DEAR GOD: I Praise You and Choose You~

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

This verse encourages those of faith and followers that believe to pursue spiritual growth and transformation by aligning with God’s will. It is a course of action that we choose to partake in. It is a reality in which we live, and it is an assurance of comfort and dependability knowing there is a God.

Aligning with God’s word is fundamentally akin to building a house on the Rock, the foundation is sure and sturdy. No chance of it caving in or sending us toppling to the ground.

When we are with God in all we do, the mission is obvious and the rewards unmeasurable. The heaven’s rain down blessings when we become in-sync with God and His Word. We are able to think clearly, react appropriately and have an easier way of communicating with all that we encounter.

There are consequences to our behavior and actions. In psychology it was termed A-B-C.   Action = Behavior = Consequences. And so too for our choices in terms of our Christianity. Either rewards will be forthcoming, or not.

Choosing the world or God should be easy, a no-brainer as it’s said.

“Father, I pray for those in the darkness for them to see the light and to follow Your Word, and for their choice to be You and only You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: I’m Hoping to Please You in All Things~

Isaiah 50:7 For the Lord God will help me; therefore, shall I not be confounded: therefore, have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

The clearer way perhaps to interpret this passage might be best rendered this way, “The LORD Jehovah helps me, and I’m not ashamed. And because I’m not ashamed and because of the LORD’s help, I am determined to endeavor all that is before me in God’s name and Spirit.

We are all servants of the LORD. We sometimes might have issues, but as servants we may face inflexible circumstances, but it’s the LORD who can resolve these things, if we surrender and acquiesce to His will and ways.

A situation can quickly get out of control and snowball into a huge confrontation if not handled correctly. There needs to be a tone of confidence, sprinkled with a measure of docility, and a patient endurance.

There is a combination of being two things. As Jesus said, in Matthew 10:16 –“be wise as the serpent, but gentle as a dove.”  What a striking contrast between those two images. One is a side winder in all aspects of “charm and ambiguity” – while the other is clearly apparent, soft and gentle in approach and character.

One can be a mixture of a warrior and saint. It takes the right amount of each to make it a successful recipe overall. One is easy, the other is rough.  Submit to God in all resistance in the face of hostile individuals.

The unique camaraderie Christians share is the way we are called to be “over comers” in all our paths. We are called to a realm of reality in perfect union with Christ. We are followers and subscribe to His Word and ways.

When we align to His Will and not our own, trust in Him fully, acknowledge Him and love Him and turn from evil, we will experience health and peace deep within our very souls (Proverbs 3:5-8).

We are here for a moment in time but we can do all that is expected of us during this precious period of being on earth. We can acquire so many accomplishments in our flesh bodies.  We have jobs to do. All varied, all of equal importance, and all according to Him and His ways.

When we do things, we need to realize that God sees all.

God knows all.

And most important part of this equation, God loves us.

When we go with an attitude of “hoping to please God” you know what happens? We probably are doing just that.

“Father God, may I always acknowledge You, trust You, and follow the path in which You guide me, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Thank You for Your Generosity~

For he will hide me in his shelter
    in the day of trouble;
he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;
    he will set me high on a rock. 

Psalm 27:7

The generosity of the LORD is unmeasured, and nothing can compare to His Holy and pure Spirit in all things exemplified by His Presence.

I remember one time, about oh…40 years ago or so. Ron and I were going through some financial hardships.  We did the best we could to scrap by (as most people probably have) and we were living paycheck to paycheck.  At this point in time, we had an unexpected expense that would cost $750.00. We were baffled and tried to figure things out. Then something came to me. What about all of my broken earrings that are completely useless?  And several earrings I had lost leaving only one behind!  I brought them to a place that took old broken items of gold. And the owner was a Christian by the way…melted them all down. And guess what the amount came to?Come on, say it with me. Guess how much?

You got it, $750.00 on the nose!  Amen!

God will supply all of our needs. You just have to believe and keep the faith. He delivers on all of His promises. He never will let you down in the process. Nor will He desert you in the interim. Amen!

