DEAR GOD: Is There More Traffic On the Way to Heaven or Hell?

Highway to Heaven and Hell - Speed Art #3 - YouTube


Matthew 25:46 – And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.



Driving to an early appointment this morning while lost in thought I glanced at the cars on both sides of the road. Endless cars with individuals on their way to an event, appointment, work or something other, and I thought “is there more traffic on the way to Heaven or hell?”

Sadly, I immediately thought, “probably Hell” as evidenced by circumstances on the news, and even within our own neighborhoods, stores and such.  Then I quickly thought about those who are true to God and His commandments. And all of the “silent” heroes in the world today. The people who give of themselves unconditionally without regard to “recompense” in terms of monetary value or status. Those who fight for the underdog, and who are willing to take a firm stand in Christ’ name.

I thought about the countless frontline workers facing emergencies on a daily basis. The EMT workers, and Emergency Room medical staff.  Those volunteering in an animal shelter and working tirelessly to get placement for those who are “about to be surrendered” due to lack of room. Those who take time to visit an elderly neighbor to check in on them, just to say “hi.”  Those visiting a nursing home and bring a gift, or hold their hands, and listen just to lift them up.  These things, and so much more are comprised of a selfless heart, and love of God and others.

 There are still individuals who act “behind” the scenes. Unfortunately stories about “goodness” is very rarely shown any longer, because sensationalism and perverseness seem to top the list at this moment in time.

For those who still walk the narrow path of righteousness, and for those who try,I would have to change my original thought about “is there more traffic on the way to Heaven or Hell” and say without a doubt, there is “more traffic on the way to Heaven.”

I believe the Bible and the overall plan of God and know that Christ defeated the world and death. I know He is coming back, and I know the rewards of those who follow Him.

So, for now this is the plan. Keep doing all you can to please Him and follow Him and His commandments exclusively. Put your trust in Him alone and worship and glorify Him totally.

Then wait patiently in line because you’ll be sitting in some major heavy-duty traffic on the way to Heaven!

“Father God, may I do all You have planned for my life today tomorrow and always, and I look forward to meeting You in person, for now, I intend to follow You and You alone, in Jesus’ name, Amen.” 







DEAR GOD: Thank You for Your Messages & Word~


How Can We be Sure Heaven is a Real Place? - Trending Christian Blog


Matthew 16:19- And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. –

His message and His voice are clear. He wants us to share and promote His Word and His love. He gives us countless warnings and predictions, miracles and overwhelming evidence in the Bible.  All of the incidents and undisputable truths and depictions starting in Genesis in the Old Testament, right down to the last book of Revelation in the New Testament.

When we take the time to review and digest it and understand His whole plan for us and for the world, we get to assist Him in ways we are called to do bringing it all to fruition. We are able to be His servants and bring light into the darkness, through Christ. It isn’t our “own power” but His that brings things to pass. It is under His wings and His guidance and direction, and infinite and mighty power that we are able to accomplish such things.

When He says ” whatever we do here on earth will be loosed in heaven” simply stated means; our acts and deeds that we perform here in the flesh, will follow us in spirit when we pass away.

When we get to heaven we are judged, and it will be based on numerous factors. Our deeds, our compassion for others, our kindness to strangers, our obedience to Him, and our fundamental behavior as Christians overall. And our belief in His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior and King.

When we do good here on earth and are in alignment with His doctrine and Word and avoid the evil aspects of the world…we will bring that with us to the afterlife.  When we sin continuously have no regard for His Word or commandments, and live haphazardly in a den of iniquity, we will have to face the LORD and the terrible day of reckoning.

We will either be rewarded for such deeds. Or we won’t. there really isn’t any other way. You’re for Him. Or you’re not.

Which category do you fall into? Are you ready for the day of reckoning? Do you know Christ intimately? Or is He merely a “name” to you? Which side of the gulf will you be on when you pass away?

“And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence”.Luke 16:26


“Father, thank You for Your Word, and Your guidance and Presence, may I be a vessel and servant for You all the days of my life, lead me LORD and know I live for You now and always, in Jesus name, Amen.”

Little Seeds Of Faith: Proverbs 3:1 Sunday School Lesson Idea

DEAR GOD: How Can Your Children Work Through Troubles?~

Here's How Prayer Can Improve Your Day and Your Life - Mom always knows


Psalms 34:17-18 – The righteous cry, and the LORD heareth, and delivereth them out of all their troubles.

