DEAR GOD: Listening in His Name~

Matthew 7:24

For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

1 Timothy 2:5 (KJV)


Family is precious, a jewel to behold, a gift from above…and a joy to embrace. In between the “love” there may be intense times that may conflict with our ties and bonds, such as disagreements or ideologies that just don’t meld. Kind of like vinegar and water so to speak.

There also may be individuals, other than family members, who invariably will call with their problems, issues of malcontent, or reports of alleged scenarios that border of ‘gossiping.’ Of course, there are group that will want to complain endlessly about their lives, or situations that seemingly never change. Most of which they bring on themselves!  No judgement here, I promise. We are all human, and all imperfect beings.

But what do we do with all of this info cascading into our world? For me it’s a no-brainer…I look to the Holy Spirit for help and guidance in these circumstances. No matter how big, or how small, or how petty, or how mundane…I search for wisdom and the ability to mediate on what I’m being presented with, no matter what, who, why, or where.

Since Christ is our main Mediator, and sits alongside our Father, it’s only natural that I run to Him. And there have been times I have literally ran into my space of “grace” and prayed fervently for His help.  He never fails to provide, Amen!

I look to His Word, and listen to His voice of reason, to quell, help, or ease any situations, or diffuse any malcontent individual, or individuals, by His strength, and His ability to direct me in all aspects of what’s happening.

Does this help me?  Oh yes it does! By placing my trust and complete confidence in the LORD, His love strengthens me, and gives me the innate ability to discern what to say, how to say it, and most importantly, “how to listen.”  His provisions are endlessly there each and every time.

Family members both near and far call me. I realized early on in life, that this was one of my gifts from God the spirit of listening.  No doubt the reason for the success I’ve had in my career in the nursing home industry. I listened, counseled, and tried to readily apply the tenets of Christianity into all I did, and do.

Are you listening to those around you?

Do you answer them by listening to God and His word?

The answers are there for you, all you have to do is “look, ask, believe.”


“Father, thank You for providing all the answers I need, and never letting me down, You are my Rock and Tower of strength, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”



*Picture courtesy of Daily