Well. After we paid off that unexpected expense. We donated and gave to local charity.  When we did someone stopped us and said, “you just won a TV!”  Our TV had stopped working, and we no longer owned one. Not that TV was a big part of our lives then or now. It’s just we didn’t have one any longer. Yet here was GOD again.  The prize was from a raffle to raise money for missionary workers.  We had forgotten all about it.  Well, the money was raised for the seven missionary Doctors, and then some. And we won a TV in the process!  How amazing is God?  How generous is He? Amen!

Can you think of a time when God offered you help in a situation, and generously answered your prayers? How did you react? Have you shared it with anyone along the way, giving Him glory and praise?

We cannot outgive God!  He will open the windows and flood you with a surplus, when You surrender, obey and have faith in Him and His ways, God will react in kind.

There are so many other stories I can share with you about How good God is.  It would take an entire lifetime to do so. I can’t remember a single time where I haven’t felt God’s Presence and goodness.

He is a kaleidoscope of lights, shapes, sounds, all pleasant and definitely good!

  • With God is our corner, how can we lose?
  • With the LORD near us, of whom shall we be afraid?
  • God is everywhere. And everywhere is God.
  • The smallest crevice of existence…to the most magnificent in life.

Generosity is an extension of who He is. One side of a multi-faceted God who stands on all He says. And does all He promises.

Hold on to Him. Embrace Him. Because God is our lifeboat and our breath of support throughout our existence here on earth and beyond.

Can we all agree to agree about God and His undefiled and pristine Spirit and character? Amen!

“Father, Thank You for Your generous acts throughout my life, and for all of the mercy You have continuously shown to me, which essentially is Your love, and support, may I be ever mindful of Your heart and be thankful all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”





Dear GOD: I Need You Daily – Especially Always~


prayer | I need god, Day of my life, Faith in god


John 16:13 – Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Challenges come into play whenever we have projects mounting in our lives. Whether they’re tribulations. Or merely a necessary project to navigate due to pressure from finances, family issues, conflicts with friends, or the overall horrific news of the day. When we are faced with challenges, I know the only One I want is God! Always!

Yeah of course -Christians and close friends or family are of vital importance. But for me, I want my LORD!  I want Him to comfort me. I want His Wisdom, His kindness, His unconditional love and mercy. As a matter of fact, I want Him all the time! I need Him to breathe! Always!

Make sense?  It should to those of deep faith. It makes sense to those of us who rely on His Word, and His direction to keep us going. And to keep us on the path that ultimately leads to His door. He loves us dearly! Always!

Communication is sorely lacking today, and it seems it’s limited to how it is relayed. It can be a two-way flowing street with open dialogue, with input from both sides. Or it can be a “traffic” jam that comes to a complete and utter stand still. Which in turn can back up for miles and miles. Congested roadways are never fun. Nor is lack of communication or turmoil.

With God. The street is always flowing. There is never any back up. And the communication if like a steady stream of spring water. Refreshing, ever moving, and bubbling over with joy. Always!

When we have faith, we have joy at our fingertips and mounting steadily in our hearts. When we have God in our front and center, we are ALIVE in all things. We have encouragement and inspiration knowing He loves us and listens to us. Always!

Today, tomorrow and always, “I need you LORD.”

Have deep is your need for God? Have you tried to run to Him lately?

“Father God, thank You for Your fountain of knowledge, Your wisdom, Your protection, Your undaunted love, and Your promises, I love You, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Psalm 95:1-3

Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord;
let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation.

Let us come before him with thanksgiving
and extol him with music and song.

For the Lord is the great God,
the great King above all gods.

DEAR GOD: My Life Here Renewed Daily By You There~


1 John 5:13: I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life.

I have always known the existence of God, since a little child. I was fortunate to be raised in a Christian environment, with church going parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. In fact, Sunday was a fine time to worship, meet and greet…and have others over for family dinners. It was special from sunrise to sunset. The foundation for my life was built upon the Rock, with my parents setting a fine example.

Today, as a senior citizen I look back and realize that God has ALWAYS been with me, through thick and thin. Through rough times and good times. And all the in between times.

