DEAR GOD: Thank You For Your Love~


I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.
Song of Solomon 6:3 (NKJV)

Every single day, we walk under the canopy of God’s amazing love. His love which is totally perfect, as He is perfection personified. His love remains intact, it never changes, even if we wander away from Him, or His will for our lives, and disobey. He still will love us, fully and completely.

His banner over me was love (Song 2:4). God continuously demonstrates His love toward us. Apostle Paul writes, “in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). He did it willingly, openly, lovingly, selflessly, and yet some of us can scarce believe it or grasp the notion or the reality of the magnitude of this act.

We try to understand, and yet we can’t comprehend that His love for us is different than the love we feel for others. Our love is real, yes…but it pales in comparison to His love for us.

His gift is love. We may not believe that we are worthy of this great love. But we cannot earn it, or give anything in return for it, God instead, offers it freely to us, as a gift. Furthermore, the love of our LORD will bless us forever. It stands forever, and it never decreases…it is always readily available, and it is one of His many characteristics.

God will always love us, so rejoice and embrace His love, a love that is like no other. A love that is beyond the scope of our understanding.

How deep is your love for the LORD?

“Father, thank You for loving me no matter what, I thank You and adore You, and will forever more, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”