DEAR GOD: Gathering Peace in a Noisy World~


Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27 (KJV)


Noise and unsettling views can catapult us into a seemingly endless spiral of chaos and uneasiness, if we let it.

Speaking personally, I’d rather embrace the word of God, and His promises because I choose to, and I love Him. And quite honestly… to offset the ugliness of the world.  I fully immerse myself in His voice and aspire to live by the very tenets of Christianity and all it entails.

When I “hear” Jesus’ words in John 14:27, I feel He is speaking directly to “me” and I hold and receive that promise, and engage in all that it means to be loved by Him.

The rewards of being redeemed by Christ and knowing we are safely ensconced under His protective wings of mercy and love is enough to “silence the harsh ugly realities” of the world’s voice.

The merit of being a follower and being unwavering in faith is difficult to put into words, but it is a feeling that fulfills me in ways I’ve never been before. His Word to me is a spoken guarantee of His love, and His provisions over my life.

It’s like Christ gives us the power in His name to “squash” the darkness and flood it with light.  And the quell the uneasiness within to a balm for my soul. His word, and His name is power, and at the same time it is like a mewing kitten, as it settles over me time and time again. The realization that He is giving me and leaving me His peace, is an actualization that brings me to my knees in thanksgiving.

Whom am I to fear when He is with me always?

Why should I listen to “noise” of the world, when I have His peace?

When you hear the screeching sounds of the world, do you listen for His voice instead?

Tuning in to the Spirit and trusting in Him at all times while accepting His voice and promises in the Word is the only way to go while here in the flesh. Only He can show us the way, bring truth, and give us life. (John 14:6)

“Father, thank You for Your Son, Christ, thank You for the promises of the word, and showing and leading us with truth, and ultimately giving us life, the noise of the world is silenced because of You, in Jesus name, Amen.”