DEAR GOD: What Season is This?~


So, retirement and now what? 

According to Ecclesiastes there is a season, time and purpose for all things under heaven, while here on earth.  But sometimes, do you think, “Now what? I’ve accomplished many things; I’m getting on in years. What can possibly be next except old age and nearing death, and creaky knees, aching back, and doctors telling you, “Well— it’s natural at your age for A B C D E F G …so on and so forth!”

STOP! The worst thing you can do is sit and ponder, “what next?”  Because we know as Christians that as long as we have breath, and as long as we are here on earth, God still has plans for us!  Yes, even at “old age.”

Think about all the people who did things in their 80’s, 90’s and so on and so forth. Heck, look at Abraham!  He was 100 years old when Isaac was born to him!

Genesis 12 begins the story oAbraham (then called Abram) and his barren wife Sarah. Abraham was 75 years old when the LORD first gave Him the promise that he would father a son. Sarah was 65.  They had to wait 25 years for the fulfillment of God’s promise!

Abraham is called the father of faith (Romans 4:11–12) because of his response to God both in leaving his homeland and receiving a son in his old age.

 Genesis 15:4–5 again describes God’s promise to Abraham that his offspring would be as “the sands of the sea.” Even though Abraham was old and had no sons, he never doubted that God would do as He promised. He did not understand how such a thing could be possible, but he humbly accepted God’s word as truth.

Jesus’ mother, Mary kind of had a similar response when Gabriel visited and told her she’d be the mother of the Messiah  (Luke 1:26–38).

She didn’t c0mprehend how such a thing could be possible, since she was a virgin. But she readily accepted and never doubted God would do as He had said. This is the kind of response and the kind of deep unwavering faith that please our LORD. (Hebrews 11:6).

My point? No matter how young (David was young boy when he killed Goliath with a smooth stone! — 1 Samuel 17) or old—God has plans for us.

“Listen, observe, trust and do according to His will.

Answer the “call” when you hear Him. Readily accept and go with “Here I am LORD, use me.”

When you have that kind of attitude and are ready for His purpose, you won’t be sitting around saying, “what next?”

Are you ready to be used by the LORD not matter your age? Have you accepted assignments from Him in the past? Do you realize that as long as you are here there is still things to be done?

“Father, here I am! I love You and may Your will always be done, in Jesus name. Amen.”