As Christians we recognize God’s Word and surrender to His commandments and try to stay within the parameters of His Wishes. Being human, we sometimes fall short, and of course we repent and with contrite hearts we are forgiven.

We learn things from our falls, and we gain insight and wisdom because of them. I think that’s what defines humanity. Our ability to gain strength and depth with each transgression or tribulation.

I don’t know about anyone else, but being Bible savvy doesn’t mean I don’t learn something new each time I pick it up and read. There is a new thought or understanding and room for growth every time.

Living is living while here on earth, but when we are called home, that will be ETERNAL LIFE and all the rewards that come from that. I live daily because of Him living “there.”  And one day, I look forward to my future eternal home.

Until such time, I live for Him and Him alone.

“Father, God, thank You for the Word and Your guidance yesterday, today, tomorrow and all the days of my life here on earth, I embrace You and Your promises of the rewards to come, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: You Bring Me Comfort and Joy~

Psalm 16:11 – Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore.

Believing and living for Christ and embracing His Spirit, there is pleasures and promises that are assured and renewed by His breath of life that lives within and dwells within.

Being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit is akin to being connected to a reservoir. The Spirit refreshes and the harmony of His Presence flows in symmetry according to all things for His purpose and will.

When filled with His Spirit your countenance becomes enshrouded in peace, and when you trust Him fully, there is a directness and openness that counteracts any aversive circumstance you encounter.

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 15:13

When we are willing participants in His doctrine and commandments, and we surrender to all that He is—We can not only survive but get through any scenario or circumstance we run into.

When we pray to Him and give ourselves fully to Him, we don’t have to worry about anything. His peace will fill us completely. His protection covers us.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:6-7

Our lives are not just about the tangibles, but about the intangibles. It’s about believing in things that are not seen. It’s not about ‘what will I eat, drink or do? ‘ It’s about seeking the Kingdom of God in all we do.  It’s about gaining knowledge and wisdom in His Word and love. It’s about letting the Spirit rule.

“For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” – Romans 14:17

It’s about giving Him glory, honor and respect. It’s about knowing that He is the reason we are, and the reason we live. It’s about feeling His love and responding to it by loving Him back unconditionally.

We can never fully comprehend the extent and capacity and depth of His love for us, but we can willingly hold onto Him and love Him for all we are and do.

When we aspire to be all we can be for Him, we will purpose our lives by being in alignment with His Word all the days of our lives. And when we come into His Holy Presence when we are called home and live in Eternal joy we will have attained and retain all the rewards in which He alone can give and will employ.

“Father, thank You for filling me with Joy, and the love of Your peace, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Your Spirit Rules Flesh ~

Free faith dove holy spirit illustration

But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

Romans 8:9 (KJV)


There is a point when no matter how “spiritual” a person is, no matter how they define themselves in terms of Christianity, we might react driven strictly by our flesh, and not in accordance with our spirit. And that my friends, is what being “human” is all about!

Yes, we know the verse walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh (Galatians 5:16) – However, sometimes it is exceedingly difficult to push flesh impulses aside. Or to tell our flesh “SHUT-UP!”

Walking in the truth of God’s Word is to do it consciously, if not effortlessly…every single day of our lives here on earth.

Walking in the Spirit is to walk in a “New life in Jesus Christ.”  We turn from our old life. That old life includes bondage to any one person, system, idea or a contraindicative belief of a religious ritual, which is not Christ’ doctrine.

We are saved by Grace. His sacrifice and willingness to be nailed to a cross for our salvation, is a provision that only the Messiah accomplished. For us.

1 Peter 2:24 states, “He Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds, you have been healed. Romans 6:12 Paul tells us do not let sin reign in our mortal body so that you obey it.

Let’s face it. Flesh is annoying and lazy. It serves a purpose while we are here on earth, after all our spirit is encased in it. But when it comes down to Spirit verses the Flesh!  Spirit wins hands down! Amen!

Flesh wants to please itself. It wants to give itself pats on the back. It is greedy, it always wants more than it needs. And it will lead you on the road to temptation over and over.  The Spirit is kind, gentle, filled with wisdom and love. It wants what is best for us. And it is caring and giving.

