle activity, but an active and faithful one. It means to seek Him, to obey Him, to worship Him, and to expect Him to act on our behalf. As we wait on God, He will strengthen our hearts and renew our spirits.

Jeremiah 29:11:For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” This assures us that God has a good and perfect will for our lives, and that He is in control of our destiny. He does not intend to harm us, but to bless us and give us hope. He has a future for us that is beyond our imagination, and He will fulfill His promises to us in His time and way.

Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” This verse teaches us to trust God’s will and timing, and not to rely on our own wisdom or understanding. We may not always understand why God does what He does, or when He does it, but we can trust that He knows what is best for us, and that He will guide us in the right direction. We can submit to His will and follow His lead, and He will make our paths straight and clear.

Some of my thoughts on God’s will and timing based on the above verses –God’s will and timing are not always the same as ours, but they are always better than ours. We may have our own plans and preferences, but God’s plans and purposes are higher and deeper than ours. He sees the big overall picture and the end results, whereas we only see the present and the partial.

He knows what we need and what we don’t, what will help us and what will hurt us, what will grow us and what will stunt us. He knows the best way and the best time to accomplish His will in our lives, and He will not be late or early, but right on time.

God’s will and timing are not always easy or comfortable, but they are always beneficial and rewarding. We may face challenges and difficulties, trials and temptations, delays and detours, as we follow God’s will and timing.

We may experience pain and sorrow, loss and grief, frustration and disappointment, as we wait for God’s will and timing. But we can be assured that God is working all things together for our good and His glory, and that He will not waste any of our experiences or emotions. He will use them to shape us, to teach us, to refine us, and to prepare us for His will and timing. He will reward us with His peace, His joy, His presence, and His promises, as we trust Him and obey Him.

God’s will and timing are not always clear or obvious, but they are always revealed and confirmed. We may not always know what God’s will and timing are for our lives, or how to discern them. We may have doubts and questions, confusion and uncertainty, as we seek God’s will and timing. But we can be confident that God will reveal and confirm His will and timing to us, as we seek Him with all our hearts, as we study His word, as we listen to His voice, as we follow His guidance, and as we consult His people.

The truth is -He will always make His will and timing known to us eventually. But we need to ask Him, as we knock on His door, and as we seek His face.

I hope these verses and thoughts have helped you to understand and appreciate God’s will and timing more. God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life.

He is faithful and trustworthy, and He will accomplish His will and timing in your life, in His time, by His will, for His glory. God bless you- 😊

“Father, thank You for always looking out for me, for being faithful and loving me no matter what, thank You for Your perfect timing, and will for my life, may I always hear Your voice, submit to Your will and purpose for my life, and live according to Your Word and plans, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


Submit to God in All Situations – Better Life World



DEAR GOD: Walking In Your Will & Word~


Pathlight Studies: Walking With God

Living with God daily means to abide in His presence, to listen to His voice, and to obey His commands. It means to seek His will and His glory in everything we do, and to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. It also means to love others as He loves us, and to serve them with the gifts and talents He has given us. Living with God daily is the most fulfilling and joyful way to live, because He is the source of life, love, and purpose.

Have you sought Him today? Do you walk according to His purpose for Your life? Are you doing things according to His will? Do you seek Him in all that you do? Do you have a relationship with Him? If not, what’s stopping you?

“Dear LORD, thank You for this moment in time, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, and no one else’s, may I aspire to all You want me to be, may I be in alignment with Your commandments, and Word, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”