Dear God: No Complaints-Today!

How To Be Successful With A No Complaint Challenge - Unfinished Success

Do all things without murmurings and disputings:

Philippians 2:14 (KJV)



Doing things without murmurings most times, can be exceedingly difficult. Our tendency as humans is to openly scowl and voice our displeasure at certain things during the course of any given day.

For example, I always murmur when I “clean the toilet bowls.”  I can’t help it! Somehow the act of cleaning a toilet bowl brings out the “murmurs” in me non-stop during the entire process!  I’m serious, I’m guilty of it!

But on a serious note. I try to do ALL things without murmuring.  And to be honest, that’s kind of hard to do.

It’s not easy to be “free” from complaints. It’s in fact a work in progress. Although I’m getting better at it, I still have some growing to do in being “free” from murmurs.

That being said, I know that my LORD is with me through good times and bad. He is with me as I do my “tasks”—yes, even cleaning the toilet bowl!

Somehow the realization and resounding truth of knowing He is with me, brings an altogether brand-new attitude. An attitude of thanks. And an attitude of peace.

There are times it takes a little while for the peace to “kick-in.”  But eventually, it happens.  His peace, promises, and love are what it’s all about.

Have you ever tried to go through the entire day without murmuring?  If so, were you successful?  Is this something you’re willing to try? 

As I go through this day, I will once again strive to be the “best I can be” in all that I do and speak. And if I complain along the way, I know He’s there with me, to turn it all around.

Most importantly, I know “He loves me” no matter what I do or say!

And somehow knowing He is with me and loves me makes me want to please Him even more!

“Father, please guide me along my path this day and every day, that I might be pleasing in your eyes, and in obedience of your will and purpose for my life, I know that Your providence over my life is powerful, engaging and filled with your grace and love, may I face this day with joy, hope and enlightenment, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.  1-Corinthians 10:10 (KJV)


Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!  Philippians 4:4 (NKJV)