DEAR GOD: Never Alone~


” …and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.”

Matthew 20:28 (KJV)


It’s an amazing feeling when the LORD suddenly quickens His word into your head, and the realization of His Presence embraces your entire being with peace, assurance and love.

There have been various circumstances over the years where I’ve been in medical situations, be it myself, husband or family, where I’ve been waiting “alone.”

The wait most times feels like an eternity has elapsed. But in reality, it can be just minutes or under an hour, sometimes a little more. the point is if you’re sitting there alone, as a patient, or waiting for word on a loved one…time becomes an elusive and disturbing reality.  It has a way of playing havoc with one’s mind, heart and soul.  If you let it!

My husband had eye surgery Wednesday, and family is in another state, friends are with their families for the long weekend, and most everyone is busy and living their lives, which is great.  So… I was waiting “alone.”  But I was not alone. I in fact, heard in my head, “I am with you always…”(Matthew 20:28)

The scripture was Clear, distinct, and resonated through my very being, right to my soul. (Hebrews 4:12) I felt His love, His embrace, and His Presence and knew all would be well. There were many issues I was concerned about, my husband has diabetes, and I was worried about his sugar, his blood pressure, and a host of many other issues.  But when I heard that scripture, all those wild rambling worrisome thoughts were tossed from my mind and thrown away into the wind. In its place, the soothing word of the LORD, His promises, and His love.  Oh….what a feeling, peace cascaded over me. Amen.

Do you realize He is with you always? When was the last time you felt His Presence and felt His peace?  Do you hear His voice? 

The next time you feel you’re “alone” remember; “He is with you always, even until the end of the world. Amen.”


Dearest LORD, thank You once again for Your peace, love, and powerful Presence in my life, especially while endeavoring to get through a stressful time, I love You, and I thank You for all You are, now, tomorrow and always, in Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”