Being led by the Spirit is to live a life of peace and gratitude. Being led by the flesh, is to live a life of indulgence and decadence. Living in the Spirit is rewarding and satisfying. Living in the flesh, is yearning for more and never being satiated.

Who do you represent? Are you the flesh? Or are you the Spirit?

Realize, we are human, and we all fall short from time to time. But when we do, understand that God forgives, and start all over again.

And when the flesh is getting loud and in your face…let the Spirit take over. When you do, I promise you that the flesh will be silenced immediately!

“Father, may I be led by Your Spirit in all I do, may I recognize the goodness of Your ways, and not be tempted by fleshy things or matters, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Thank You My LORD~


And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them. Acts 16:25 (KJV)

The passage above is so important to every child of God to fully absorb and meditate upon. This happened after they were unceremoniously thrust into jail, for no reason at all. Their crime? Loving Christ, and following His commandments, and preaching His love.

Being locked up “physically” didn’t stop or alter Paul or Silas from reacting “Spiritually” and offering up their praise and surrendering to Him even in the midst of their crisis.

After they sand in jubilation and honor of the LORD, a great earthquake shook the foundations of the prison, thereby untying their hands that were bound, and opening the locked doors!  The guards were “put to sleep” by the LORD and didn’t awaken until after they escaped safely from the walls of that prison cell. (Acts 16:26)

We as Christians should follow suit. When we are encased in physical pain, or tribulations in the flesh, it is inherent that we act from spiritually.  We should praise the LORD irrespective of what is happening. No matter the issue, or magnitude of deep despair, recognize and acknowledge Him in all we do, and He will direct our paths. (Proverbs 3:5)

God’s love is limitless, and His Omnipotence knows no bounds. It exceeds the basis of our fundamental comprehension. It is a massive and all-consuming fire of love and depth, of which there none other.

Presenting a spiritual focus in all of our daily interactions takes time, but the more knowledge we absorb from His Word. (Proverbs 1:7) (Proverbs 9:10)

When we acquire the knowledge that comes from Him alone, and we ascribe to His commandments, and His ways…we can attribute all things to Him and by Him. This is when we act differently than those who don’t have a relationship with Him.

Those who have issues or bad things happen, usually blame God. Ostensibly, those who know the LORD realize that things happen, but with Him we can get through it.

There is a mind-set among Christians that shines above the darkness, and that mind-set is what can make all the difference in 24 hours for each day we live.

Also, we believe we will be rewarded one day in Heaven, when we are called home. We believe His promises, and we trust Him, and know He is our Savior. Those facts bring an enormous amount of comfort no matter what we are going through. Amen.

“Father God, thank You for Your Presence in my life, for Your promises, and for Your love, it is through You and only You that I can endure, and harness the energy to live through issues, while giving You all the glory no matter what, in Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: Many Honked For You~


1 Peter 1:3

 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

As my husband and I approached an intersection while traveling last week, we heard horns “honking” and applause.  Obviously, something was going on, and we were trying to figure out a way to avoid the crowd.  But upon a closer look, we realized the applause and honking was for Jesus Christ!

We’ve heard about things like this before. I’m sure many of you reading this have. However, to be a part of the “overt love” for Christ was overwhelmingly powerful.  To witness the gathering and love of Christ was indescribable.

There was a man in the middle of the road with a Cross, and those surrounding the cross were dressed in clothing of that time.  The sign read “He died for You. Honk and clap if you love Him.”  (John 316)

The honking and clapping sounded like a “symphony” to us. It was a cord of sweet music, and an honorary choir of standing in a makeshift orchestra that represented “love for Christ” in a major overture culminating to “we believe, we love, we stand for Christ.”

When there is unison within a crowd of people of fellow believers it brings tears to my eyes. And a sense of hope that there are still so many who do turn to God and follow His Word. His word endures forever. All things perish and come to an end. But His Word lives forever.    (Isaiah 40:8)

His Word is a tool of strength and guidance in all we do. His love is an umbrella that covers a multitude of sins. And His grace is a balm for our souls. Of course we HONK and CLAP for CHRIST!