There are times when we as faithful followers will face issues that are difficult and troublesome. This is when our Christianity should “kick into high gear” even more. This is when we surrender more so to the LORD and know that He is in full control of our circumstances and situations.

John 16:33 – These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

The Lord never said that we would NEVER face adversity in all forms, but He does promise that we will have “peace” through Him. Christ came to give us many things, and His peace is one we can embrace and feel secure about. And knowing He told us, “…Be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” is a verse we should embrace in our hearts on a daily basis.

Romans 8:18 – For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

No matter what issues, troubles, circumstances we are facing it is nothing compared to what will emerge from within us when we go to our eternal home. It will be beyond what our human minds can comprehend at this particular moment in time. However, it is a promise that will be fulfilled in the future. That in itself is a verse that should resonate within us all. And while we’re going through our tribulations, God is with us and will never leave us. (Matthew 28:20)

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

There truly isn’t anything we can’t do with Christ. His Presence provides the guidance and sustenance to lift us and spur us on to do what needs to do. His Spirit, along with His promises to strengthen us will give us the endurance to see it all through. No mountain is too high for the LORD, no ocean is too wide for the LORD. In essence and therefore “the same is true for us” when we have Christ in us.

Matthew 19:26 – But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.

When anyone tells you “No” in terms of anything…be it a goal, whether it be financial, physical, a disease, a destination…remember it is God who has the last Word. And it is HIM and HIM alone that will provide and override and veto anything “mortals” has to say!

Rejoice and know God is with us. God loves us. And God wants us to thrive while we are here on earth, and then into Eternity. Each adversity we undergo is in fact another reason to “rejoice” because of His promises to help us, lead us, guide us, and never leave us.

Remember and never forget–“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”-     Psalm 46:1

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“Father, my LORD, thank You for Your strength, and giving me the endurance to undergo and oversee all matters of adversity and tribulations in and around my life, may I always embrace Your promises, and Your Spirit in all I do, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

DEAR GOD: Your Gift Connecting Souls Across the Oceans Is Appreciated~

Being A Friend Of God | Free Life Church | Listen To Our Sermon Now

“Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and so does the sweetness of a friend that comes from his earnest counsel.”

Proverbs 27:9:


The soundest advice comes from His Word- therefore, friends who remind us of helpful Scriptures are wise counselors. They keep us on the right path, they rejoice in the LORD and give Him glory and refer to Him during times of tribulation, and in times of joy.


A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need. (Proverbs 17:17, NLT)  

A friend is there to sit and talk, or to listen. They are sent to us as a genuine gift from God. Friends are important parts of our lives, and segments of our connection to God Himself. We are all His children, therefore…we are all one body in Christ.

There are “friends” who destroy each other, but a real friend sticks closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24, NLT)

A true friend doesn’t even have to be in the same vicinity geographically.  I’ve some pretty close friends that I rely on, and trust implicitly who are in different States in the USA. And, I have four good friends who are across the globe, across the continents and oceans away!  Yet, I am close to them, spiritually, emotionally, and consider them my brothers and sisters.


Don’t befriend angry people or associate with hot-tempered people, or you will learn to be like them and endanger your soul. (Proverbs 22:24-25, NLT)

Ostensibly, a bad-tempered foul-mouthed individual is not one I’d encourage to be a friend, in the sense of the word. We are to be courteous, and not hinder hate or hostility towards another individual. However, it could be detrimental to us in terms of festering in that kind of negativity, which can promote a stronghold of anti-Christian behavior overall.

As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Proverbs 27:17, NLT)

We all need checks and balances in life. And friends help each other and remind each other about the goodness of God. Pointing out His promises, helping to forge forward in support and inspiring us to keep on the up and up. And Vice-Versa.

The heartfelt counsel of a friend is as sweet as perfume and incense. (Proverbs 27:9, NLT)

True altruistic love for a friend is sweeter than honey and more valuable than gems. It is the standard on which Jesus’ speaks about concerning love. Godly counsel from a friend is a veritable treasure in which there are no words.

An open rebuke is better than hidden love! Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy. (Proverbs 27:5-6, NLT)

At the same time truth can be painfully unmoving. It can be tough to deal with, but better to come from a friend than an enemy. We owe it to ourselves as children of Christ to offer only truth, and love when dealing with friends and loved ones.

