DEAR GOD: Free to Serve Because of Thee~

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free!


For he has rescued us out of the darkness and gloom of Satan’s kingdom and brought us into the Kingdom of his dear Son,

 who bought our freedom with his blood

and forgave us all our sins.

Colossians 1:14-15


Freedom rings loud and resonates throughout the land. Christ’ blood “freed” us all. True freedom. Our souls were saved. He took on OUR sin. He paid the price for our salvation.

July 4th is an American Federal Holiday commemorating the passage of the Declaration of Independence in 1776.   Hot Dogs, Barbeque grills, corn, potato salad, lemonade, cakes, will be in many households today. The backyard of many individuals will be filled with family and friends celebrating this passage.

However, the biggest passage of “FREEDOM” was the Blood of Christ!  His was the saving of our souls.   Matthew 10:28 says, “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell. ”

Profoundly true.

And a declaration like none other!

The word soul in that context means the capacity to LIVE.

Further going on to imply, another human being can take away a life, but cannot destroy the soul.  As children of God, we will LIVE forever. Only God has the ability. And it is HE who owns our souls.

Today for those American’s celebrating the Fourth, let us not forget who the One is that gave us the freedom in the first place. The ONE who gave us the capacity to defend and prevail in circumstances throughout history. The ONE who is, was and always will be!

Father God, thank You for this day and all the days of my life, You are in control at all times, and my soul doth magnify and adoreth YOU, thank You for the Blood that set me free! In Jesus’ name, Amen”







DEAR GOD: Life Is Good~

Life Is Always So Good Because God Is Pictures, Photos, and Images for ...

Psalms 100:5 (NLT)

For the LORD is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.


Life is good.

Yes, but only with God!

The infinite love of God is powerfully present in all things, through Him they are present, and only by Him can life be good.

What does this mean exactly?  Well, it means that no matter where we are in life, or where we live, or what we are going though…we are blessed when we know God intimately.  When we know His Gospel and His commandments, we can live life in a way that otherwise wouldn’t be possible.

It’s one thing to be supported by family or friends when going through “hard times.”  But the core essence of support comes from above.  It is through His love and mercy we are able to sustain and maintain peace, no matter what we’re enduring. The fact that we can endure is only because of our faith.

Faith is powerfully soothing, especially in a community of believers. Yet, although we find it soothing to be among others of faith…when we have faith, we can feel comforted in the quiet and solitude anywhere we may be at that given moment.

Today is the day the LORD has made, let us be glad and rejoice in it!

Embrace Him!  He embraces us constantly!  In fact, He loves us so much He never ceases to protect us under His wings.

He lifts us.

He guides us.

He loves us.

Have you rejoiced today in His love and His comfort?  He’s there right now waiting.  Have you told Him lately– I accept You LORD, come into my life I need You, and I want You to come live in me, and I accept Jesus Christ as my LORD and Savior.”

His grace and love are never ending. Do you want true love in your life? If so, God’s love is the answer.

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“Father God, thank You for Your unwavering love and favor, for Your grace and compassion, and for Your faithfulness, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”