If you have any doubt as to whether you would honk all you have to do is “look at the cross.”

“Honk and applause anyone?”

“Father God, thank You for giving Your Son up to sacrifice to save us, thank You for You love, and I honor You, and adore You, all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


DEAR GOD: How Do We Handle Snapping People?

How To Stop Gossiping About People: 7 No Nonsense Tips!

Ephesians 4:29“Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.”

I saw a snapping turtle on the road while driving through the woods. My husband and I smiled at the huge fellow!  This ancient reptile turned to look at us and snapped in the air, as if to say, “get moving there if you know what’s good for you all.”  Well, needless to say we respect nature and wildlife, and we were on our way in seconds. “Snap.”  It reminded me of some individuals I’ve encountered in my lifetime.

You may know some of these mortals yourselves. The type that loves to “snip” and “snap” about others. Or are apt to “snap “at someone with a veracity that can only be described as “vicious.” Just downright mean! Mindless cruel gossiping is how I’d describe it.

As children of God…How do we handle these situations? How do we handle mortals with such an immoral standard of ethics? What do we do? What does God want us to do?

Well, God wants us to gently guide and admonish in a way that is constructive, without being critically impertinent. We are to be humble about it. Think fairly and go to the Word for advice, and where you will always find “sage wisdom” and full written out instructions.

Humility –Along with humility correct Biblical knowledge must ensue. We need to admonish others based solely on God’s Word. Encourage one another based on God’s Word. If something is said without Biblical truths, it will be worthless. An exercise in fertility.  Because when we know the Word, if someone tries to say or do something that is not aligned with His Word, standards, or truths; we will automatically know it’s “wrong.”

2 Tim 3:14 But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it…

Patience- is an important virtue of the Spirit. We need to instruct others with respect and a manner of peace. No fighting, nor divisions. It is impossible to teach while convincing anyone of mistakes. They won’t know any better and thing that the dialogue they’re using, and the “snapping” they’re doing in natural in their minds eye.

Also do be mindful and overly cautious about not having an “ego” and using it in a way that is bragging about “how much you know” and “how little” they know!

Approach in meekness and endurance of a Christian on a mission. Not an ego stating loudly, “I’m better than you!”

Ephesians 4:2-3 “With all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love;”

It bears mentioned here that we shouldn’t force anyone to “believe” or to do as “we say.”  It is not about us. It’s about God and His mission, His reasons for using us as His servants. We can only gently guide through the Spirit and pave the way. It’s not our job to mold the individual, that is up to God. He is the potter; we are the clay. (Isaiah 64:8)

Respecting others and having an appropriate demeanor when addressing an issue, especially a nasty tongue or a gossiping intruder that speaks of controversial subjects.  It is important to come from an area of repose and respect and honor in the LORD’s name. But if after a time the individual is not responsive, then it’s wise to take leave and move on.

Titus 3:9- But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. (10) Warn a divisive person once, and then warn them a second time. After that, have nothing to do with them. (11) You may be sure that such people are warped and sinful; they are self-condemned.

Based on all this. We understand that a good friend, or Christian admonishes and helps to adjust Christ’s body. We hope to lead them to understand that if they only would align themselves with the Word and God’s will, life could be very different.  This can only be done with love, humility peace, meekness, and a vast amount of Biblical wisdom.

Proverbs 15:31-33- Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise. (32) Those who disregard discipline despise themselves, but the one who heeds correction gains understanding. (33) Wisdom’s instruction is to fear the Lord, and humility comes before honor.

Whatever we do we must adhere to a manner in which we assume Christ’s position and commandments. We are human and of course we will all fall short, no one is perfect. Only ONE is perfect, and that is our Heavenly Father who is pure and Holy.

 Matthew 5:48-Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.

We can try our best, help to shine His light where we can. And apply corrective measures in a way that can at times, be uncomfortable, but when it is done in the spirit and in a manner of Biblical standards, it will be easier to uphold.

Father, God – I thank You for Your Word, Your truth, and Your guidance, may I follow all that You purpose for my life, now and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.