After David had finished talking with Saul, he met Jonathan, the king’s son. There was an immediate bond between them, for Jonathan loved David. From that day on Saul kept David with him and wouldn’t let him return home. And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself. (1 Samuel 18:1-3, NLT) 

We are ultimately drawn to a person of integrity, compassion, and love for Christ. We know them by their fruits, as Jesus said to His followers. We instinctually want to be around this type of individual. As David and Jonathan’s deep bond of love and friendship illustrates. They depended on each other and loved each other deeply. So too, are our friends of today.

This is why I am so blessed to have friends close by, and across the oceans and continents. We are all connected by the Blood of Christ. We are all bonded in His love, and all have been redeemed by His sacrifice for us. We share the same love of God, the same values, and follow the same commandments. Some more openly than others. Some more inwardly. But both loving God and each other.

Are you grateful for your friends? Have you thanked God for them lately?


“Father, thank You for the friends You’ve sent into my life, so many have come through the years, some for a season, some longer, some have been called home to You, I thank You for the gift of friendship, those of yesterday, today, and tomorrow, and in the eternity to come, in Jesus’ name,  Amen.”


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DEAR GOD: Is One Thousand Years Truly One Day with You?~

Pin on Numbers...1 to 1000

2 Peter 3:8 – But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.



I overheard a man recently telling another man in the parking lot, “boy, when I’m around my wife’s family, a couple of hours feels like one thousand years!”  To which the other man roared with laughter and replied, “I have to remember that- that’s great!”

Somewhat bemused at the exchange, I thought immediately about 2 Peter 3:8, and realized that is kind of on topic for that verse. Well, sort of…

What I personally take away from this particular passage is that “God’s timing” is not ours. I take this verse to mean that God is not bound by time as humans are. Because what might seem like an extremely long tedious time to us, in actuality is but a moment to God.

I have often heard this verse used to encourage and uplift others to trust in God’s perfect timing, and not to give any thought or worry about time itself. That is to say, how long things take in this lifetime of which is paradoxically, fleeting.

For sure it’s entirely different when we get to our permanent home. Things won’t be the same as they are while we are in our flesh bodies, or so it is told throughout God’s Word. And of course, when we subscribe and surrender to His will, and His purpose, and trust in Him…we know that what we read is inspired by Him, through His prophets, and so…Heaven is real, and not as it is here on earth.

Of course, this verse is part of a larger passage pertaining to the coming day of our LORD, when the world will be judged and renewed.  God is merciful and fulfills His promises and wants everyone to repent and to spend eternity with Him. His timing, not ours. His will, not ours. His purpose, not ours. His, and His alone.

I have to tell you, if I’m being honest…there are some individuals I know who can spin a story that never ends, and it truly can seem like a thousand years!  I smile to myself and say, now in the eternity with the LORD, this story would elapse quickly!  LOL!

Trust that He is everywhere at all times, and the next time you are with someone who is going on and on, and time is dragging. Remember Christ dwells within us, and His Presence is with you everywhere. Try to concentrate on that aspect then perhaps the time will go a “little faster!”

“Father, I embrace You always and realize that my time is not as Yours, and my timing is not as Your timing, which is perfect, I thank You for Your promises, and love, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”


The eyes of the Lord are in every place, keeping watch on the evil and the good. ~ Proverbs 15:3



DEAR GOD: Is My Heart Showing Outwardly & Inwardly?


Praying in Secret – christianityworks

I will walk within my house with a perfect heart. 

Psalm 101:2 


Psalm 101:2 brings to mind the Sadducees and the Pharisees who wore the long robes, openly prayed and attended Synagogue. They did what was right in “clear sight” of all who would see. Standing on street corners, praying loudly for all to see. And yet these same individuals who called themselves “holy men” of God were considered “hypocrites” by Jesus’ own words.

They didn’t have clean thoughts in their hearts towards Jesus, they were harboring evil thoughts, and plotting to be rid of Jesus.  But to look at the so called “holy men” with their tallits and kipahs in full view, you’d never suspect they plotted and schemed in the privacy of their own homes. They waited while observing Jesus. They were trying to trick Him at every turn. But our beloved Savior knew their games and knew their hearts.

So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they might accuse Him -Mark 3:2

He saw everything they did “in secret” as did His Father…our amazing Sovereign God.  God sees all. He’s a cardio knower. He reads our hearts, knows our minds. Accepts and loves us with all of His heart. He hates “sin” but, He doesn’t hate the person. So, nothing can be in secret. He sees it.

