DEAR GOD: Is My Heart Showing Outwardly & Inwardly?


Praying in Secret – christianityworks

I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. 

Psalm 101:2 


Psalm 101:2 brings to mind the Sadducees and the Pharisees who wore the long robes, openly prayed and attended Synagogue. They did what was right in “clear sight” of all who would see. Standing on street corners, praying loudly for all to see. And yet these same individuals who called themselves “holy men” of God were considered “hypocrites” by Jesus’ own words.

They didn’t have clean thoughts in their hearts towards Jesus, they were harboring evil thoughts, and plotting to be rid of Jesus.  But to look at the so called “holy men” with their tallits and kipahs in full view, you’d never suspect they plotted and schemed in the privacy of their own homes. They waited while observing Jesus. They were trying to trick Him at every turn. But our beloved Savior knew their games and knew their hearts.

So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him -Mark 3:2

He saw everything they did “in secret” as did His Father…our amazing Sovereign God.  God sees all. He’s a cardio knower. He reads our hearts, knows our minds. Accepts and loves us with all of His heart. He hates “sin” but, He doesn’t hate the person. So, nothing can be in secret. He sees it.

Jesus is grieved by an unrepentant heart.  He can get angry (as in His Father’s house when they were selling mite infested doves, and bargaining. He called them out in a powerful way. Overturning their tables, and with a knotted whip) and he can become grieved. So too His/our Father.

And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts -Mark 3:5

So, when we’re in our homes safely tucked away from the world, do we still behave in a “godly manner?” It’s one thing to behave in a godly way in public, when so many eyes are watching. It’s quite another thing entirely to reflect His goodness and righteous behavior when we are alone with our thoughts, and equally important to have a contrite heart. God definitely calls us to both.

Our Father loves us and calls us to certain standards and practices in His name. He wants every part of us–body and soul, and spirit–to grow close to Him. He wants those that will gladly and freely give everything to Him. Surrendering to Him at His will and joined and grafted in His love.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! -Psalm 103:1

He wants us to love Him. He wants our love. He knows our weaknesses, and of our ignorance in certain areas. He doesn’t require anything more than which we can handle.   When you seek His face and His strength, things will come back to you. He will bless you accordingly, in abundance. We cannot outgive God. God’s word is pregnant…it grows and grows. The more we seek, the more we see and know.

Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!  -Psalm 105:4

When we do our good deeds, we don’t need to announce them to the world, or blow a trumpet saying, “look at me” – God sees and will reward us openly. He keeps a careful tally of our actions, both public and private. Our actions should be with a contrite and loving heart, and with a complete obedience to the Father. And this is something that should be done both in and out of our homes.

And your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly- Matthew 6:4

Trust in God and know that His will and His intent toward us are always in our best interest. He set up this world so that a real element of faith is always required in order to connect with Him. Never doubt His love or His ability to sustain us in all things.

When they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted -Matthew 28:17

When we live a life of purpose according to His will, we will be better for it.  When we consult Him in prayer for decisions, or for an upcoming event, the outcome will be blessed. When we observe His laws, and His doctrine both inside and outside our homes, we will thrive.

Our job is to work inside and outside our homes in accordance with His gospel. To be a faithful messenger to others, in His glorious name.    Is the LORD pleased with your acts in and out of your home?


“LORD, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, and may I do all things that align with Your Word, and may all I do openly be in perfect harmony with all I do while at home alone, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”









DEAR GOD: I See and Hear You Everywhere~


Lord, I feel You in all I do and see,

I know that You are always with me.


Where can I see You all day long?

You surround me and make me strong.


Some of the ways I encounter You,

I’ll try to describe all the ones I view.


As sun rays dance coyishly across my face,

I notice a huge spider web pattern of lace.


Gentle cooing sounds of the morning dove,

while she sits resplendent in its nest high above.


The sight of bright burnt orange leaves on a tree,

I hear them as they rustle on the ground falling free.


Rain drops splashing across the murky pond,

I witness a rainbow emerge of which I’m fond.


Snowcapped mountains emblazoned across the sky,

Created by You my LORD where You reside so high.


You are in the air I breathe and surround me,

Thanks for Your Crimson blood that set me free.


I love You LORD for all You are and do,

With You I am strong and never blue.


Amen and Amen Now and Forever More,

I love you more than ever, even more than before…





I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only.

 No one can hide where I cannot see them.

Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?

Jeremiah 23-24