DEAR GOD: Never Straying, Always Staying & Ever Praying~




So, Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 

  John 8:31-32 (ESV)

When a decision of importance is placed upon your head and heart, what do you do with it? Do you turn to God for His Wisdom and direction? Or do you call a friend? Perhaps make the decision unilaterally without any consultation?

I can say from personal experience that all the moves, decisions, or choices I’ve made with God, and praying about it, have all worked out exceedingly well.

Consequently, the ones I made in a moment or without thinking through it, most importantly, “praying” about it, have all been futile, and hapless overall.


Stay.  Staying with God, and being a follower of His ways, commandments, and accepting His love, is a gift. When He knocks on our heart and calls us ever so softly to come and “stay,” through His Words, and His Spirit guides us to steadily follow Him, we are assured the rewards of Eternal Life. The Comforter is here to stay, and how joyous is that declaration?  (John 16:7)


Don’t stray.  Be on board with God’s Word, and trust in Him with all of your heart and soul, acknowledge Him fully, and He will direct your paths. That’s one of many promises He makes, and He never disappoints or lets us down.  (Proverbs 3:5)

Pray.  Taking everything to God in prayer, is popular in songs, and in theory. But how many of us can honestly say, we in fact take “everything” to Him? Bringing our burdens and issues, and laying them down by the river, or at His feet, will strengthen our Christianity, and our unity in the Spirit. He hears our prayers, He sees our tears, and He heals our broken hearts. Taking everything to Him prayer is our inherent blessings as Children of God. And it solidifies and declares we believe in Him and surrender fully to Him in all we do and say. (Philippians 4:6-7)

I can honestly say, “I never want to stray, I want to stay with the LORD, and I enjoy when I pray. Amen.”


“Father, thank You for sending the Comforter to us, for guiding us, for loving us, and for bringing truth, light, love and LIFE to us, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”