Jesus is grieved by an unrepentant heart.  He can get angry (as in His Father’s house when they were selling mite infested doves, and bargaining. He called them out in a powerful way. Overturning their tables, and with a knotted whip) and he can become grieved. So too His/our Father.

And when He had looked around at them with anger, being grieved by the hardness of their hearts -Mark 3:5

So, when we’re in our homes safely tucked away from the world, do we still behave in a “godly manner?” It’s one thing to behave in a godly way in public, when so many eyes are watching. It’s quite another thing entirely to reflect His goodness and righteous behavior when we are alone with our thoughts, and equally important to have a contrite heart. God definitely calls us to both.

Our Father loves us and calls us to certain standards and practices in His name. He wants every part of us–body and soul, and spirit–to grow close to Him. He wants those that will gladly and freely give everything to Him. Surrendering to Him at His will and joined and grafted in His love.

Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy name! -Psalm 103:1

He wants us to love Him. He wants our love. He knows our weaknesses, and of our ignorance in certain areas. He doesn’t require anything more than which we can handle.   When you seek His face and His strength, things will come back to you. He will bless you accordingly, in abundance. We cannot outgive God. God’s word is pregnant…it grows and grows. The more we seek, the more we see and know.

Seek the Lord and His strength; seek His face evermore!  -Psalm 105:4

When we do our good deeds, we don’t need to announce them to the world, or blow a trumpet saying, “look at me” – God sees and will reward us openly. He keeps a careful tally of our actions, both public and private. Our actions should be with a contrite and loving heart, and with a complete obedience to the Father. And this is something that should be done both in and out of our homes.

And your Father who sees in secret will Himself reward you openly- Matthew 6:4

Trust in God and know that His will and His intent toward us are always in our best interest. He set up this world so that a real element of faith is always required in order to connect with Him. Never doubt His love or His ability to sustain us in all things.

When they saw Him, they worshipped Him; but some doubted -Matthew 28:17

When we live a life of purpose according to His will, we will be better for it.  When we consult Him in prayer for decisions, or for an upcoming event, the outcome will be blessed. When we observe His laws, and His doctrine both inside and outside our homes, we will thrive.

Our job is to work inside and outside our homes in accordance with His gospel. To be a faithful messenger to others, in His glorious name.    Is the LORD pleased with your acts in and out of your home?


“LORD, may I do all according to Your will and purpose, and may I do all things that align with Your Word, and may all I do openly be in perfect harmony with all I do while at home alone, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”









DEAR GOD: I See and Hear You Everywhere~


Lord, I feel You in all I do and see,

I know that You are always with me.


Where can I see You all day long?

You surround me and make me strong.


Some of the ways I encounter You,

I’ll try to describe all the ones I view.


As sun rays dance coyishly across my face,

I notice a huge spider web pattern of lace.


Gentle cooing sounds of the morning dove,

while she sits resplendent in its nest high above.


The sight of bright burnt orange leaves on a tree,

I hear them as they rustle on the ground falling free.


Rain drops splashing across the murky pond,

I witness a rainbow emerge of which I’m fond.


Snowcapped mountains emblazoned across the sky,

Created by You my LORD where You reside so high.


You are in the air I breathe and surround me,

Thanks for Your Crimson blood that set me free.


I love You LORD for all You are and do,

With You I am strong and never blue.


Amen and Amen Now and Forever More,

I love you more than ever, even more than before…





I am a God who is everywhere and not in one place only.

 No one can hide where I cannot see them.

Do you not know that I am everywhere in heaven and on earth?

Jeremiah 23-24

DEAR GOD: I love To Rest In You~



Find Rest In Christ Alone – Soaking in God's Word

Matthew 11:28-30

Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.



Rest.  Rest in the LORD. Yes, we are all familiar with “resting on the Sabbath.”  But did you know reading His Word, and acknowledging His promises and doing according to His will is “resting in Christ?” This is for all of us, all His Children.  So, we have the opportunity to do this every single day of our lives.  We can “rest in Him” and reap the rewards of doing so.

Let’s look for some key verses that instruct us to “rest” in Him, shall we?

1 Peter 5:7 When God instructs us to “cast all our anxieties on Him” He means it.  He truly cares for all of us, and when we do this, we will find peace and rest upon doing so.

Being in this world can be challenging, especially during current times of conflict all over the world. We can if we’re not careful about aligning in His Word, become “unglued” in terms of health, emotions and most important, our spirit.  “Truly my soul finds rest in God;
my salvation comes from him.”
Psalm 62:1

When we are in tune with the LORD’s Word and commandments, along with His instructions, we undergo a transformation that invariably will allow us to beat the insurmountable evil in this world.  We are able to transcend, by His grace, love and strength and any turmoil or chaotic situation that may arise.

When we abide with Christ, (rest in Him) –John 15:7  “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.”  We then can do all things through Him and for Him, and life overall will just be abundantly better in the long run.

Mark 6:31 And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.

Resting in Christ is not a “once weekly” task or something to take care of and move on. It’s not a weekly “habit” and just fulfilling one day of the week.

No!  It is fundamentally a piece of Christianity, a huge chunk of it. In fact, the whole ball of wax. Because when we “rest in Christ” it is a daily practice. It is a daily part of who we are. It is ingrained in our soul, indelible in our heart, body and mind.  It is a honor and we are blessed to be part of His Royal Army.

So, the next time you are “sitting in a church” and think, “well, I’ve met my weekly allowance” think again.  After all He’s done for us, and continues to do…don’t you think He is worth our time and effort of “resting in Him daily?”

I certainly do!

“Dear LORD, may I find time every single day to focus on You, and trust in Your Word and promises, and may I rest in You always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”




DEAR GOD: You Are the Keeper of My Soul~


I observed my niece playing with her toys on the floor in her living room. She methodically placed her building blocks one on top of the other. She seemed to really enjoy the red ones the most. As the pile got higher and higher, she became more excited. Until the last block she placed atop of the huge pile.  I knew it was sure to happen and within seconds she was crying. “All come down!” She cried as her mom assured her; she could build it again. That seemed to stifle the tears somewhat. And within seconds a chocolate chip cookie and milk seemed to erase the entire scenario from her little innocent mind.

That got me to thinking about our souls. The blocks were like the weight of the world, all its troubles piling atop one another. Issues, troubles, finances, division, political discourse, so on and so forth. Until one final piece crumbles it to the ground. That could be our soul!

Jesus very succinctly gives us a warning in Mark 8:36. He is telling us what good to gain the world if we lose our soul in the process? How important is the things of this world that would push our souls to the brink of eradication?

Listen, of course we need to be aware of current events. Jesus warned His disciples as he sent them out into the world in Matthew 10:16,Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves; be therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves. 

The Lord Jesus used the dove as a model for harmlessness and innocence, and the serpent for wisdom and cunning. So, we are to utilize the two in a way that is fitting of a Christian and follower of Christ. We are to be cautious as we venture into the world and be forewarned at all times, remembering the words of Christ.

How can we do this?

  1. Take note of the world events, but don’t get pulled into them in an ungodly fashion. ((Colossians 2:8)
  2. Be aware that evil does exist in the world but remember that Christ gives us authority in His name to overcome it. ((Mark 16:18)
  3. Be an example of His light to those you encounter, smile, help, and be attentive to other’s needs. (Matthew 5:16)
  4. Stay in the Word, and always have your Gospel Armor in place (Ephesians 6)
  5. Don’t fear those who can kill your flesh, but rather those who can “kill your soul.” (Matthew 10:28)


Number five on the above list is crucial to your spiritual growth and roots in Christ. The only One we answer to is our LORD. The only One we bow down to is to the Highest Authority in the Universe, our LORD and Savior, King of kings.

Sure, we are subject to “civil law” and “rules” in which societal norms are vitally important to exist. But make no mistake, we are under the control of the Highest Royal God, who is at the helm 24/7!

It is Him and only He that has our soul in His hands.

We have a duty as citizens to obey the rules of the land, but we have a full-blown allegiance to acquiesce to all of what God commands.

So, remembering my nieces “tower” that fell from all that weight. There is only so much world you can take in before it tries to snatch up your soul. But as faithful followers, nothing could ever take us from the love of Christ. Nothing!

Romans 8:39 -Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.


“Father my LORD, thank You for Your brilliant light, love and guidance, may I always be aware that we are dealing with daily spiritual warfare in the world, may my spirit always be in step with Your word in all I do and encounter, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”